SteemGear, Steem Logo, It's Look-a-Likes From Adventures Around The World, & Building a New EconomysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

At the @gardenofeden,
holding true to the high importance of sustainability,
we have been hand-painting Steem Logos on SteemGear
for over a year already. 

We love the logo design, creating hand-made treasures, and promoting Steemit.  With our SteemGear we get to engage all of these facets, and activate a whole new economy at the same time. 

Here's our first fashion photoshoot of our hand-painted SteemGear.

We hand harvest, salvage, trade/barter our materials, and use paints and paint brushes that would otherwise go to the landfill as trash.  We give our inspired attention to each stroke of the brush, and infuse our loving touch while creating one-of-a-kind, hand-painted articles of clothing.

Sometimes we use a hand cut stencil to transfer the ink and then refine the print, and sometimes we just draw on the outline and paint them in free hand.

We have also cut out clear, sticky back logos to make relief prints.

We've even gone with the classy look and added texture by creating a raised leather logo on hats, skirts, jackets and pants, especially for Steemfest.

This past year we have hand-painted dozens of clothing items for our SteemGear line.  We have shared them at Steemfest 1 and 2, have them listed on PeerHub and our Steemit Shop on our website, and offer them at many events along with other merchandise offered by the @gardenofeden

To see one of our mega epic designs check out this Steemit beauty.

16 more of our handmade pieces are featured here.

We have been doing this for over a year, painting hats, jeans, pants, vest, shirts, blouses, scarves, skivvys, tights, swim trunks, jackets, sweat shirts and anything else that strikes our fancy.

We love Steemit so much, that we even painted the Steem logo on my creation of our boutique hand-made, salvaged fence panel floor.

We have a lot riding on this logo as we immerse ourselves in promoting, supporting the value of Steem and engaging Steemit.  We wear our SteemGear to many places we go, including meet-ups, festivals, on our travels, and of course Steemfest.  

We love to get this logo out and let people start recognizing it, even if they don't yet know what Steemit is.  This logo has a really sleek, eye-catching design that is simple, yet very noticeable.

While in Lisboa, I was surprised to see so many logo designs that reminded me of the Steem Logo.  Though they are not necessarily all "like" the Steem logo, they all have a similar feel that caught my attention.

I first saw this logo in the center of Lisboa.

It looked like a very important logo, engraved in this old building, watched over by the Lion King.  

After seeing this logo throughout the City, I finally found out it is the logo of Banco Santander.

I then began seeing many logos with a similar feel....

Metal plate on the sidewalks of Lisboa:

This one is on a seat at the bus station:

Here's the logo of the Crowne Plaza:

And this logo with similar curvy lines was imprinted in the brick of an old building:  

Even on the airplane was a reminder of Steem!

And the toe of my socks I wore to Steemfest have a resembling logo too:

After tuning into a lot of logos in a lot of places, helping to create the @gardenofeden SteemGear line and going to Steemfest to share it, you can imagine our surprise when it was revealed at Steemfest2 that the Steemit logo had changed!!!

It's old news now that the cool, sleek logo no longer belongs to Steemit, but now just to Steem.  :(

Steemit has adopted a new logo, which of course everyone has already seen as it is in the upper left corner of this screen.   It would have been incredibly helpful to know of this change before we invested tons of time and energy into promoting Steemit through the creation of an entire hand-painted brand.  However, we always roll with the punches so....

The logos we painted on our epic SteemGear are now even more awesome, as they were the originals...from whence we came.  They will forever be a reminder and worn proudly as a remembrance of our beginnings here together on Steemit.

Maybe more importantly, Steemit does not exist without STEEM. It is the STEEM blockchain that Steemit is built upon and runs upon. So the Steem Logo is actually the founding and more influential logo of importance even still, and our SteemGear as epic as ever.  

We still have dozens of designs, everyone of them available for $teem.
You can get a piece of this one-of-a-kind, original logo, hand-painted SteemGear,  support the real world economy of $teem, and promote Steemit every time you wear it!  And another layer of bonus....should you acquire one of these premier pieces, you will also be supporting the humanitarian works of Steemians living in service at the @gardenofeden.

Though the logo has changed, there are still plenty of reminders of our beginnings.

Together we can support creation, sustainability, and engage a new economy.  Our opportunities are endless, and this is but one way we can change the world and make it better for us all.

I'm grateful to share possibilities with you and hope to inspire you to give your best to Steemit too.  

$TEEM ON!!!!



I love the sound of that @quinneaker! <3


We love our SteemGear and we love you!

Oh my gosh---that works out great....'cause I do too! Ohhhhh so much love! <3

steemit is love : ) heheh

I've got a sort of look-a-like Steem logo on the estate down the road from my house. I will take a photo of it next time I'm out. Saw it yesterday and it dawned on me I haven't been on Steem for ages and even missed a few messages from you about using my art (very sorry!).

Looks like the Steemit logo has even changed since I was last on. I wish I could understand this place cos I'd love to contribute more but rarely get much interaction on my posts so unsure if I'm wasting my time and energy :(

Would love to see that look-alike Steem logo. If you take a pic, will you post it here?

I believe consistency is the key to being successful here on Steemit. We have all started at the bottom and had to make our way through the maze. Most of us have experienced little interaction on our posts at some point in time, but those who do not give up are those that really succeed. I care most about building this community, much more even than the rewards, so connecting with others is for me an incredible blessing well worth the time, energy and loving investment.

I appreciate your art and encourage you to hang in here with us. We have a grand opportunity to change the world together. Those of us who know that will reap the benefits of our efforts. I hope you'll be able to tune into the possibilities and hold steady through the down times.

I appreciate your presence here @spaceginger -- and your contributions to the Collaborative Art Journey and ArtAtSteemfest.

Yes I absolutely will post it when I get a picture. Kinda spun me out and almost seemed like a Universal reminder to get back on Steem :)

I understand and my contributions definitely aren't about rewards as my time off the computer at work is significantly greater financial wise. I've always said to my wife that life is a constant investment and I invest my time in my mind, body, family, friends, community and lastly finances (otherwise I would've given up art a long time ago haha). I love the feeling of being part of a community but when I post stuff both on my blog and comments on others blogs I seem to get little in the way decent conversation then it starts to feel like you're talking into outer space. That's what I love about your posts, they are always lengthy and meaningful, like having a real conversation (which is extremely rare on the internet). I can really tell you are here because you enjoy it.

I guess my problem is figuring out topics to expand on and grow and actually when I'm being honest with myself, having the discipline to sit down and create interesting articles more regularly. I will absolutely keep working on it and thankyou for being very helpful. I've reached out to people before on here and Discord and got nothing so I'm sincerely grateful you took the time to reply :)

I think it's an incredible reminder. There is so much more to Steemit than rewards. I can tell you feel that is true or your wouldn't be here still. It sounds like you have your priorities by which you live; and really enjoy the building of an expansive and passionate community, as do I.

After having gone to the first Steemfest and actually meeting my fellow Steemians, there was no question that these were my people. The over all feeling I encountered was that these are the up and coming most powerful people in the world. They are intelligent, highly skilled, loving, action oriented, inspired capable, responsible human beings. So kind, personable, thoughtful, helpful. And though we only spent less than a week together, we could all feel the connection. We have an opportunity to really build something amazing from all corners of the world. This community is creating a better future and we are getting stronger with every one of us that invests and brings value to this platform. We are doing it ourselves and we can make it whatever we want it to be. What a blessing!

SF2 only solidified our connections and amplified our purpose. Truly remarkable!!!

I don't just upvote people's posts, I read them. If they are worth reading then I'll give an upvote. I also feel if it's worth an upvote, it's also worth a comment. So I engage conversation if I feel it is of value and I'm grateful for people like you who not only appreciate it but feel the value of deeping our connections.

I never know what I'm going to write about. I wait almost until I sit down to let something come through. Sometimes my photos dictate the topic. I find it most valuable to write whatever I'm passionate about, as I have the more to share on the things I care about most. I have a lot of interests and I have a lot of experience and I live in community, so I I'm all about that being my focus here on Steemitl. Helping each other and supporting each other will be what we make it. It's up to us, we create the value. For me, it's worth hanging around for!

Oh Steemit!!! - ASTOUNDING on many many many levels.

Have a blessed EVERything @spaceginger. Thanks for being a part of my world.

I think it's an incredible reminder. There is so much more to Steemit than rewards. I can tell you feel that is true or your wouldn't be here still. It sounds like you have your priorities by which you live; and really enjoy, as I do, the building of an expansive and passionate community.

After having gone to the first Steemfest and actually meeting my fellow Steemians, there was no question that these are my people. The over all feeling I encountered was that these are the up and coming most powerful people in the world. They are intelligent, loving, action oriented, inspired capable, responsible human beings. So kind, personable, thoughtful, helpful. And though we only spent less than a week together, we could all feel the connection. We have an opportunity to really build something amazing from all corners of the world. This community is creating a better future and we are getting stronger with every one of us that invests and brings value to this platform. We are doing it ourselves and we can make it whatever we want it to be.

So I don't just upvote people's posts, I read them. If they are worth reading then I'll give an upvote. I also feel if it's worth an upvote, it's also worth a comment. So I engage conversation if I feel it is of value and I'm grateful for people like you who not only appreciate it but feel the value of true connection.

I never know what I'm going to write my posts about. I wait almost until I sit down to let something come through. Sometimes my photos dictate the topic. I find it most valuable to write whatever I'm passionate about, as I have the most to share on the things I care about most. I have a lot of interests and I have a lot of experience and I live in community, so I love community, and helping each other and supporting each other is of the highest order and will be what we make it. We get to decide. Our time is now. We have the platform and the opportunity. The question is....what will we do with it?

I"m grateful to connect with you, for your comment and for the opportunity to get to know you better. Thanks for showing up here on my blog @spaceginger.

Thanks for the great advice and yes you're right about upvoting articles that deserve it and also creating content that deserves it. This is why I felt the Steemit vibe in the first place, the quest to get great content noticed above the massive abundance of junk on the internet. Unfortunately I saw so much of the same Youtube style "Like, comment, subscribe" narrative and it even sucked me in for a while too as I felt like... I hate to say it... but 'direct advertising' was the way to go. I've always disliked this and even sold a previous business I once had because I didn't like the idea of trying to convince people to want to buy my products but wanted them to buy them because they added value to their lives.

I'm very interested in one day attending a Steemfest so hopefully I will get the chance. I've never had much positivity in my life so it would be a very unique experience for me to find such passionate, honest and loving people in real life. I guess if you roll in mud, you get used to mud. I want to roll in the green grass and flowers :)

I will definitely be spending more time on here and just let it flow. Enjoy reading amazing articles and disregard all else and even allow myself more time to produce a better blog and relish the process instead of any kind of reward. I don't leave home much so I will also be making an effort to get out and meet people despite my irrational fear :)

Here is the photo I promised you that reminded me of Steemit. I now see it's less similar than I originally thought but still very much gave me a smile and a welcome surprise.

I shared this link the other day with an artist who contributed an eye to my CAJ initiataive:

This was the response:

kerlund74 (51) · yesterday
OMG, wonderful all of them. I especially love the contribution from @spaceginger, whole life is in our eyes or souls, the eyes are "just" the mirrors of the souls. Awesome, thanks!

You've really made some great contributions. This is indeed one of my favorites as well.

Thanks heaps for sharing, it's nice to know people get some joy out of my creations. It's even nice to reflect on the image myself as I haven't done that in a long time. What I can't say in words I say with colours and would love to continue to submit to the CAJ :)

It's my honor to share such inspiration. It's an awesome image--really profound, actually. Your opportunity to get in on the CAJ in NOW!!!

Wow! This also reminds me of the Steem logo--color and all!!! Thanks for making the time to take it and share it. I'm sure there are a lot of look-a-likes, now that we have the reason to notice.

I never get caught up in the politics or the goo that sometimes goes around here on Steemit (and life in general). I just stick with the artists and the people who love children--they keeps all things creative and exciting, not petty and down trodden. Life is way better on the sweet side.

I live in a remarkable community where love and support are the standard, and I hardly ever leave home either. But I do that intentionally to stay with the highest vibes and with the people I love and who love me the most. I can totally understand your reference to being in the mud. It gets sticky in there and even when you get out, there tends to still be mud on the face.

I wouldn't have a business where I had to convince others to buy things either. Helping people with things that they want or that benefits them feels way better than trying to get money out of them.

That is also one reason that I don't give rewards for participating in the CAJ. People do it because they want to, because they are passionate and want to build community, not simply because they want the money. I think that our intentions are what manifest in our lives, so we reap what we sow. I'm having a great experience here, because that is what I choose to see and engage.

I hope you stick around here for the experience of it, and that you find your sweet spot that is fulfilling and joyous. It can be a breath of fresh air and we can make it whatever we want it to be. Let's do it together.

Haha I didn't even realise the colour was the same (colourblind). Even cooler to know that now. I've never been a believer in 'signs' but woah who knows eh.

Art and my kids are my most treasured part of life. I will absolute get back into contributing to the CAJ :)

I do believe in 'signs'.....but they're only valuable if we pay attention and take heed!

Art and kids---the two most playful, joyous and carefree things in life! We are blessed to have the opportunity to engage them both.

Congratulations for your first fashion photo shoot of hand-painted SteemGear, excellent art

Thanks @maritrini!! We love it too!

Excellent promotion Steemit, real power of steem comes

Together we shall make it even greater!

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