A change in Muxxy's methods, no more patting myself on my back.

in #steemit7 years ago

Until recently, I was a self voter on all my posts. I don't have a massive amount of Steem Power, and I was of a mind that so long as I vote on others, a self vote on the few posts I make daily wouldn't hurt, right? It's my stake to do with as I wish, no? I have upvoted the occasion comment I made, just to bring it to the top of the list under people's posts.

I got to thinking though, how does this benefit me and my Steemit journey? It began to feel like patting myself on the back. Rather, I decided to be more outward thinking. What can I do to benefit others?

To this end, this week I bought a 5000 or so Steem Power delegation for a month and decided I would use this solely to upvote others and use it for curation. Four days ago was the last time I upvoted one of my own posts. My increased power, currently sitting at 7,090 SP, will be used upvoting worthy posts by others and insightful replies to my own posts. I have a keen interest in fiction posts and art, so these will be my focus.

Despite recent events and flagging wars, I am still all in on Steemit, and would like to share that optimism with others, rewarding what I can where I can.

Do I now look down on self voters? Of course not, that would be hypocritical of me. Do what feels right for you. This change feels right to me.

Image Source 1, 2, 3, 4

Are you a writer or keen to learn? Do you wish to join a community of like-minded individuals who can help hone your writing skills in the fields of fiction, non-fiction, technical, poetry, songwriting or playwriting? Join us at The Writers' Block on Discord and follow our community account @thewritersblock.


Nice one Muxxy.
We've known each other since pretty much the first day we both arrived and your work helping aspiring writers is fantastic.
But it's more than that, you are a truly great bloke with integrity, talent and humility. You've been an sounding board, inspiration and friend to many I'm sure, but to me personally you've been a legend.
Never change mate.

Dude, wow. Thank you for that.
I have watched you go from strength to strength since we first met and I treasure our friendship.
We shall HAVE to meet up and have that beer or two.

I look forward to it mate. We'll get it sorted in the New Year.
We're only 20 or so miles away from each other so it'll be simp,e enough.
I'm hoping to start writing again after Christmas, my head is just not in the right place right now, but I'm enjoying having more time to curate other people's work and watch them grow.

I commend you on both the decision to refrain from self voting and leasing some Steem Power to increase your voting strength to reward others for a period of time.
I have only upvoted one of my own posts in 753 that I have made, and that was by accident. I never do it because the "little man" in my mind tells me that when I hit the "post" button , I have already approved it or I would have never posted it to begin with.
My belief is that votes I've been given to use are for the benefit of others, not myself. Regardless of worth of my vote, be it $0.0001 or $100.00. That is just the person I am.
It is refreshing to see that I am not a "lone wolf" in respect to this aspect of the platform

I feeel the same about vote bots. I have used them in often in the past but now I refuse to use them. I just don't feel it's in the spirit of the site. Don't care if others do, just not going to use them myself.

I used a few early on, not done so for ages.

A very beautiful and noble way to be.

Having had a conversation with @lexiconical earlier today, I'm thinking it might be time to drop that practice myself, as well. Especially in light of all the conversations we've been having about evaluation of posts regarding the flagging issue. My vote isn't worth a whole lot either, but I think Steemit would be better served if I focused on others. There's plenty of people out there who will see my posts, and if they decide to value it, then I'll be happy. If not, then I'll know I need to adjust what I'm writing about.

Yes, although my votes didn't add an awful lot to my post rewards, I would rather they reflect their true value to others and use it as a gauge to improve my writing.

Yes, agree with you in that @anarcho-andrei, stopped upvoting myself as well. Didnt quite feel right. The only problem I find is that if the curration trails I support upvote one of my posts I have to go and unvote. Not a big deal, or do those just stand? What do you think?

Couldn't say, though I don't think anyone would bemoan you the occasional upvote deemed worthy by a curation trail. After all, you're following the trail to vote up content the trail has deemed worthy, right? I don't use curation trail really anymore. Mostly I use Streemian to upvote authors whose work I like and whom I know personally.

On Streemian, mostly. I might push off of the trails. I end up making alot of really low powered votes. Probably better to be more concise and have better control.

Welcome to the light gmuxx! From the beginning when I got here and was told to do it, it just did not feel right.

that's a very cool way to look at it @gmuxx. I hope your experiment works out. It's a good way to think about the journey. I too sometimes upvote my own comments so that they are actually seen ! Is that bad form ? I don't think so. good to hear it though from someone else.

5000 that's a lot of investment. I think you made a nice decision, 1 month in a year dedicated for others is , in my opnion, paying your dues so good karma for you coming your way !! peace and love

100% with you, full stop.

You never cease to amaze me with you willingness to give and give some more! Proud of you muxxy!

Thank you @kubbyelizabeth, I took my cue from the work you do.

Well now, you just made me blush!

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