Yet Another Attempt At Perspective

in #steemit6 years ago

I'll Admit. It Doesn't Feel Good Right Now

There's a lot going, and even those of us who are hanging on, weathering the summer storms, are finding it increasingly difficult to do so. We've discovered that earning STEEM for earning's sake is not what keeps us here. It's something else, be it the friendships we're developing, the coming together of like minds, the freedom that decentralization promises, or some other purpose and direction. We've been keeping on despite the headwinds and other meteorological difficulties.

Talking about the issues as we see them is healthy, and helps us to evaluate what we really should be concerned with, rather than wringing our hands and expending energy on worry and dismay. There are only so many things we have control over, too.

So, let's take a look at some of the more recent things out there, along with other things that have been weighing since the beginning, and then take a look at why we're here and then what we're going to do.

Image source—Pixabay


Microsoft is acquiring Github. Microsoft is doing all it can, along with the some tech media, to allay fears of what that means. The culture, according to some, has come a long way since Linux was the redheaded stepchild that former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer liked to kick around.

Regardless of the reason behind the $7.5 billion deal, Github as a repository for open source apps, coding, interaction, etc., can no longer be considered what it once was, whatever that really was. It will have a CEO, it will have structure, and to some degree, be it developer friendly or not, there will be expectations.

STEEM code sits on the github. Will it ultimately be affected? Who knows? While public image and opinion will weigh in, it will be Microsofts' decision to determine what things look like moving forward.

Terms of Service

Steemit's Terms of Service was recently updated, and quite a few users were not happy and voiced their opinion on the steemitblog update after the first attempt to deploy the new ToS went awry. The STEEM blockchain belongs to everyone and no one, but Steemit made it clear that access through their app has some strings, which includes, if asked, supplying information to all kinds of government entities, law enforcement, and who knows who else, when it comes right down to it.

Image source—Steemit

Centralized Power Of STEEM

Much has been made of the initial distribution that concentrated enormous amounts of STEEM in the hands of a few. From there, users have been scrambling to make something from the reward pool, or finding other ways to get a hold of STEEM—bidbot ownership, leasing delegation, working for a curation trail, working to cleanup STEEM through steemcleaners, and in unsavory ways, including phishing and downright stealing.

STEEM price

The USD price of STEEM went down again, after hovering around $1.60 USD to under $1.40 USD. The consolation is, it's following a near universal trend across the cryptocurrency spectrum. Still, when you've bought in at around $3.50 or higher, and STEEM trades at $1.38 USD as of this writing, you're bound to be feeling the pain in your Steemit Wallet. I know my own is officially worth one-third less than the amount I have invested, which doesn't account for the STEEM I've earned since I've been here.

STEEM price 06-22-18.png
Image source—World Coin Index

General Dismissal Or Doomsday

It seems like we always hover on two extremes of any issue: One, where all hair everywhere is on fire and the world's coming to an end, or variations of thereof, or two, where everything is okay, don't you worry, this is to be expected, no need to be freaking out, what's your problem, STEEM is the best thing since, well, fill-in-the-blank.

I don't know, but I naturally gravitate to the other side anytime one side or the other starts getting over optimistic or depressingly pessimistic. The truth generally lies somewhere in the middle in nearly all cases, because humans are famously good at over or underestimating situations, based on our own little world bubbles we create for ourselves.

The truth is, things could always be better, and it is also the truth that things could get worse. The question is, what are you going to do with the hand we're being dealt? Fold, hold, raise, or call?

The Dose Of Reality

Maybe a reminder of why we're here in the first place is order? Forget about the over exaggerated (if not flat out lying) videos you saw on YouTube promising you easy money for posting on Steemit. I'm talking about the larger promises, the world changing promises, of a decentralized, global economy that would eventually break down borders, solve economic disparity and provide free financial transactions devoid of middlemen. A place where thoughts can be shared without reprisal or fear of censorship. Sovereignty based on an individual, rather than on nations, states or principalities. A truly disruptive and revolutionary concept, the likes of which the world has never seen.

Know that in some places, Facebook and other internet sites are being told to censor certain speech. You may or may not agree with what is being cracked down on, but know this—the pendulum that is common opinion has a way of swinging back and forth between extremes. What might be acceptable now probably won't be in the future.

Free speech laws are supposed to protect against speaking out, but not all countries have them, and not all that do are willing to enforce them on all levels. That's the world we live in. That's the greater reason for the STEEM ecosystem.

So, Folks, What Are We Going To Do About It?

We can debate about the finer points of reward pool abuse, bidbot use or what we truly mean by great content, or we can look to the much bigger issues of coming together to bring about a global change. A change that, as early adopters and maintainers, has the potential of making us wealthy just because we're still trying to make STEEM work for us and for others.

Have we given up on that dream already, just two years in? Are we already looking for the next best thing? If it's not here, then where is it, and how will you know it when you see it? Asset distribution and code might affect a lot, but ultimately, it's how we behave on the STEEM blockchain that makes it or breaks it.

What's it going to be?


I'll be buying more Steem soon.

I'm trying to. Coinbase keeps taking away my options, so we'll see. I don't like the idea of fiat or Litecoin sitting around for a week, and now they're having issues with the business account and card I had attached to it. It's like I'm already jumping through hoops just to get from dollars to STEEM and now I have jump through more hoops just to get from dollars to Litecoin.

It's just dumb. Let me spend my money on what I want to spend my money!

Well you've caught me in a bit of a down moment @glenalbrethsen. (Maybe it's just cuz I'm a bit tired and haven't had dinner yet! 😁)

Not about the price of steem or the other stuff you mention but more about how shitty people can be here at times. I didn't expect I'd need to grow a thicker skin to operate on this platform but it seems that that is the case.

Other than that. I'm just plodding on and blogging on. Getting myself primed to buy some Steem maybe.

Looks like we're getting a bit more when we power up SBD now so that's good at least. 😊

It sounds like to me you should get something to eat. I guess it's 8 pm there so getting kind of late. I'm getting ready to eat lunch myself and will probably carry on from there for another 8-9 hours. :)

I'm sorry about the people you ran afoul of. I must have missed that, but then I'm kind of behind. Maybe I'll catch up to it. I kind of skipped over my feed to read this. Do I need to go rough them up (verbally of course)? :)

I suppose it helps to have thick skin, but that doesn't mean people need to treat others badly. It's a two way street. Civility depends on both ends communicating politely, regardless of how they think or feel.

I'm going to try to get some more STEEM if I can manage it myself. The problem is, the avenues I've been taking keep shutting down, which means I need a greater workaround than already exists to make it work.

Anyway, let me know if there's anything I can do. I'm pretty sure you can fight your own battles (if that's what this is eve), but it never hurts to have backup, right?

I'm waiting for John to get home. Shouldn't be long now. He went to pick up our son who's going to be home for a few weeks.

Are you referring to avenues where you can earn fiat when you say shutting down?

Thanks for the back up. It's not really a battle. Just a bit of nastiness that I seem to have ended up a part of. It's been interesting to hear what some people think of me here. I'm just a bit shocked but I'll get over it.

What some people think of you? Okay. So, they're making it personal. And just how would these folks know exactly how you are in the first place? Have you met them? Or are they just drawing conclusions based on what they see and read?

re: shutting down

I had a business account attached to Coinbase that now they want more verification or info to use. It probably would have continued on, but the card number recently changed (something the bank decided to do) so the old bank card wasn't going to work. At any rate, I need to figure something else out in order to take advantage of the lower STEEM prices, because who knows where else they're going to be in a week. :)

Oh. That's not so bad then if it's a Coinbase thing.

No. It's not people I've met. It's more drawing conclusions on what they've seen and read.

I'm not going to dwell on it. It just came as a bit of an unpleasant surprise that's all. 😢

Well, I'll change the subject then. Not sure if you've ran across galenkp or not, but him and his wife are currently in the UK and was last hanging out in Bideford. I think they're more or less in Devon if I'm not mistaken, but I thought I'd let you know in case you might be interested in looking at his travels thus far (that is if you haven't been already). They're on holiday from Australia and will be off to Finland (I think) where his brother and family tarazkp live.

I have been i touch with him @glenalbrethsen but thanks for letting me know.

He was going to Boscastle yesterday so I sent him the link to my post about the pasty lunch. 😊

They're on holiday from Australia and will be off to Finland (I think) where his brother and family tarazkp live.

I didn't know any of that though. 😁

aww people can be shits @gillianpearce. I'd like to say just ignore it, but from what I gather reading here, I'd let it bother me as well. Sorry you're experiencing it though.

I've been having a bit of a down week myself and haven't had too much interest in writing much here. I'm around reading, but more often than not this week, I've closed my laptop and read an actual book (gasp) or watched tv...which is even more depressing :)

Hope things get better for you my friend. My turn to send heaps of love your way :)

Thanks @lynncoyle1. I'm fine really.

It just seems to go in phases here doesn't it? Everything slows down and I lose interest a bit. And, having such beautiful weather outside doesn't help. Who wants to sit at a computer on days like these?

Mind you, it must be "days like these" for you most days I imagine. 😊

Hope you've been enjoying reading a book. I still do that quite a lot and watch TV most evenings, mainly iplayer.

If you're looking for a really good yarn that's easy to read and just the right balance between serious and fun I recommend "The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry" by Rachel Joyce.

I don't recommend books very often but everyone I know who's read it enjoyed it.

We've looking after the grandkids today so hoping to get out in the sun later.

Hope you have a lovely day too.

Much love 💜

@gillianpearce I love that book! I read it sometime ago, and have since read "The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out The Window and Disappeared" by Jonas Jonasson and it reminded me a bit of "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry" :) It's nice to get my nose back in a book for a change. I actually have an e-reader and love it; I have a library at my fingertips! I also use a website called "Book Bud" where I get daily emails of books that are free or next to nothing; because I am a very fast reader, I hate spending piles of money on a book :) You should check them out, it's pretty awesome!

Hope you had fun with the grandkids! After I look at Asher's Sunday post, I've been taking the rest of Sunday and part of Monday without even looking at steemit. It's been nice actually 😂

Much love back ❤️

howdy @glenbrethsen hey I haven't given up on the dream but then I never was fully into it either, I'm still looking for something better but haven't found that either! lol.
I'll just watch the more successful and experienced Steemians such as yourself and follow your lead. I like to follow winners and leaders.
great post!

Well, and that's probably the whole point of the post. Two years is probably long enough for Steemit Inc to come up with a fully functioning site that's out of beta. However, such is not the case and we live with it. Two years for the STEEM blockchain is not long enough, however, for widespread adoption. Not even close. So, it's kind of like we're all in the middle of having the dream, of actually conceiving of it, without really being able to fully test it yet. That's when it doesn't make sense to give up on it at all. Not until it clashes with reality and doesn't make it through.

I wouldn't call myself successful yet. Maybe, if I stick with it and people actually see value in what I'm doing, we can talk about my success in a year or two. Right now, I'm just swimming with the minnows, and that because I bought some STEEM.

no no no! I must respectfully disagree. lol!
about you saying a year or two.
6 months. in that time you will be so
much farther, another ballgame. if you stay in.

Well, I'm hoping to do better in the next six months than I did in the first six. If things continue as they have, that would be the logical outcome. I just past my 4,000th comment 12 comments ago (this being the 12th since), so that will mean at least another 4,000-plus before the year is up, plus another 250-plus posts. That's a lot of posts and comments. :)

I guess it will depend on the definition of success. At this stage, I'm seeing progress, I'm seeing an increase, but success is a whole other level. :)

yes sir success is another level..someone told me that when you reach 60
you almost grow automatically because people seek out anyone at that rep level or above and you couldn't stop it if you wanted to.

so that would be nice if it's true. but it seems like a long way from 60 for me at least. shoot it seems like it's taking forever to get to 50!

I don't even want to think about those number you put out there, don't know if I can do it! or want to try.

Well, I think if I look at them all together, it's kind of daunting, even after I've done it. But then, I know how much time I've spent and doing it for another six months tires me out just thinking about it.

However, I guess the best way to do it is just tackle it one day at time. Do what I can each time, try to reach certain benchmarks, and go from there. If I do it, cool, if I don't, well, there's always the next day. The only one pushing me here, really, is me.

I'm not sure what people look at. Rep might mean something to folks who haven't been around long enough to realize it can be bought just like anything else, but there are some people who have actually done plenty of work to earn the rep. It's just hard to know without checking out other things, like how long they've been here, what their wallet looks like, and what kind of content they're creating (or not).

I guess, though, to be fair, I won't really know until I get there, at a the rate I'm going, it will probably be September or October. Who knows, though. If curie comes calling, or some other curation trail shows up, it can change much more quickly.

Glen what are the so-called Whales rated at in reputation?
I don't even know. I don't think I've seen any whales.
who are they and where are they?
do they post stuff or just invested tons of money?

I keep hearing people refer to them but then I realized I don't know anything about them or who they are!

Reputation and whale status really aren't that related, so whales could have low reps or high reps depending on what they've done.

Then, it depends on who you decide to call a whale. Most people who use the term are probably including folks that under the steemitboard system are considered orcas. Whales have around 500,000 SP and up, while orcas have 50,000 SP and up. The actual calculation is through what they call vests or MVests, but most people look at the SP approximation.

Even more than that, though, I think people will call anyone a whale that has a certain amount of dollars that their stake is worth. I'm not sure where that necessarily begins as far as these folks go, but anyone with $1 million in USD from SP/STEEEM/SBD holdings is going to be considered a whale, and it probably starts much lower than that, somewhere between $250,000 to $350,000 USD if I had to guess.

If we're including orcas in this whale definition, I would say there are some who may be posting. Most true whales don't. They're mostly delegating to something or someone, and so are a lot of orcas. There's simply more money to be made through delegation leasing.

Nearly all the whales will be Steemit owned or related accounts, developers of STEEM who received stake, whoever might be leftover from the first two who received stake from the initial distribution, or big time investors, but they are the minority of the whales, I would say.

We can debate about the finer points of reward pool abuse, bidbot use or what we truly mean by great content, or we can look to the much bigger issues of coming together to bring about a global change.

Absolutely agree with you! Despite all the different perspectives of this platform, we are here because we see the potential and we want something better. We don't have to agree on every subject matter; just some overlapping of goals since we all want the same end results.

Have we given up on that dream already, just two years in? Are we already looking for the next best thing?

Those are really good questions Glen, considering that it seems the general norm to give up when things get a big harder. I was just telling @gillianpearce here that I've been having a bit of a down week, not really sure why, probably just everything in general, but it sure affects my steemit activity. I'm sure I'll shake it off soon enough, but I do know it has nothing to do with the drop in prices etc here. I just keep doing my thing and view this like my other long term financial investments: things go up and down but hopefully over the long run, the general direction is up.

This is going to sound weird, but I've been experiencing the exact same thing. I was kind of okay for most of Monday, but then Tuesday came along and I didn't get any posts up. Tried to kickstart on Wednesday and was only part way successful, and then yesterday came along and I completely just avoided it all. I know it's not the STEEM prices. I know it has something to do with my wife and her desire that I do something else, but I don't think that's all of it. I think it's a general malaise, an apathy towards what I've been doing and trying to accomplish, and maybe extending beyond my scope or ability to control. It's hard to post when you think you're doing it to the void. I've seen a retreat in the amounts on my posts, too, impart because of STEEM price, but also because fewer people are seeing them or upvoting.

So, anyway, trying to find ways to keep people going here but there's not much I can do about it either way. :)

hmm that is weird. The funny thing is, my last two posts have been successful, and one even got a visit from curie, but (and this is obviously NOT a complaint), but both posts are not what I consider 'that good'. It's all weird maybe and not what I expected. But yes, a general feeling of malaise. I chalked it up to a week of straight rain here, but it's been sunny for a few days now and it hasn't really changed my lack of 'get up and go'. Maybe we just need this little break? I have noticed less people around though, that's for sure. I keep saying to Brian, "there's not much going on here today". Maybe it's just summer and we're the only ones who haven't figured out to just go outside :)

So your wife is not impressed with your time/investment vs. financial success here? What would she rather you be doing, if I may ask?

Making at least $15 an hour and bringing home a paycheck at least once a month. :) After that, I don't think it really matters, although, I need to take time off when she wants me, too, and of course, somehow be around for all of the other occasional things that she's gotten used to me taking care of during the day because I've been around to do it for, oh, the last 18 years or so. :)

I've been looking, but so far, not found that magical mix. It probably needs to be something I can do from home, and while those kinds of jobs have improved over the last few years, it's still a grab bag. A lot of 'survey' type jobs for every two or three jobs that actually pay by the hour or by the project.

Well, sometimes I think the way curie works is more cumulative than it is per post. Since their policy is not to upvote the same creator every day or even every week, you're fortunate to see something within a three week to month period of time. And then you can get skipped. Plus they don't curate all the posts that can be found on Steemit due to their subject matter. So, while it's a human curator selecting the post, and then a review taking place, there's always the chance that they're looking at the body of the work.

As it is, though, that post you're talking about, even if you didn't think of it as some of your best work, or even that good, period, was still better than what else passes for good content here.

So, I guess we take what comes our way with the desire to improve and get better, knowing that curie isn't going to hit us every time we post a masterpiece. :)

haha that may be a difficult job to find :) Have you ever considered teaching ESL/English online? There are some legit websites, the pay isn't great sometimes, but the more you do, the more you're paid kind of thing. You simply have to factor in the time change because most are from China. I know you're not a teacher, but some companies make concessions and due to your "linguistic" background, it might work. Just a thought.

When Brian got progressively more sick, and I needed to be around him physically due to the seizures, I looked into online work as well. There's sure a lot of bs ads out there, isn't there? Lots of survey stuff, but I do know of someone who "says" he makes good money on those. Personally, I never trusted them (the sites and him to be perfectly honest:)

Have you taken a "paycheck" from here at all?

Not yet. Price of STEEM has been all over the place so that's been a factor, plus, I feel like if I take out earnings now, I'm going to seriously hamper my ability to make more, considering how pitiful my upvotes are again thanks to the decline. Back in April it went much farther than it has since.

All the survey things I got into promised something, but then ended up being an awards system rather than money. So of the couple dozen surveys I took before I stopped, I haven't seen a dime.

The best online work I've seen is medical coding, but I haven't pursued it yet. The last one I saw required some kind of certification that I didn't know about on top of the training they would be giving for the coding.

I need to get a little more specific with my searches and see what I can find. There's surely got to be something out there that pays okay and might actually be worth my time.

There's surely got to be something out there that pays okay and might actually be worth my time.

When you find it, let me know :)

Have you pubished your books to Kindle etc. yet @glenalbrethsen?

I now a few people who have done very well from that when they followed a specific marketing plan. Your background in internet marketing should help there. I wouldn't take much to research the best way to go about it.

As for the malaise, that's the perfect word to describe it. It's a combination of things for me. Good weather outside, lower engagement, really low payouts, the nasty incident, more and more people "disappearing".

Today it felt like I had to drag myself here.

But I'm off out with the grandkids soon so will focus on that.

No doubt all of us will return to our former enthusiastic selves at some point! 😍

I have two Kindle ebooks currently available. The first was published in 2012 and the second in 2013.

Oh, and I've researched all kinds of marketing plans. I don't doubt they may have worked for the person who wrote about them, or maybe even helped out a few more. However, they are not one size fits all, and none of them really did much for me. The problem is marketing becomes more time consuming and important than the actual writing.

I had a decent day yesterday, finally. I'm not sure how today is going to go. It feels like it could swing one way or the other at this point.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 9 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 19 SBD worth and should receive 99 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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