My '5-500-5000' Plan For 2018

in #steemit7 years ago

My 5-500-5000 Plan For 2018.png

Being relatively new to Steemit, I have spent the better part of the past month learning and soaking up all the amazing advice that's put out daily here.

From crypto investing to Steemit etiquette, proper vlogging techniques to even learning Markdown language (still a work in progress obviously), I'm finding myself lost in the incredible content within Steemit.

So a huge tip of the hat to you, the original Steemians that have paved the way for us noobies! We're grateful to be here and will do our best to keep the train rolling :)

That being said, I have put together a little goal setting plan that I'm going to follow over the next 12 months in the attempt to take this minnow account I currently have and develop it into something sizeable maybe even...Dolphin-esque :)

This is a straight forward plan that is laid out so that anyone can benefit from following it, but please do add your comments and let me know if you think I'm on the right path or swimming up the wrong stream.

I call it my 5-500-5000 plan and here's how it will work;

5 New Interactions A Day

Here's the fuel that will get this plan moving. Without interactions with other Steemians, your account will remain stagnant. Sure you can spend a million bucks on Steem but this is the slow and steady approach. Every day I plan on interactions with 5 new people on Steemit.

I'll say hi, comment on their stuff, maybe upvote some great content but what's important is that this is 5 NEW people...Each day! This will start helping us move to the next step in the plan but without this first step....The PEOPLE...Nothing else matters.

Attract 500 Followers

I'm on the right path I think :) But this is a good goal for anyone to hit. Remember the last step in the plan, we are interacting with 5 new people a day. There will be some trickle down effect and sure you may get an upvote or two...But you will start generating new followers because that's how this entire place works.

Put in great value, content and take part in the community...People will pay attention and start to follow you!

It's that simple. Shoot for a few followers a day and start turning that into dozens a week, you'll hit 500 in no time :)

Oh and here's a big tip too...Which I've learned from guys like @brandonfrye and @joeparys Become an evangelist for this platform! When you are out there on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram...Spread the good word about Steemit! If you become their first experience to this platform you will have a follower for life :)

Invest To Get 5000 Steem Power In Your Account

This comes direct from a recent post by @stackin where he shows new Steemians the best way to get on the 'whales' radar. And that's my investing in the platform itself.

We are in a very unique position and if you listen to some of the crypto experts out there, Steem and SBD have the potential to hit $100 USD this year if not more. That's all speculation and stuff but think about what this platform truly represents....It's what social media should have been in the first place. And that's worth investing in for me!

So I will slowly but surely build my account up to have 5000 Steem Power by the end of 2018. Maybe it will happen sooner if I get some awesome readers like you to upvote me ;)

Regardless, this is something I believe in...So spending my money on Steem Power is a no brainer!

Follow these 3 steps or develop you own 5-500-5000 plan and I almost guarantee....Your 2018 will be one of the best years you've ever had online...

Easy to remember;

5 New Interactions A Day
5000 In Steem Power



This is an awesome idea/gameplan for everyone to follow. Engagement, Interaction, Building a following and Investing in the platform.. you literally can't go wrong. Keep up the awesome work man! You're inspiring all of us and helping to ensure Steemit is a place for everyone to succeed.

Thanks man, slow and steady for me but big vision for what this stuff can become. Appreciate the support and encouragement sir.

That is a good plan. Have you heard about the GaryV 1.80$ instagram plan?

It's basically giving your opinion on 90 post a day(2cents) by commenting on 10 hashtag top posts that relates to you. So each hashtag as 9 top post comment on all of them 10 different tags. But the important part is good comment no spamming

I Am planing on implementing a different variation of it on here

I love his approach to IG, and it can definitely be manipulated to suit Steemit! Gary Vee would be an amazing advocate for this platform - he would blow the roof off it

Oh he would be. And he's into crypto, he just doesn't talk about it much. He's too about those awful New York Jets lol *apologies if you guys are fans lol

Haha he is and forever will be a beast. Love your strategy though @jongolson - I might have to utilise it for myself , Seema very feasible for newcomers that are willing to grind

Oh for sure. And that's just it. I think that's very achievable goals for anyone. Whale or minnow, anyone can do these simple things. Be interesting to follow everyone that tries this out...See where we are in a few months :)

Challenge accepted. Best of luck my dude

Nice! I'll hold you too it lol 3 month check up on March 15th lol

Done. Calendar marked..

Nah, I will have to check that out. I used to follow him hardcore, bought all his books and saw him live....Just fallen out of touch with what he does these days...I know he still 'crushes it' ;) lol

So. It is amazing how alike you and I think. My goals and targets were slightly different but... It's about having a plan to STICK to going forward.

For the record, I have now uncovered the $2.39 window in the presentation (I think you should re-issue that in Steem) and am aiming for the next reveal!

Thanks Jon.

Yeah man, that's what I'm doing. Everything reinvested. Nothing held back lol Going long on this one :)

I like what you've done here. Like you, I'm soaking in as much information as I can get, trying to develop my own goals. One thing I learned from Instagram is to engage with your followers, so you can grow organically. By doing so you start to see that you follow a lot of the same people and the support gets shared pretty often that way. Good luck on your journey in 2018 and beyond!

Thank you sir, much appreciated. And yeah for me it's just a daily thing, connecting and interacting with others. And that done the road, will pay off. Slow and steady :)

Hey man good post and I like your approach. I’m new here as well and thinking of ways to grow organically rather than bots and buying votes etc. I really think that stuff needs to leave steemit for the community to attract new users and really grow. I have invested in STEEM to power up. Wonder if I should exchange my last ETH for more STEEM. Well I’ll have to keep some for gas but I’m tempted!

Oh I love ETH...I think that's a huge store of value especially in 2018. But I'm pretty new to crypto investing too, so who knows....Knowing my luck it'll end up being the year of Tron instead lol But yeah I mean....I'm just building it up slowly. Not dropping thousands right away, but slowly a few a day...And eventually it'll start adding up :) Thanks a ton for the comments. Much appreciated!

thanks for sharing, Jon. written two years ago and still very relevant today October 12, 2019. that is what defines great content from the ordinary! keep up the awesomeness, champ.

Amazing goals and as always, an inspiration to the rest of us noobs. I thnk you are right on about this being about the people!

Thanks man, yeah it really is. The more we interact the better!

You got a 9.13% upvote from @mercurybot courtesy of @jongolson!

Wow @jongolson!

You had an ambition plan but it looks like you will meet your goals, and even surpass your goals for 2018!

The current downtrend can actually be a blessing, since you will be able to acquire Steem for a cheap price and break your 5,000 Steem goal.

I'm happy you have done so well for yourself, and good luck with the rest of your goals!

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