Steemit has gone to the dog(eater)s, all steem is trapped unable to even sell out

in #steemit5 years ago

The first posts I see today are three prompt resignations by the top steemit developers and node operators or witnesses, as they’re called. As Justin Sun and Tron take over Steemit, it appears to be crashing. I just tried to sell some of my steem on Blocktrades, and it says “this coin is under maintenance.” If that does not look suspicious then I don’t know what does.

steemit blocktrades under maintenance.png

The dog-eaters have taken over the steemit platform and it is sinking like a stone. The top devs are abandoning the sinking ship like rats. Not that they are rats – they have honorably done the right thing, or have been pushed out. They cannot abide by the hostile takeover of the project by Sun who has just used the mass of steem or SP to shoehorn in his own witnesses. So the honorable ones, who have put their lives over the past years into the project, are exiting.

It’s a perfect storm all going down, way down. I have zero faith in this steem or steemit project, but them I’m a nobody who has very little knowledge of the inner workings of the system. I simply create content, curate and accumulate steem for my efforts. But the FUD is overwhelming to a nobody like me who has been here for only 18 months. How bad must it look to the insiders at the top who are bailing today? And how bad must it look to the newcomers?

It was inevitable. When you gave (sold for a fat profit) the steemit project to the Chinese gambling addicts at Tron, you were courting trouble. I won’t discuss their eating habits since that has nothing to do with the blockchain. But the gambling dapps on Tron, and my knowledge of the Chinese psyche and culture leaves me no doubt that this is a big gamble and I want out. I cash out, power down, fold my hand, as far as all this is concerned.

I don’t need this stress and uncertainty thank you, so you lost me there Tron. I have to wait now for 13 weeks in limbo while my power down trickles in. What a joke. And now the steem and steemit I already have available is in limbo, sorry “under maintenance”. I feel robbed yet again. What a crime. My steem is not my steem today, literally. It is like a “bank holiday”. Where they see a bank run for legit reasons – crash time – and they just shut their doors, no way to even access your funds.

If anyone knows more then pray tell. Do we just sit here having just lost control of our own account funds? Who has the control over my funds? What kind of blockchain is this? Centralized now more than ever. Right at this crucial time of Mercury retrograde, Coronavirus, stock market crash, global slowdown and probably great depression. Well tell me otherwise if you have a different perspective as I sure would like to hear it.

“Withdraw all your steem from the exchanges” – that is the new clarion call guys. The dog eaters are using your own steem against you, via the exchanges who hold your steem. Well my steem is not even in my power today thanks to Blocktrades who have it “under maintenance”. So I’m stuck in limbo. As are you all, no one can sell any of their steem today. It’s all blocked by Blocktrades.

This too may pass, we hope, but right now it looks bad, suspicious. I will never encourage anyone at all to think of joining steemit. You have lost all credibility. Sun has ruined it. Wait, Ned has ruined it, he sold to Sun and left us all in this situation. Steemit goes from bad to worse day by day. FUD and sentiment is at an all time tragic state. Don’t listen to me. Ask why the 3 top devs just resigned, all at once, today. Try to sell your steem. You can’t. Perhaps the “under maintenance” will be


This is such an interesting time. Having invested nothing other than my time, I'm just going to watch and wait.

Worst day in steemit history today. I have also only ever invested time, lots of it, like 18 months. And that means a lot to me, what to speak of all the steem in my wallet which is now frozen, thanks to "maintenance". I am powering down, though it's useless to me. All my hard work writing so I could earn money for FOOD, stuck in limbo over some political power struggle by megalomaninac tron criminals. I am steeming.

Likewise, I've been here coming up 3 years and see my time as sweat equity. I do blog via WP and fortunately that's going nowhere. I'm in #operationostrich because I'd rather leave the SP where it is and see what happens. It really is early days and I have to believe that someone would invest in a crypto to destroy it is sheer lunacy. This spat was bound to happen - in whatever guise - it was in the making from get go. There is too much emotion flying around right now.

I too, have spent more time on Steemit than I should have, in the hopes of it mooning and so that I had both crypto and potential income. Time I can't get back. The writing is there and I'm glad about that. For the rest, I'm taking, as I said, a more sangine, wait-and-see approach. For what it's worth, I'm always a glass-half-full girl.

I hope your steem reduces to something more palatable. Soon.

Be well.

Thanks, here is the proof of crime:
It is a war now. And this war could destroy the steemit blockchain. And millions of dollars worth of people's hard-earned money currently in steem token. No one wanted to destroy the blockchain but the criminals have started a war. At best there will be a hard fork, a new blockchain altogether, with our tokens secure.

Thank you for this, Julian. I agree and looking at Twitter, it's bigger than Steemit. I think it's a matter of time until things come to a real head.

This is painful to our Decentralized way of doing things around here

@justinsunsteemit was able to secure the 65 mil steem by using the Steem from exchanges and replaced witnesses .

Now that was something we didn't expect!

However ,@justinsunsteemit controls everything except the community I guess

But for now good bye decentralisation !

Destroyed my faith in the steemit blockchain. Stupid design, now gone horribly wrong. As for the exchanges, destroyed my faith in them too, especially the dog eaters of China, like Binance. CZ is another big criminal and Sun is his partner in business. We have been Shanghai-ed.

“This too will pass” is a good call 🙏🏽

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