Building Community on Steemit and the Physical Reality of Community Too!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago

I am increasingly impressed with the level of 

cooperative community 

that is developing here on Steemit.

After my life changing participation in Steemfest, it is obvious to me we are building a digital community that is knitting us together like a one-of-a-kind, never before seen, quilted tapestry of possibility.  I feel there is great insight to be had in bringing powerful energies together for common purpose.    It is obvious how one hand feeds the other, and we are all part of the united whole as we bring our own individual gifts and talents to the table, creating value for everyone. 

I believe my experience in the sustainable physical community, the @gardenofeden, has some great similarities to the Steemit community.    It's still quite a rarity these days to know someone who physically lives in community, so there is not a prolific or vast array of people's experiences to draw from to see what life is really like when you co-create a life with others in an expanded version of family.   I would like to share some of my experiences with you as I  believe that community is the wave of the future.

There are tons of benefits and, of course, some drawbacks too.   In my experience of having lived both in and out of community, the benefits to community far outweigh the down sides and makes life more simple and abundant in nearly every way.  Helping one another and giving our talents is way more fulfilling and rewarding than working to make ends meet by doing it all alone.


Today, as in most every day, I started with a complete and restful night's sleep, undisturbed by an alarm clock or pressure to be somewhere.

My experience with Steemit may be different than most in this regard, as I can spend as much time as I wish writing posts, commenting and building the Steemit community.  My life is of my own design so I can stay up and play as long as I wish.  I have no one to answer to and no place to go.  

I indulge in hydrogen therapy and a breath of fresh air, followed by a yoga session and meditation.  Implementing yoga and meditation together as a community is proving to refine our clarity, hone our focus, and helping us be more completely present for a full-on day of service.

It seems fit that all communities could benefit from self-care, introspection and clarity of vision, as coming together for common purpose for the bigger picture and on smaller projects works best when we all are aware of what we can contribute.  Working on ourselves to be the best we can be upgrades the whole experience for everyone.

I took a little walk around the @gardenofeden and want to share a bit of the amazing things in my reality.  You can see how it all works when we each give our all--it's like a well-oiled machine that works as a cohesive whole.

I am upgrading our living space:

This is a hallway I have been upgrading with cob.  Cob (sometimes spelled cobb) is made of clay, stand and straw.  These are materials we sourced from our own land.  I've created little hobbit hole openings for our doorways, sculpting with the cob and inlaying tree bark (from one of our fallen trees) and chunks of pink rose quartz. 

A brief overview on cob

The developers on Steemit are upgrading our living space--creating an atmosphere and environment where we all feel at home.  Of course we all contribute to the overall energy, but those who are laying the physical foundation, maintaining and upgrading are making it all possible.

The children are reminding us of the beauty of unconditional love and how truly abundant and free life can be.   Free children do not censor, but speak their truth, show no pretense, are open, raw, and real. They are the true leaders of this community and keep us all honorable and accountable to integrity.  

On Steemit, perhaps we could say that this is the blockchain and the witnesses--making a recording of our interactions, written thoughts and expressions.  They speak the truth, hold us accountable, and watch our every move.

Those of us that garden, contribute high vibe foods to the community:

This is a Moringa Tree, a superfood that has been shown to maintain and improve health in a myriad of ways (including but not limited to treatment and prevention of heart disease, diabetes, anemia, arthritis, liver disease, and respiratory, skin, and digestive disorders.  It has anti-inflammatory properties, can lower cholesterol, is an anti-oxidant, and is good for your brain too.  The list goes on and on!).  Moringa is one of the dozens of herbs and greens that gets added to our potent daily dose of green juice

Our garden grows nourishment as an integral and potent part of our physical well-being.  It is built from the soil/ground up and nurtured every step of the way through harvest, and into the next year's crops.

A video of our precious Noki harvesting with me in the garden.  

On Steemit we are continually being nourished with new and insightful information.  Those who are writing posts and making comments, developing, creating new tools, marketplaces, cities, chatrooms and more, are providing sustenance that will help this Steemit community grow.

Some of us apply our energy into building and maintaining living quarters for those who come through the @gardenofeden.  Here @mmcrae gives a coat of recycled paint to a teeny tiny home (amazing enough for a post of its own).   Taking into account the needs, interests and abilities of the community members can create a space where all feel welcome.

There are also those on Steemit who make sure there is space for everyone by supporting all kinds of initiatives that inspire others--initiatives such as @curie and @robinhoodwhale.  Whether you are a computer geek, an artist, chef, activist, seamstress, car or sports enthusiast, musician or otherwise, there is an audience and niche for you.

Some of our Eden Knights (here is @kotamdickson) hand-paint our logo on our @gardenofeden threads, as well as the Steemit logo on our Steemit gear (offered on PeerHub).  We are all about sustainable realities that provide us means to navigate financial realities, all created from our own inspirations.

On Steemit, we are also creating a sustainable reality of our own design.  We get to decide on the content, creating value with our inspirations that actually pays us to create!  


Some of us are culinary artists (here is our beloved @saramiller).  We create one-of-a-kind dishes to share with each other and our greater community like firemen, the homeless, single parents, and families in need.

Steemit is a one-of-a-kind creation, never seen in its present form before.

We also provide feasts for our guests and members, and for all of our events as well.  And truthfully, this is not an uncommon site of our EVERyday table at the @gardenofeden.

Steemians share the excitement and the delights we all get to enjoy on Steemit EVERyday.

 We can all learn from the simplicity of a child's perspective.  (Here are Aniya and QiQi.)
Friendships are built to enhance and add glue to the mix.

We all have the opportunity EVERyday to play on Steemit.  No matter when we log in, it seems our friends are there waiting with fresh ideas, a new approach, a supporting or inquisitive comment, and other surprises that may blow you away.  

Since my experience at Steemfest, I feel the sweet and familiar joys of connection.  Knowing each other, supporting each other and raising each other to new heights is what makes Steemit for me so incredibly juicy.

Being outside EVERyday allows us the opportunity to see nature at work in all of its stages of perfection.  Here are the remains of our cucumber vines hanging on our homemade bamboo trellis after a freeze.  So is it also in the transformation of our evolving community, living through many phases of trial and error, changes and upgrades, beginnings and ends, and the overall natural cycles of a living creation.

We are getting to experience Steemit through its evolutionary process as well.  There are some who have been here since the beginning when the soil was created to give birth to this platform.  As it is now in Beta, we can see that it has just begun and there is so so more that can grow from this fertile soil.  Together we can decide what to plant, how to support it's many facets of existence and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Many moments connected through sound and the giving of our individual gifts, having a safe haven to express ourselves fully.  (@rileyechard - his most recent Open Mic Entry.)  People come from all over the world to experience and participate in what we have to offer.

And so it is on Steemit, a place of expression, of sharing perspective and our own individuality from around the globe.

A wasp nest in the top of a filagreed metal lamp. Even the tiniest of contributions make the world go round.

Naturally, every contribution to the whole of Steemit is of value.  Even those who are generally hidden where others cannot see make a difference.

@gardenofeden's Mastermind @quinneaker shares his infinite wisdom through his EVERyday presence, holding space for the evolution of humanity.

Steemit also has masterminds, @ned and @dantheman, who hold the vision and provide opportunity for others to participate in the grand design.  They are the visionaries, the movers, the original inspiration and leading the way to planetary change.

This is one fine day, many of us gathered over a giggling morning cup of coffee.  

I have giggled many a day with my fellow Steemians, most recently just this morning when seeing the joyous expression of collaborative works.

Community... can take on a life of its own.  

It expands and contracts, 

has its ups and its downs, and

is insightful beyond words.

Community... can lift you up, 

show you yourself, and

help you grow.

Community... can connect you,

divide you,

awaken you,

excite you.

Creating a life together is indeed an experiment into the unknown.

I'm incredibly grateful to be doing it with you my fellow Steemians 

and my beautiful co-creators at the @gardenofeden.

Oh what a life!!


Thank you for sharing this. Sounds like a wonderful community!

It's my pleasure indeed @truthfeedomlove. What a wonderful screen name btw.

Thank you everlove! I like yours, too. :)

What a beautiful post, @everlove. I too feel part of something special here on Steemit, unlike other social network sites that seem cold in comparison. I look forward to 'coming here' every day and always there's something special I come across, whether just from one person or many.

Thank you for your comment @woman-onthe-wing! It feels good to be in connection with others who are seeing the benefits of community and making great change together. Grateful to see yo yon my post. Following you.

I have been following you too for a while now... you share such beautiful things! I absolutely LOVED the photos of your baby bump and bathtub birth. I had an emergency C-section at 32 weeks under anesthetic and so never got to feel or even see my baby being born, which still kinda makes me sad though he brings me such happiness now a year later that I guess a certain balance is restored :-) Anyway, thank you for sharing all these wonderful things, it really makes coming online a thing to look forward to!

Oh so glad we get to share such profound experiences. Both of my children were born in hospitals, one as natural as it gets in a hospital, the other c-section. If i knew then what I know now things would likely have been extremely different. Building bridges to more awakened experiences. Thank you for sharing and for tuning in with me. Blessings @woman-onthe-wing!

Steemit is not the first online community I've belonged to. With the dawn of the internet Jim Baen (Baens Books) started Baens worked very well for a decade or so.

I haven't heard of Baens Bar until now. Thanks for the comment. I suppose there are lots of communities--could you/would you call Facebook one too? FB is definitely not the community I feel building here on Steemit. So glad for the good-feel experienced here.

Baen's Bar is but a shadow of it's former self. There was also the Extropian Mailing List and ChatRooms in AOL. which developed a sense of community.

FaceBook...not so much. FaceBook exemplifies the saying that "if you don't pay, YOU are the product".

BlockChain is a whole nuther ball of wax. It has the potential to be compatable with human's mental hardwiring and possibly avoid the Iron Law or Rat Utopia

And Steemfest was another level of this community building. Meeting each other was magical. Truly I had not been in a room of so many happy people all at once except at the @gardenofeden in many, many years. It was an amazingly beautiful experience and everyone truly felt like family. A very powerful vortex. Community here is already happening very strongly. We are blessed.

beautiful article, beautiful way of living, of being.

Thank you @deanliu. I appreciate your presence here.

It's AWESOME to be part of your community @everlove! I'm so very very very grateful for your example! Thanks @quinneaker for dreaming up a space for us all to live in peace and freedom!

Community is what makes life worth living:) It would be awful if we were just on our own living as completely separate individuals.

I wholeheartedly agree with that. For some time, perhaps, experimenting with a relationship with one's self could be quite powerful. But I truly love the enjoyment of togetherness too. Thanks for your comment @thecryptofiend.

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