An Android's Tale - Part 35 (An Original Story)

in #steemit3 years ago


That last part cut Drucker clean in two as his feelings for her never dwindled, even when caught in the throes of rage. He reasoned that this was just a heat-of-the-moment comment and let it slide fast. Yet he still felt like an animal trapped in the glare of oncoming headlights. He pondered whether to go with the tried and tested formula and get the hell out of there as fast as possible.

“Listen.” He said, now in a slow calming voice of reason. “Before this gets any more out of hand, let me just lay all my cards out on the table. You know the pressure I’ve been under these last few days with the synthetic murder investigation, right? You're well aware this is a national and international incident and I’m about a hair’s breath away from solving it. Can you imagine the stress I’m under at work? That poor boy died at the gas station and someone’s gotta find the synthetic who did it… They picked me. Only a few weeks after that promotion I was busting my ass to get. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?” Drucker spilled his heart out in the hope that any semblance of rationality left in the relationship might be unearthed.

She raised both her hands out in front of her and clapped slowly. “My hero. Conway Drucker to the rescue of mankind. Well, if only you’d told me all this a little sooner, I'd have baked a cake for you as well.” The sarcasm and resentfulness in her voice left him in tatters. His head spun in a whirlwind of agony and despair. ”So, let me get this crystal clear.” she muttered through a row of clenched teeth. “Some unknown kid gets opened up like a tin of baked beans and I’m supposed to feel sorry for the both of you? You disgust me. In fact, the very sight of you sickens me.” Drucker retained his neutral stance and let the tantrum run it’s course.

”What do you want, Gwen? How can I fix this? By us having a child?” he mumbled.

”Oh look, everyone, he thinks I want a child.” she mocked aloud. “God, for a so-called Detective, you really play the dimwit very well indeed. I want a family! That’s what I did want, anyway. For you to come home at normal hours. Like I said, not stuck in the office all damn night! When’s the last time we went out for a meal together. Or god forbid on a vacation even? When’s the last time we spent any quality time together?” The sobs grew louder as she paused long enough for him to respond.

An intense anxiety took over Drucker. The burning desire to travel to the furthest corners of the world and hide away under some rock, consumed him. The added pressures of this case weighing on his mind intertwined with the crumbling mental state of his wife proved to much too bear. He had to pick a side, although there was only one logical option he could see right now.

“Gwen, I’m outta here. Don’t wait up.”

“What? Are you serious? You’re just gonna leave… Again!” she screamed as he stepped over the broken glass toward the front door. He turned around just before leaving, seeing eyes filled with hate and seething madness. Almost boring a hole through his soul. “I’m sorry, honey.” he said, lowering his gaze. “I just don’t know how to fix this.”

The door slammed shut as the cool evening breeze offered little consolation. His black Corrola was parked in the driveway, flashing its high beams twice as the alarm disabled. He got in and sat there, unmoving for a few seconds. Time enough to unwind his thoughts a little and relax.

The keys jangled in his hands as he struggled in find the ignition in the dark. He looked up and saw a thin shadow gliding beyond the curtain of his living room window. The dim lighting gave the figure a ghostly, chilling appearance. Either that or he was losing his grasp on reality, he thought. His mobile phone rang out from his trouser pocket, delivering a sudden and ill-timed shock to the system. He took it out and checked the number of the display. An unknown caller.

“Yes, who is this?” he answered in a neutral tone.

“Yes, Detective.” a young woman responded. “This is Jane Collimore. Nathan’s mother.”


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

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