Steemit Lesson on Bandwidth, or Puzzled Again

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Pretty much every morning I have been out of bandwidth. It's 7:22 am now and by this time I have no bandwidth at all. But this morning, I have 37.22% but it is dropping fast. It may be gone before I finish this post.

I should say, before I am ready to post this post. I will finish it and post it later if I have to wait. It's at 27.40%. Going fast. It will be gone for most of the morning. But the good thing is, I am now learning to do what needs to be done in that Steemit-down time.

I'm working on an update of an old plotting concept that is in the public domain. It's a rewrite of sorts. I have to remove and replace language that may have been perfectly acceptable in 1928 but is now racist, sexist, elitist, and classist. The concept is just dandy.

Another project is my Zenobia serial. You can catch it here:

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

And...I'm out of bandwidth. By noon, I will be wallowing in it.

I have been enjoying contests and challenges here and exploring the idea of playing with art...fractal art. @angelacs had a fractal art journey that I am following.

I am going to use this downtime for other things too. Like going to an exercise class and doing a bit of a digital detox.

The lesson I learned from Steemit and its bandwidth allocation is that I need to do what must be done and not always what I want to do when I want to do it. Because I have been self-employed most of my adult life, I set my own schedule and put my own pleasures first. Deadlines be damned, I want to read this book. Meetings be damned, I want to play online. And so it always went.

Steemit has turned the tables on me. Posting and commenting be damned, you are out of bandwidth!

P.S. Bandwidth is back. It's 8:02 am. That's a record. I'm posting this now before it goes again. Oh it's gone again. But on, I discovered this "Last Bandwidth Update 2018-03-07, 07:09". Hmmm, it seems like it is not just me doing something to use up the bandwidth but some sort of system wide usage level of steempower.


Yeah i notice that too with my bandwidth in the mornings

Doing my thing here while I have bandwidth! I feel your pain. It's out here most of the morning for me too and it's irritating but like you said, we can do other things while Steemit is down, I guess.

But but -- I don't wanna! I want to prowl around Steemit and see what I missed and comment on it. The odd thing is that my BW came back before 10:30 am.

You know what? I never ran out today! I have a feeling I got on so late that the "no bandwidth" issue happened before I logged in.

I'm going to have to change my day around. It is as simple as that. But I did get a few things done this morning including cleaning out my closet.

Oh and setting up a plr package.

I washed the dishes and listed a few things on Etsy. I need to post my next contest and see if it gets seen more if I do it earlier in the day. Like they say: You can't win if you don't play! haha!

Yes. I'm bucking up on the bandwidth thing more as I'm publishing posts more often now on Steemit. It seemed to happen less when I was mostly commenting the first two weeks or so I was here.

But the morning was always bad. So thanks for this post. I didn't realize it was a system-wide busy time thing.

JUST got back enough BW to post publish a post that's been ready for almost two hours. BUT that led me to look for an online markdown editor I can use without having to cut a from Steemit's editor that I'm waiting on BW to publish. is supposed to be a good markdown editor.

Sometimes having a 9-to-5 job is good because it forces me to be active on Steemit at night. I've got bandwidth for days right now. :-)
And I'm also way behind on Zenobia. I'll have to rectify that this weekend.

Yes, there is a silver lining to a 9-5 job. Well there are several silver linings. One big one being that paycheck thing. The bandwidth thing has caused me to rearrange my day. I have a question for you: I planned to do 5 episodes a week. Do you think that is too many? Maybe 3 or 4 a week. I don't want to flood people with episodes but I don't want them to forget about them. Decisions, decisions! :-)

Hmm that is a great question. I feel like I'm the worst person to ask in the world right now since I haven't been able to be as active on Steemit this week. My gut response is three. Three is enough to keep the story in people's minds but not too much to where they get too behind. Also, I don't know how much you've already written but spacing the episodes further out will give you more time to write more episodes.

We had a mind meld!! I figure I will aim for Monday, Wednesday, & Friday posting the episodes. Thank you for the feedback.

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