Hero's voice daily / 每日名言堂

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

1、 @clayop :The results show that influence is much higher than whales' actual steem power, especially by active whale bots.
comment:The best solution is to Decentralized power.
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2、 @laonie :My proposal: reduce the withdraw channel from 104 weeks to 104 days or even 104 hours to make steemit less like a ponzi scheme
comment:Long time lock increases the risk of funds, which is what most people do not want to see.
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3、 @dantheman :Some people have suggested that we reduce the power down period to improve market liquidity. I have been thinking about the economics of this and wanted to share my thoughts.
comment:It is nothing new, old platitude.
评论: 总体没啥新意,老调常谈。
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4、 @ericvancewalton :You think you know me,but do you really?
comment: A nice little poem.
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5、 @steemcleaners :Steemcleaner Report for the Week.
comment: The effect is not obvious, there have always many bots.
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6、 @simba :The winner is the first to guess what's in the picture.Winner will be announced after payout.
comment: Good program, oh, but I really can not see what it is.
评论: 不错的节目哦,可惜我实在看不出来是啥。
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7、 @curie :Project Curie is a community project run by several Steemit authors. Its mission is to help reward content creators who are posting great original content, yet who have not yet become established.
comment: A good project, but I hope to be fair to the author, in particular, the Chinese author. Recommend my original poems-The song of era
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8、 @mynameisbrian :All users visiting the verification page are now able to navigate directly to the author's other social networking pages and personal websites in order to obtain a better picture of the author.
comment:It's a good idea, the WeChat and QQ must be in it.
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@lemooljiang #steemdaily 10/9/2016


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