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RE: Announcing Project Curie: Bringing Rewards and Recognition to Steemit’s Undiscovered and Emerging Authors

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This fails to excite or encourage me because your guidelines show an air of the bratty self righteousness of a parent speaking down to his/her children and then complaining their kids are brats. I'm sorry but no political posts?!?!

Seriously you expect mature adults to use this site or children? We can't avoid politics anymore than we can avoid social justice worriers (yep, it's spelled that way on purpose)

Right now politics is the reason YouTube has changed it's terms of service and it's removing anyone that is remotely controversial because they aren't deemed "Advertiser Friendly".

You make this an unfriendly place for the Anarchist types that have the most to gain from a censorship resistant platform and you're just going to shoot yourselves in the foot.

Wake the fuck up and vote this up, because if I don't get some upvotes soon, I'll just be another guy who posted shit on here for a few weeks and gave up on Steemit's potential.

Potential is the nicest thing I can say about this place right now.

Chris Ray Gun is mad, and I was thinking of recommending he post stuff here, but he talks about politics, swears and isn't very "Advertiser Friendly" and posts like this won't make him feel welcome.

This was long enough to be a post so it is, it'll be my last if this becomes another copyright protecting, politically correct, controversy free zone.

Don't let Steemit die an uncontroversial, politically correct death. If you want to do something about it, vote for controversial content and stop pandering to the PC and copyright police!!!


It has nothing to do with controversy, rather diversity, politics, religion, photography, Steemit, these are all topics getting a lot of coverage. As a result, lots of people are misstagging their posts just so they can be seen.

It's not that we have anything against controversy, if you read mine and quite a few members of the team's articles you'll realise that. We just want to see a diverse range of subjects being rewarded, which increases the chances of people joining because they feel they have something to offer outside of 4 or 5 subjects.


EDIT: With titles such as your latest post, calling Steemit a pile of shit, on a personal level, I will never put anything like that up for being voted, because it sounds, angry and negative to me, and if I am going to promote controversy, I will do that without being spiteful and rude.

If that offends you, then I guess we are offending each other, because I clicked on you to read some of your articles, however that title puts me off as it gives me a fair flavour of what they will be like. Each to their own though, and you may find that one or more of the team supports your brash style.

That's what diversity is all about.

Good luck.


I saw that too. Personally, i think the #curie team is one group trying to improve the user experience by rewarding talented effort, which will increase the quality of steemit over time because we will be able to (hopefully) retain more talented and professional users.

I agree with a lack of centralization and censorship, but this particular group has set some specific framework in which to operate. Just as they had the freedom to create the group in the first place, they had the freedom to set parameters in which to operate.

To respond negatively when people are attempting to do positive things is unfortunate to see. People can choose to be here, or they can choose to leave, but if I thought that Steemit was a P.O.S. I would leave.

Keep up the good work!

To be clear, my title was controversial on purpose, I think that it's a Steeming pile with potential. Many of the positive replies including yours have shown that underneath there may actually be some magic ;)

I've used a similar image before, but I created it as a new logo for those 40-some immediate upvote bots that were upvoting every article in #steemit some time ago.

I told them that the first 40 upvote bots to hit my post would be the winners of the image to use for their introduction post, since none of them had made one yet. Within minutes, 43 or so had hit it, and I laughed like crazy.

I'm glad that I could encourage you and that the positive replies were well recieved.

Thanks so much for you reasonable reply and straight forward explanation.

While you may have thought I was being rather negative I don't consider myself a negative person and would like to start of by saying that if your intention was to encourage people to post, well it worked. I posted something and I hadn't for a while.

Having said that my post was really directed at the attitude of some on this platform against controversy and your guidelines did rub me the wrong way, as my title rubbed you the wrong way.

I sorry you didn't like the title, I think this community needs to look at what it's doing to encourage controversy as that is the whole point of a censorship resistant platform. At this time I feel it's not a place I can recomend to others with controversial views, and that's especially sad when I see them being punished for those views on other platforms.

That post is actually the highest paying post I've ever had and I have this post to thank for it. Ironic isn't it :)

Thank you

@jeza, if you want to band together a group of voters for the specific purpose of locating and upvoting every kind of article, or even only strongly political and religious posts, you have that freedom.

In your opening sentence, you shared that #curie "fails to encourage you" and then you ended up discouraging many users with your reply and post.

I checked out your posts. I like the chicken one and the Twitter one especially, things just take time. Persevere, and don't get discouraged. Most importantly, I would recommend not ticking everyone off.

People are trying to help, and your opinion about censorship is valid, it just may have not been presented in the best way.

Keep at it!

Thanks, I really appreciate you kind words.

I might have to write another post admitting that this post did actually encourage me to write that controversial post that turned out to be an inspiration for future posts. I really appreciate that the replies here are respectful and you haven't taken offence.

Thanks so much for stopping by to see my chickens and my post about the twitter storm. From the latter you can see I'm very interested to bring people to a place where controversy is allowed as it's being strangled on so many other social platforms.

Thanks so much for your encouragement, that goes double for the OP despite the guidelines rubbing me the wrong way.

It says - no overtly religious or political posts. And that's the guideline of this particular curation team - the goal is for diversity. Personally, I'd vote for overtly political stuff, because i write them too.

Yes I understand that it's about avoiding overtly controversial topics, my point is that censorship resistance is not required for cat memes and recipe ideas. I'll check out your work, I'm not asking everyone to agree, just for everyone to be heard.

Understood :) There's definitely no downflagging going on in our part of this initiative. We had some interesting debates earlier about drawing the fine line between what to vote or not to vote (of course, because we have different belief systems)

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