#SteemitUpdates: Three crucial features which could greatly improve Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago

I'VE been thinking about this for a while now and I am pretty sure that you have as well.

Steemit has become one of the coolest blockchain based 'social media' platforms I have seen in a long time and despite my feelings about other platforms, I feel that Steemit might be able to learn a thing or two from the giants themselves.


I know, I know. How dare I type those dreaded words - Facebook does not pay you, Facebook is filled with silly selfies just like Instagram and is just as much a waste of space as Twitter.

And yet, here we are - the top three things Steemit can learn from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

First of all, this might come as a bit of an obvious suggestion however, social media is how we as bloggers love to interact and get valued feedback on our articles and blogs - let's say that you would love to show someone the piece you did to get their feedback on the topic: #Tagging them using their username.

This is something that has cemented Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - would it not be fantastic if Steemit could introduce a similar concept or perhaps even create their own.


As a second suggestion and to help keep your 0.001 SBD and Steem in tact, Steemit should consider introducing a #messaging platform so that it's users may communicate privately - I would suggest that this be done in a way so as to give users control over who they can communicate with so as to avoid all those nasty little 'I'm a re-steem service which asks for 0.700SBD to upvote your post with my 12k followers and my personal following of 120,000' messages.

And coming in at third, and my final suggestion, is literally that: #Suggestions!


Don't you love being introduced to fellow like-minded bloggers who post similar content to you?

I personally would love to be able to click on a new tab at the top of my blog which would take me to 'Suggested Bloggers To Follow' and in so doing, not just open us up as Steemians to other like-minded Steemians but also, helping the lower-ranked Steemians gain more exposure.

Tumblr - again, I know, 'how dare you mention a platform which consists of 99% porn.

But Tumblr has done something right in that it notifies of you great posts.

So, that's a wrap from me and I hope you don't criticize me for my personal views, on which I am sure a lot of Steemians will agree with me.

Let me know if you have any suggestions in terms of improvements - or if you would like me to check out your blog, simply let me know by commenting. Thanks for reading.



#SouthAfrica: Travel tips and things you can do in #CapeTown, #Durban and #Johannesburg

#BonsaiNews: Searching for an illusive ancient temple bonsai

#Technology: New app makes booking a table at your favorite South African restaurant easy as pie


For mentions there are two that I know of, one is ginabot, a discord messaging notification bot, someone types your name with the @ and you get a notification. Of course you have to have discord on.
The other one, and the one I like a lot is @steemchiller https://steemworld.org/@imagendevoz, one of the most, if not the most useful companion programs to steemit. You get notifications, you get to see who just followed you, and who mentioned you in a comment somewhere else on steemit. Lots of nice little tools built in, and a very user friendly front end.

I found your post because @honeysim featured you in their "Pay it Forward" post.

https://steemworld.org is super amazing - thank you for sharing the link, I have saved it to my bookmarks for ease of reference!

Awesome - I still can't thank @honeysim enough for doing that. She is too kind! I am definitely going to check out @steemchiller - not that I am against discord. Thank you for the suggestion!

You already know that you were featured and you already entered so that saves me some typing...lol.

Like your ideas and there is a lot of room for steemit to improve over time. It's one of the things I like about the platform, it's good and keeping users here even though it could improve and be great.

Agreed. I find it so ironic that people who use other social media platforms forms (number one) don't contribute like Steemians do, and (number two) don't offer suggestions in terms of improvements like we do. Steemit will within the next few months skyrocket toward becoming one of the leading platforms if this growth continues, which I am sure it will. Interestingly enough, all of the other platforms have updated their terms of use, privacy policy etc but not Steemit, which is in my opinion a good thing since that should mean that they've not been using any information that they should not have been. It's also great that there are no ads.

Your suggestions are really good but do you know that if messaging privately is allowed people will be disturbing others with higher Steem power for votes...thereby increasing spamming rate. I don't think that's a good idea.

Then for notifications @ginabot has a solution for that already. Just check out the blog and see for yourself.

Then for the new tab I really did not understand what you were trying to suggest maybe you can explain better.

Anyways thanks for this suggestions and keep steeming

Hi, thanks for the feedback and your honesty. In terms of the new tab, I meant that it would take you to content suggested for you. So, if you recently posted two travel articles, a suggestion would pop up in there suggesting similar content to travel. And yes, the messaging thing would be tricky but like I said, something should be done to avoid spam messages. Maybe if you get a notification saying: @imagendevoz would like to initiate a chat with @thankgodikkc

On a side note: Steemit has already introduced a Mute Feature which allows you to mute other Steemians. So that should allow for some peace of mind in terms of a possible future messaging system.

@imagendevoz, it seems you have been reading my mind. I have been having the same thoughts lately. There were moments when I wanted to message someone that I follow on here but remembered that such option doesnt exist, YET (having hope). And with that I had to find other means of communicating with this person. This, as you said, should be with limits of course.

I love the three suggestions and I too believe that they would add to steemit and the greatness that it already possesses.

It would be nice also to have predictive text for usernames with regards to commenting on someone's post or comment. Like FB does; you click the reply button and the person's name pops up. It is very easy to make a mistake with the spelling of some of these usernames and the eyes get weary sometimes. I know this one may be a bit much but it doesnt hurt to dream, hehe.

I totally get where you are coming from. But sadly, you are correct - we can only hope that such features will be introduced. Thank you for the feedback. PS. I love your blog, you really have a great writing style and layout idea with your articles - especially: Bye bye Sakura....Your grace was greatly appreciated!!.
Is there an account on Steemit that you know of that gives guidance on layout in articles. Everything I've used so far I've figured out myself.

No problem, my pleasure. Oh thank you for checking out my blog. Nice to know you like my blog. Unfortunately, I am not currently aware of such an account. I am in the same boat; everything I know thus far is what I have read about or gathered through trial and error.

You can try searching for formatting advice on here. I did that when I first started and found some helpful articles. Outside of that, just do some trial and errors with what you already know.

If I may, just a little advice. I notice that your voting power (VP) has been well used and is now under 20%. I would advise that you be more mindful of how you use your VP as below certain % (80%) your upvotes are both useless to the person you upvote as well as yourself.

Though a little old, here is a very helpful article about voting power and the usage. It helped me in understanding the impact of my VP when I first joined steemit.


Cool - I'll definitely give it a read. Here I thought when I upvote content its pretty much all the same.

That has got to be one of the most informing articles on voting power I have ever read! Thanks for sharing.

Youre welcome. Yeah, very useful article. Happy you found it informative.

Hey, I will be featuring you in my entry for a curation contest. You can check out the contest here and I will drop you a link to my entry as soon as it has been posted.

Here is a link to the contest. Feel free to also participate.

Thanks so much! That is super kind of you! I actually submitted my entry now, hoping it gets approved etc. Thanks for sharing the idea with me.

My pleasure. All the best.

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

Resteemed by @pillsjee! Good Luck!
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give back my sbd.i give you 0.200 sbd but you did not give me any upvote.....but why..???????

Its been more than 13 hours, my post hasn't been resteemed :(
can you pls check?

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@honeysim featured you in the Pay It Forward curation contest week 7 . Which you already know and I say it anyway LOL

Steemit has a lot of areas that it can improve on . I hope they make some improvements in the future .

Sounds like people have mentioned steemworld and potentially GINAbot already for notifications of mentions. I can see the value of having such a feature in the site we're constantly in, though, rather than needing to keep another site up (or two).

I'm also with you regarding messaging on Steemit as opposed to going elsewhere. I'm not interested in being off the site I'm working on. People are used to the workarounds, though, and Discord is pretty good when it comes to messaging. I just wish I had it on site.

As far as giving suggestions on who to follow, busy.org does that. Someone else might have mentioned that already. Busy does a lot of things Steemit can't, so it's worth a look at.

There is another UI being created called SugarSteem, which whenever it gets out of production, will be pretty close to what you want. I don't think it will have messaging out of the box, but I think the others are supposed to be there. It's been a few weeks now since I looked at the mock ups.

Anyway, I agree that it would be good to have these things on Steemit. With the proposed changes in Hard Fork 20, Hivemind/Communites and SMTs coming at some point, we may see features that weren't really discussed yet in any great depth.

I'll definitely check out your suggestions and thank you very much for the great feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to share. I've not heard of SugarSteem but it does sound interesting.

I gave up most other social media and focus on steemit now :)

I found your post because @honeysim featured you in a Pay it Forward Curation contest and then I realized that you already have your own entry in now too :)

@lynncoyle1 I did too surprisingly - I find myself checking out some of the old accounts once in a blue moon but sadly I was unable to quit Facebook, Twitter and Instagram entirely due to work. #Bless @honeysim, she was more than kind enough to do that.

I've kept Messenger just to stay in touch with certain people, but every time I look at FB, it just makes me shake my head :) For you, I get that with work you can't just let it go!

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