Why Isn't Anyone Reading My SteemIT Articles?

in #steemit7 years ago

I'm working hard here guys! Can someone please help me out :) I've introduced myself, I am a real person and I'm a total social media nerd. The thought of being involved in another platform so early on completely excites me. So how did you get started? Should I be networking on here?


I feel like I'm missing a very important piece. Here's the thing; if I'm missing it - others must be too. If this platform is going to succeed (and oh how we all hope that it does!) it needs to be simple, we need to be able to meet people and develop relationships with others with similar interests so we can support one another.

This is my 4th post, I've been commenting and asking questions. Few people are commenting back; how do I find the true dedicated steemians?

I'm looking forward to your input, and be happy to follow those with helpful advise! Thanks in Advance! - <3 Toni


My advice, just keep posting. Simple as that, post about what you love or what you think others might love, don't be afraid to have a couple non-trending posts (more like tons). People will reply if the content is there and they are interested.
Manually 25% UpVoted & Re-steemed! Yes, I do this personally, and not with a bot!
More about the Initiative here...
Remember To Vote blueorgy for witness!

Thanks for the initiative, I'm in!

Thank you! I'll keep posting :)

I must tell you that some of the most popular steemit bloggers hardly have any viewers their first month. Just be constant and you will get folowers and viewers.

I will vote for you!

Someone else asked me this question recently.

"Well, What you doing now is a good step forward. You make comments on people's post. Interact with a post that you find interesting. The more you interact with people here the better you will do. Also, try and post at least once a day. Maybe just pictures you took of flowers or a poem you wrote. Or your opinion on something, someone, or location you live. You might not find it very interesting but people from around the world who never been there might find it interesting. Don't give up too quickly, stay with it. If you are not putting content out, don't expect Sp. There are also contest you can enter or you can start your own contest. That is how I would start."

Everyone on steemit write post that doesn't make money. Unless you got money to become a whale. Write at least one post a day about something you find interesting and tag appropriately and people will find you. Combine that with reading post you find interesting and interacting with the writer and following people you find interesting. It will take a while but you get there. I am on the same journey.

Yay a fellow New Yorker! :) This is wonderful information! Thank you for sharing and giving your input; it's so nice to know I am not alone on this journey!

I'll be following!

Hi Toni! Dedicated Steemian here! LOL! But, seriously, you say that you are working hard but that needs to mean that you are consistently blogging DAILY. And, yes, you need to network. Get out here and find interesting posts to read, upvote and comment on. Follow others. And invest and buy some Steem for your wallet.

Me? I signed up about 6 weeks ago, and I do everything that I just mentioned. But you gotta love it. I do. I love blogging about what interests me. I also do a lot of research to see what I can find out about Steem and Steemit and all the ins and outs. There are plenty of great posts written by some great bloggers that tell you lots of things you should know to help you here. Just do a keyword Google search for anything you would like to know and include Steemit in the search.

Yes, I agree with @mornevd - Steemit is hard. But, it's simple, if that makes sense. It takes work and getting to know people and getting your name and face out there so that influential people will notice you. And, of course, put out quality content. And keep going, no matter if your posts only earn a few cents or a few dollars at first. Keep going. Growth here is exponential once you get the ball rolling.

Good luck!

Following you!

Wow! Thanks for the great tips. I haven't been blogging daily and I think that might be a big problem; though I'm often reading and upvoting - I'm being too quiet! I also love your feedback about doing a Google search for anything but include Steemit in the search - that's great! I'm now officially a fan and follower @amarie :) Thanks again!

I'm new on Stemmit and reading things like this get me a little sad, looks like is quite difficult to get visibility :/

I'll be following you and reading your articles :)

Comment, Comment, Comment. Comments are the best way to get your name out there and develop relationships with other users. Don't expect to magically have your content be seen, you have to put in the effort to build relationships with other users and earn those views.

Awesome feedback! I've been too quiet it seems :) I'll start commenting and see where this journey takes me :) Thanks so much!

Im part of a challenge right now to write 500 comments in 10 days. Its challenging but my followers and rep have been steadily increasing as a result. Thoughtful comments make my day so im hoping to do the same for others:)

Wow! Good luck!

Steemit truly does have the potential to be revolutionary! It is very exciting indeed that you are here in the beginning!
Because Steemit is still new it is not smooth yet, the kinks have not been ironed out.
Its important to know that for over 90% it is not an instant success thing. It takes time and consistent dedication to get successful here on Steemit.
There are a LOT of dedicated steemians and there are a LOT of projects to help you get noticed.
You should search articles for noobs on how to get follows, how to get noticed, how to get payouts etc as there are a LOT of guides that have already been written.
Defiantly check out @curie and the many other minnow vote projects. There are whole groups and accounts that specifically help minnows make it in the Steemit Ocean.
You can be sure that if you ask questions or comment on my posts that I will respond and that I will help you as I do so many others.
Hope you find your way!

Great 😍

I'll read your articles :) ... just followed you. I just started about 45 days ago and built a huge following fast. You have to grind it out lol

Thanks for the support :) Congrats on building a huge following; looks like it's time for me to put the work in too :)

Have you figured out any tricks yet?

Early tricks are follow a lot of people (that you like their content, esp with higher reputation scores), upvote their articles and comment on them. Many will follow you back just to give you a chance to see if they like your content. And others who come after you and see your comment might follow you also. No followers = no upvotes = no payout.
Be sure to use all five tags that you're allowed to get maximum exposure. Your posts are only seen by people looking int hose categories (and not for very long usually). I've been inactive for many months and just now poking around again. I'll follow you awhile.
PS - pretty faces in profiles tend to get more followers, so you nailed that trick already!

Great tips! Thank you :)

Keep on trying ;)

Lol - yes! The growth mindset is critical - thanks for the reminder :)

Since people are given cryptocurrency for their contents, I assume the lurker ratio is a lot smaller on Steemit than other social media. Maybe because of that reason, it's hard to find good content unless it's about cryptocurrencies. Your tech review post looks good though ;)

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