Should Post # Be Based Off Reputation?

in #steemit8 years ago

I am not a huge fan of this 4 post per day thing, I get it's to combat spam. But is this the best that Steemit can do ?

4 Posts A Day Is Generous

When I first heard about this rule, I got terrified. But I felt releif when it was a 4 post limit. Four posts gives you a lot to talk about and post.
It's the Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner posts, And heck you can finish your night with dessert even.
It Gives you wiggle room, If you feel like posting something long, or short. You can do 2 shorts and 2 longs, Or mix it up in any fashion.

My addiction To Steemit Hates This Rule

I find myself staring at my blog, Looking at the hours
....18 hours ago by Kaylinart
..... 21 hours ago by Kaylinart
.... 23 hours ago by Kaylinart

As soon as it hits the 24, I feel a sense of relief. One of my posts has "expired" I can come up with something new to write.
But lets be honest here, I feel almost like a little kid waiting for a snack.
I can't have it right now, But I can have it in an hour.

Pros of this rule

  • Keeps the Spammers at bay,
  • Gives everyone a more fair chance.
  • Possibly increases the curation rewards for some people, Because they are more likely to be noticed.
  • It helps readers find the higher quality content quicker.

Cons of this rule

  • Somewhat restrictive. On days where I write a lot it kind of sucks, I have to store future articles in my Evernote for future use.
  • For people who like to write more than read, It may cause them to spend less time on Steemit.
  • For people who would rather read, Than write. It may also cause them to spend less time on Steemit, Because less variety may be posted by certain people.

Possible Solution

Base reputation number on how many posts you are allowed per day, Before the new alogrthim chimes in.
This gives higher quality Steemit people more flexibility on how many they can post and how often. Some of us may not even hit the 4 posts a day on a regular basis. But if you have a huge amount of ideas one day, Wouldn't be nice to post a bit extra?

Pros of this

  • Gives people with a better reputation more posting power.
  • Makes things more flexible with those people so they can post when they want easier.
  • Allows people with lots of ideas make lots of posts in one day about a variety of subjects as necessary.
  • Gives readers a larger blend of short articles and longer articles.

Cons of this

  • Your typical "rich get richer" kind of thing, The Have nots, have even less chances to move up in the Steemit community.
  • Less exposure to people who post less, Unless of course their post goes viral much faster.

What do you think of all of this? It's just some ideas I"ve been juggling in my mind.
I'm so proud and happy that I'm an (8) But at the same time, I wonder how much of a difference it makes overall. I would love that extra posting power.

Here is a painting I did of a minnow! Hahahah A perfect way to end this post


4 posts per day is bad for time critical posts.

Lets say a news agency or a press house were to publish on steemit. The agency can't have a instance, where news isn't released, because there is a spam blockade in front of them. Meaning it's bad for them.

SO true! Thats why the reputation thing could work, If higher numbered people like ourselves were allowed to post more, Then that would give us a nice chunk of power, But also if we were posting "bad content" we could possibly start going down on reputation. that way it would balance out and people would post only good content.

I'm sure the devs will figure something out.

Yeah probably :( Jerks! I wish this place could be spam free, But of course thats impossible.

But you won't post bad content. You'll post 'meh' content. Not bad enough to get voted down, not good enough to make money.

Yeah there would definitely need to be some tweaking. I'm not the best writer, But I do try to post as high quality content as I can. I'm still trying to improve, I feel that we all are. Not all of us have a lot of crazy stuff in our lives.

I didn't mean to suggest your posts are meh -- just that I would rather read your four best

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There's a reason you have negative rep.

hahah So True Ubg, When will people learn!

I upvoted your post but I say no to this. Your proposal will make it harder for those who haven't yet broken through. In addition, nothing is stopping you from posting more than four times a day! Go right ahead and post again.

Thats okay if you disagree, I was just posting my thoughts :) I wanted to hear a variety of opinions on this.
True! I can post again

You make some good points, but how much more than 4 things can you have to say in one day? Personally, it helps me keep my addiction at bay. At some point, it makes me put my computer away and interact with the world around me (still pretty new here, I think that will start to wear off soon...I hope). Anyway, I wouldn't make it much more than four because of the exposure thing - maybe 5 for people with mid-high ratings and 6 for the highest rating. Oh and what does the baby pic have to do with your post?

I just thought the baby was funny so I posted it, Besides he's behind a "glass" being restricted. and he's a baby. I feel like that explains how I feel about this 4 post thing. Hahaha.

My addiction has honestly gotten worse. LIke I said in the article. Sometimes I write more than 4 a day, and I store them in my Evernote Until I can post again

ah, the baby thing makes a lot more sense to me now... And that's not good news - so I may get MORE addicted??

Yes :) I could spend all day on here honestly, But I have other things to do like coloring books, So I have to physically force myself to stop because Steemit can't be my only income source.

I think we should have to pay for our posts so we are able to post as much as we want as long as they generate upvotes or we have bitcoins to reinvest

That is also a good idea! Id be down with that. Of course as long as posting isn't too expensive lol.

It would also take care of the bot problem, because the bots would be too expensive to run.

OMG I didn't even think of that. That would be amazing.

The biggest benefit to a pay system is that there would be fewer posts, due to the writers being more critical of their own work and each post would be of a higher caliber, which would make it much easier for our work to gain more exposure.

@kaylinart, thanks for the upvotes, you are welcome to use this idea for another article, I think you could explain it much more eloquently than I can :)

Holy cow @gonzo This is a genius idea! Maybe charge like 5.00 SBD for each post?! I think that would be a reasonable amount, Too expensive for spam. But cheap enough that most people can reasonably afford it. Would that mean we would need to start our new people out with a little money? Or would we force them to make their own from the start?

I am not sure about the price, I was thinking that people might start out with enough to make 25 - 50 articles, so they could learn what to do and what not to do.

That is a really good idea! I think expecting them to earn the money right away from the start would be difficult, Unless of course their intro post does really well, But if it doesn't it seems like they would be screwed.

Maybe there could be some sort of grace period or something, it is almost like we need a Steemit education before we post anything now, so they would need some advantage.

SO true! Maybe we could do a short Steemit class/Tutorial for them in the beginning, When I first started here I literally felt like a fish out of water! How do I do.. What ? Wait is this!? haha So much confusion.

@kaylinart I still feel like a fish out of water, I am going follow you but I am not sure how I can reach you if I postpone the competition.

But you can post as much as you want. Even 20 per day. The only thing that changes is that posts after the fourth will make less money. So you could easily put all your valuable content in those 4 over each day and then use additional posts for more content.
I think 4 is a good rule, that is enough to write 4 bigger posts but prevents lots of 1-2 small sentences posts and gif posting for the lulz which create lots of noise but bring not much information.
All in all this rule brings that you need to put your information more bundled and compact into the space you have (4 posts) if you` re interested in making money on those posts. Else simply post.
Same for news, i don` t need a single news every 10 minutes, but i would prefer longer news articles with more information.

I get what you mean Rznag, I hate those 1-2 sentence post, they are silly. I like longer ones, Or medium sized ones. Thank you for telling me what your preferences are, Very insightful.

I agree with you though :)

I have a feeling that something more along the lines of what you suggest is probably in the works. The current system was a fairly quick and simple solution for a growing problem, and I know it was said that a more sophisticated system might be put into place if problems were found with the current one.

So true! I have a lot of respect for their decision. But I also feel like this post will give us the ability to propose new ideas as well.

It definitely was a good idea for emergency action, I'm just curious what they have in store for us long term.

Somewhat restrictive. On days where I write a lot it kind of sucks, I have to store future articles in my Evernote for future use.

See the bright side: The "scarcity" of how many posts we can write has the unintended consequence of us wanting to post more. We are inherently alienated by restrictions so when we are told "you can't do this" then we want to do it. So it's an indirect incentive at posting. Human nature at its best.

Hehe so true! Before this rule, I maybe posted 1-3 times a day, now all the sudden I want to post more! It's amazing how my brain just changed it's tune. Kind of silly actually.

Back in the 1820s, a local governor wanted to introduce the farming of potatoes in Greece. He tried to convince the farmers to plant it but they didn't want the new plant and nobody was cultivating it. So he played some theatrics: He pretended to lock up the seeds in a storage facility which would be "heavily guarded" due to their value. He spread rumors of the seeds and the facility and then he allowed the guards to look the other way in order for farmers to start stealing the seeds. And, as the story goes, that's how potatoes started getting cultivated over here :D

OMG!! I love that you know that, that is a great story! Its very interesting to watch our desire levels as things get taken away, It's like the disney movies getting locked in a vault! Then all the sudden everyone wants them.

Yep... it's reverse psychology - making you do something by telling you the opposite... or making something useless desirable by making it inaccessible or rare... we, humans, are quite something...

(I also found the story on wiki btw: scroll down to "Administration")

There is no 4 post limit.

Assuming a post has received votes worth at least a sum greater than zero, no matter how much you post - you will always have a return greater than zero.

The limit is just a depreciation in payout, which is always greater than zero.

So, no.

Spammers aren't discouraged, because they still stand to make a positive return.

So true! So does this hurt regular people posting content more? Because Spammers don't seem too hurt by it. Unless of course they post a lot, They have one post go viral, Then They lose those rewards a little bit, But like you said, They still get more than 0.

Yep, and that's the sad part. It's a penalty on regular users, because it puts pressure on them to earn more with fewer posts, lest their earnings for posts beyond 4 (tbh I'd say beyond 6-8) are cut enough that the reward wasn't worth time invested.

So true! While I enjoy being on here in general. The rewards to help me stay on here. I mean I couldn't spend hours writing an article if I was working two full time jobs to support myself. The financial gain from it, Allows us to have a nice balance. And we definitely need to come up with a system that doesn't punish those posting good content.

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