in #steemit6 years ago

Is this worth my time anymore, am i making enough effort, am i spending to much time on here. Its definitely a big massive YES for my last question.

Me & Steemit have battled for over 2 years, its been hard work as i spend a good amount of my time on here reading and voting.

Am i going off Steemit, Possibly i find it a full time job, hard work and draining at times. I worked hard to build up a friends base as we all did but one thing i really really can't stand on here is the bot voting, members soon lose touch with others as they move on quickly, some stay in touch They are why I'm still here You know who you are others stick you on there bot list for a small % and probably dont bother to read your posts anymore. For a social media site I don't find it very social.

The sad thing is i am now starting to use other sites Instagram or even Facebook to keep myself entertained through the day. ***YES I KNOW THEY DONT PAY *** at the minute i don't care as its just for fun and my posts on here get lost in the rubbish.

So why stick around... I don't know anymore

Thank you son-of-satire


I agree that engagement around here comes as goes. But I stay as I treat this as one stream of income among several. I've meet good people here. I've met more on Twitter and Facebook, but still it does bring in some income.

It does bring in a little i agree, just sometimes its hard work. Maybe it's just me having an off day. Lol

NO DOUBT that it is bringing less than before.

But like you I've been here when Steem was $4 and when it was 7 cents.

You just never know.

There's a lot of members leaving which has slowed our votes down. Hopefully it will pick up again

I notice that as well.

Check out WeKu. A lot of our friends are over there now. It is a little brother to Steemit. https://deals.weku.io/pick_account?referral=cecicastor

I've already signed up. Not sure i have the patience for 2 sites lol

I think I am using WeKu more now. Steemit is losing its charm...

I agree with you there. :)

Who else will reply to an old Kiwi if you go?

You can come with me, i don't have many friends lol :)

I think you're right. Sometimes I feel so frustrated, I already have a year here but I really can not leave here is where I get a little money, living in Venezuela is not easy. Steemit is my only help...

I can imagine its really hard bless you. Hope things pick up for you soon :)

It may not be much for you, but for me it's a lot. It's a surprise you saw how I'm crying, thank you very much dear Karen God bless you always. What you have given me I will use it for my mom's birthday gift many thanks❤💕

You are welcome hunny. I am glad it will make your life just a little bit easier :)

Thank you very very much! You are one of those many angels that steemit has given me and helped me to have a better life. I hope this God gives it back to you but with a lot of love from your family❤

Thank you. I hope your mum has a wonderfull
Birthday :)

I expect the same. Although she hates her birthday because that same day my dad died

Oh that is very sad I'm sorry hun. Do something special on that day too celebrate your mum's birthday and celebrate your dads life :)

I have sent a little gift :)

Aww..I understand it is tough. Wish I could make it better but I simply don't know how. I am just now building up a head of steam, so to speak and like you, I don't have time for two sites lol.

I have wrote a little post over there, its not doing c any better than on here 😂.
Ive been trying for 2 years, its like a full time job.

lol I work a full time job and wish I had more time to post. Right now I have to settle for mostly memes with an occasional longer post, but soon I intend to devote more time here.

I'm the opposite, i don't work and spend all my spare time on here... my brain can't take it anymore lol

LOL there's bound to be a happy medium somewhere! Give your brain permission to shut down now and then lol

I don't think it would wake up again LOL i need a recharge i think :)

I feel the same way sometimes, but I just stay and try my best and that is all I can do.
I do understand your frustration especially when we put a lot of time and effort into it for a while now and nothing happens, but I hope you will stay here with us because we are lucky to have you here with us, dear friend.

Ahh that's sweet thank you. I have my friends on here (you included) that i would miss.
It is a lot of effort and takes up a lot of time, very frustrating when you see the same members get all the luck.

I truly appreciate where you are coming from you have been on here longer than I have and you have done an amazing job building up your reputation and meeting new people. But at the same time steemit has done much for you also I believe reading some of your past stories and the help it has given you. My advice to you is to take a sabbatical, and do something away for a while and when you feel refreshed return. But don't return on a full time basis and find a good balance.

Steemit has helped me alot and you right about finding a balance but when your housebound there's nothing much else to do shop you pop on here then forget to leave LOL

Well there is always knitting lol

Oh no i can't knit i just make a mess LOL

I hear ya. One thing I know is that since I really cut back on posting..(.I get too busy and just don't put in the time like I used to, ) but it means that I really don't get the hits like I used to either. I've been wanting to get up to 66 rating forEVER, but I just do not post enough. Oh well, at this point, it's a diversion when I get the time, and well, let's just say I'm hodling for now ;0)

Im the same, been trying to get too 70, its taking ages. I used to live this place but sometimes get the feeling I'm invisible. Sad times :(

def don't take it personally...it's' just a message board after all ;-) maybe when the price goes up a wee bit, the luster will come back!

I never seem to get any of the luster 🙄
You never know maybe my time is coming just don't hold your breathe 😂😂

I sometimes wonder. But then I've met so many good people and doggies on here.

I don't always comment, it seems I have things to do, but I always smile at your dogs antics.

My way of saying I hope you don't go. I'd miss you something awful.

Thank you :) and my doggies say thank you too :)

I feel much the same frustration...

But I think I'm here for the long haul anyway.



A glutton for punishment just like me 😂

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