The Devil's Dare - Part 1 (A Halloween Special)

in #steemit3 years ago

“It’s a quarter past eleven now, guys. It's getting too late. How much longer we gonna keep playing the same game over and over again for?"


Joey’s fixated concentration was not swayed one bit. In fact, for the last fifteen minutes or so, him and his little brother had been duking it out on-screen as their two bulked up miniature avatars danced around before them. Kick followed by punch followed by kick again. An endless repetition of bloodied pixelated violence against each other until either boy caved in through physical exhaustion or complete brain fatigue. Daryl and Adam moaned with impatience as Kevin had lost again for the umpteenth time.

”Come on, now. Give us the controller here. You've had way too many attempts already.” Squealed Adam who was met with a playful scowl from the youngest member of the foursome.

”I nearly had him there!” He exclaimed. ”Just one more try. Please!”

”Goddamn it, you two. Haven’t you been paying attention to a word I’ve been saying all this damn time!” Bellowed Daryl, shocking the argumentative trio back into focus at his booming words. ”I gotta make tracks home soon. And I’ve already told you what my mother can be like if I’m out past curfew.”

Joey stared back at him bearing something of a half-smirk. ”Oh, looky looky. His dear old sweet mama wouldn’t want our fourteen-year-old little Daryl out in the woods all by himself. What with all those pedos and rapists out there looking for some tasty fresh meat to feast on. Am I right?” The other two burst into laughter to which Daryl just shook his head in frustration.

”I don’t give a shit what you guys think. Either we finished up tonight with a game we “all” want to play or I’m outta here.”

“Sure! Go home, man!” Replied Adam sitting next to him on the living room’s dry leather couch. ”I mean, when are you gonna grow your own set of man-balls, eh? Don’t you think you’re old enough to take care of yourself without that grumbling old bitch always on your case.”

”That’s my mum you’re talking about, faggot!” Hissed Daryl, ready to lunge at him at the next oppotune moment. ”Alright, alright. Enough bullshit guys. Daryl’s right.” Joey interrupted as he rose up from the comfort of his velvet ass-cushion in front of their sixty inch Hi-Def television set. ”If he really wants to play something different, let’s listen to him for a change.” At his side, feeble whines of dissatisfaction echoed back from Kevin. Joey paid it no mind.

”Finally some common sense prevails.” Daryl remarked with a triumphant grin. ”You two been hogging on that thing for God knows how long. So what we playing? A little Call of Duty perhaps? Or maybe picking up from our last save game of Grand Theft Auto.”

By this point, Joey had nestled himself in-between the two boys with Adam shuffling his narrow behind along to make more room. ”No, Daryl. That’s boring shit. No, I thought of something much more interesting than any of that boring crap.” Kevin moved in closer with a look of curiosity on his mildly reddened acned face.

”What are you talking about?” Daryl asked.

”Well, mum ain’t getting back for over an hour still. She and dad always talk shit for ages down at the Henderson’s. So seeing as we got the time and it's Halloween and all, why don’t we walk you home instead.” Joey continued to glare at Daryl which caused him even more discomfort than earlier.

”Right… I see… Well, that’s fine by me.” He responded in a monotonous tone. ”But may I ask… Why?”

”Well, to check up on whether you completed the task or not. Why else?”

At this point, the three boys looked at each other in wonderment while Joey gave them all a complimentary nod before proceeding. ”I was thinking tonight we actually carry out what we’ve been talking about for years but never actually went ahead with. I’m talking about one of us going up and touching “Old Screaming Hag.” Silence fell upon the broad, spacious lounge as Daryl and Adam opened their eyes in astonishment. All except little Kevin. ”What’s a “Old Screaming Hag”?” He asked with all of the innocence of an inquisitive little twelve year old boy.

”I didn’t want to tell you until I felt the time was right.” Replied Joey, turning towards his bewildered brother. “But seeing as you should be old to handle the truth, I will.” Daryl opened his mouth to say something but was cut short by Adam putting an index finger to his lips from the far end of the sofa. ”You know Lakesmeed Road just after The Earl Grey pub, right?” Kevin nodded his head in confirmation. ”Well, the large tree at the end of that close. The one with the huge overhanging branches.” He looked at Joey with a expression of dumbfounded confusion. ”Basically, the creepy one! You got it now?” He nodded rapidly as Joey rolled his eyes but decided to continue anyway.

”So, as I was saying. “Old Screaming Hag”. There aren’t many trees out there bearing their own personalized name tag. All except for this one. Because there’s a reason why it’s called what it is. The story goes that a couple used to live in The Earl Grey long before it ever opened it’s doors to the numerous patrons who regularly visit there. It used to be just an ordinary house. And they lived there happily for many years. Well, that was till one day when the wife came home to find her husband cheating with her own best friend. As you can imagine, she went nuts. She screamed and raged at her friend, hurling death threats and throwing shoes at them both, until even her husband was scared shitless of what she might do next.”

Daryl and Adam listened without saying a word, quite enjoying Joey’s retelling of this old folktale that they themselves were only too aware of.

”Well, after the dust settled and everybody regained their composure, his wife eventually forgave him and they resumed with the happy life they had once led prior to the unfortunate incident. However, she had since lost her confidence and sunk into a deep depression, mostly kept hidden away from her now reformed husband. She thought her looks, her body, her very presence was something to be ridiculed and laughed at. Whenever she'd gaze at herself in the mirror, her reflection returned that of a snarling, hideous demon, jeering and mocking at her spiralling plight. As the weeks went by, she eventually got worse and worse whilst still keeping it a well-guarded secret from all who knew her. The husband came home one evening to the cries and shrieks of his wife within the house. He rushed to the main entrance but the door crashed open and out fled his wife, flailing her arms with searing hot flames engulfing her into a fiery ball of death. Her screams caused a few nearby passers-by to scuttle over and cry out in distress at the horrifying scene. She raced up the road in agony before crumpling to the ground right at the foot of that very same tree. Her scorched remains lay in a small charred circle where she died a most painful and brutal demise. Two of those eye witnesses actually claim to have heard her laughing hysterically as her blackened flesh cindered up into the sky. It must have been a terrifying ordeal to watch.”

Young Kevin stood there, mouth agape, but ready and willing to hear more. ”Leave him alone.” Muttered Daryl. ”He’s just a kid. You’ll give him nightmares for weeks with your make-believe bullshit.”

”No!” Barked Kevin in protest. ”I can take it. I’m more mature than you think I am.” Joey smiled at his kid brother, then at Daryl. “See? I taught the little man well. And anyways, I thought you’d need a little recap of events seeing as how tonight is gonna be all about you.”

He faced his little brother once more. ”But I ain’t finished yet, Kev. As the worst was still yet to come…”

(To be continued...)


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

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