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RE: Yet Another Attempt At Perspective

in #steemit6 years ago

howdy @glenbrethsen hey I haven't given up on the dream but then I never was fully into it either, I'm still looking for something better but haven't found that either! lol.
I'll just watch the more successful and experienced Steemians such as yourself and follow your lead. I like to follow winners and leaders.
great post!


Well, and that's probably the whole point of the post. Two years is probably long enough for Steemit Inc to come up with a fully functioning site that's out of beta. However, such is not the case and we live with it. Two years for the STEEM blockchain is not long enough, however, for widespread adoption. Not even close. So, it's kind of like we're all in the middle of having the dream, of actually conceiving of it, without really being able to fully test it yet. That's when it doesn't make sense to give up on it at all. Not until it clashes with reality and doesn't make it through.

I wouldn't call myself successful yet. Maybe, if I stick with it and people actually see value in what I'm doing, we can talk about my success in a year or two. Right now, I'm just swimming with the minnows, and that because I bought some STEEM.

no no no! I must respectfully disagree. lol!
about you saying a year or two.
6 months. in that time you will be so
much farther, another ballgame. if you stay in.

Well, I'm hoping to do better in the next six months than I did in the first six. If things continue as they have, that would be the logical outcome. I just past my 4,000th comment 12 comments ago (this being the 12th since), so that will mean at least another 4,000-plus before the year is up, plus another 250-plus posts. That's a lot of posts and comments. :)

I guess it will depend on the definition of success. At this stage, I'm seeing progress, I'm seeing an increase, but success is a whole other level. :)

yes sir success is another level..someone told me that when you reach 60
you almost grow automatically because people seek out anyone at that rep level or above and you couldn't stop it if you wanted to.

so that would be nice if it's true. but it seems like a long way from 60 for me at least. shoot it seems like it's taking forever to get to 50!

I don't even want to think about those number you put out there, don't know if I can do it! or want to try.

Well, I think if I look at them all together, it's kind of daunting, even after I've done it. But then, I know how much time I've spent and doing it for another six months tires me out just thinking about it.

However, I guess the best way to do it is just tackle it one day at time. Do what I can each time, try to reach certain benchmarks, and go from there. If I do it, cool, if I don't, well, there's always the next day. The only one pushing me here, really, is me.

I'm not sure what people look at. Rep might mean something to folks who haven't been around long enough to realize it can be bought just like anything else, but there are some people who have actually done plenty of work to earn the rep. It's just hard to know without checking out other things, like how long they've been here, what their wallet looks like, and what kind of content they're creating (or not).

I guess, though, to be fair, I won't really know until I get there, at a the rate I'm going, it will probably be September or October. Who knows, though. If curie comes calling, or some other curation trail shows up, it can change much more quickly.

Glen what are the so-called Whales rated at in reputation?
I don't even know. I don't think I've seen any whales.
who are they and where are they?
do they post stuff or just invested tons of money?

I keep hearing people refer to them but then I realized I don't know anything about them or who they are!

Reputation and whale status really aren't that related, so whales could have low reps or high reps depending on what they've done.

Then, it depends on who you decide to call a whale. Most people who use the term are probably including folks that under the steemitboard system are considered orcas. Whales have around 500,000 SP and up, while orcas have 50,000 SP and up. The actual calculation is through what they call vests or MVests, but most people look at the SP approximation.

Even more than that, though, I think people will call anyone a whale that has a certain amount of dollars that their stake is worth. I'm not sure where that necessarily begins as far as these folks go, but anyone with $1 million in USD from SP/STEEEM/SBD holdings is going to be considered a whale, and it probably starts much lower than that, somewhere between $250,000 to $350,000 USD if I had to guess.

If we're including orcas in this whale definition, I would say there are some who may be posting. Most true whales don't. They're mostly delegating to something or someone, and so are a lot of orcas. There's simply more money to be made through delegation leasing.

Nearly all the whales will be Steemit owned or related accounts, developers of STEEM who received stake, whoever might be leftover from the first two who received stake from the initial distribution, or big time investors, but they are the minority of the whales, I would say.

oh ok, no wonder everyone talks about them but few act like they know them's just.."the whales".

hey what browser do you use? I've been using Chrome but the last 2 days it won't let me log
into my Steemit acct, even after clearing the cache and cookies.
It loads fine on IE and firefox but it says I have the incorrect password when I try to get back
on with Chrome.
thank you sir.

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