About Alexa Nova, who newly introduced herself as a porn queen with disgusting images...and a sicker mind on steemit.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This site is pure porn and I am very much concerned that Steemit whales have upvoted it to the tune of almost $300. I do not want to be on a site that endorses porn, it is sick, evil, abusive and totally misogynist. If this woman is not banned I will ban myself...! by the way Facebook BANS PORN!

"People of all faiths abhor pornography and regard it as unlawful. Moreover, it is shameless, degrading, morally wrong and symptomatic of a sick mind. Pornography should be banned as a risk to women because it dehumanises women into becoming sexual objects. Women in pornographic pictures or films are required to perform in demeaning ways, leading individuals into believing that this is the way that women like to be treated.
Numerous well researched scientific and religious documents are available concluding that all forms and levels of pornography has the potential for causing harm to women, children and the family unit."


And allowing this disgusting site opens it up to more despicable ones..of aggression, violence, horror etc.

This is the scholarly contemporary adult view of porn:


What about gay porn; are you against that?

What about consensual swinger porn/group sex?

To say people of all faiths abhor porn belies the fact that it is a multi-billion dollar industry; and guess what?

The biggest porn searches are in the most religious; Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, et al.

It really comes down to choice; obviously rape or child pornography is illegal and should be so; beyond that the lines are blurred, and banning something will turn us into another Facebook or Reddit.

I assume you value Steemit above those platforms? If not, then perhaps they are safe havens for you, whereby somebody decides in advance whether you should watch something or not.

If you want to be treated like a child; nobody will stop you; however if you want to be treated like an adult, whereby you can make your own decision to circumvent the NSFW tag, then stay here with the rest of us adults :-)


I am against all porn. Being gay does not mean you want to be victimized or abused! Why do people assume that all gays approve of porn? FACE BOOK bans porn and so should Steemit!

My point was that you said porn degrades women, and my second point was that there is plenty of consensual porn on the internet; both of which fall outside your definition of porn.

You mentioned facebook before, and now you put it in CAPS. Is that because you think we should try and emulate Facebook? Or is it because you feel that Facebook banning porn has made them popular?

I would say this about Facebook, most people are here because they can't stand Facebook, Twitter, et al. Therefore implementing draconian policies that mirror those sites will drive people away.

Ultimately you don't have to look, you can mute the user you promoted in your original post (I know you didn't mean to, but you made me aware of her, and I popped by and voted for her).

If it bothers you that much, then as you suggested, maybe you should ban yourself, because nobody is going to ban porn here; people will keep voting for what they like, that's kind of the point.

Ultimately you sound like you want sites that you use, to fall in line with your personal standards, which is fine; however Steemit may not be for you, because there will always be what you may (or I) consider shocking content.

Go back to the safety of Facebook, where Zuckerbgerg has entombed you in an algorithmic echo chamber and makes money from your metrics. Or open your mind up, realise that it's impossible for everyone on earth to agree with your principles and morals, and get on with it.

Why do people assume that all gays approve of porn?

Nobody is assuming that ALL gays approve of porn; however there are a lot of gay clubs which have "dark rooms". Where men go to have sex anonymously (I know, shocking huh!).

This is because men find it easy to detach emotion from sex, in fact we find it preferable a lot of the time. What is porn, if not sex without emotion?

Ergo men, gay or not, will on the whole enjoy porn more than women, not to say that lots of women don't enjoy sex without emotion, but I'm talking rules of thumb here.



Unfortunately, while I am inclined to agree with your sentiment, I can't agree with your arguments.

Appealing to the popularity of an argument is not itself evidence for the argument. Accusing people with whom the author disagrees of being mentally ill is a classic ad hominem fallacy. Apparently the "actress" in question enjoys her work and doesn't find it demeaning to herself if she is so eager to promote it on a public forum like this. No actual studies are cited.

It is necessary to be doubly vigilant against sloppy arguments when you agree with those arguments to any extent.

SICK SICK SICK...that is what i think of your views....a rationalization to behave pervertedly!

I'm sorry to see that your views are outdated and based on dubious evidence. There is nothing wrong with porn. If you don't want to see it that is up to you but it is wholly wrong to try to enforce your Victorian views on the whole of Steemit. Also calling people "sick" because they disagree with you is childish in the extreme.

No it is not it is an article based on someone who has a specific agenda and makes their living by being against porn.

You have an agenda dear steemit ex-friend, namely to see more porn on this site.

You have an agenda dear steemit ex-friend, namely to see more porn on this site.

Lol now you think you are reading my mind? How do you know what I want? Perhaps you best stick to trying to figure out what is going on in your own mind before telling me what is going on in mine.

Did you miss the first sentence I wrote up there?

That was a disclaimer to launch into a tirade so I ignored it and read the rest of your comment.

Again, I am inclined to agree with your position for the most part. But a bad argument is a bad argument regardless of its intent. I am trying to offer constructive criticism to help you make a better argument to defend your position. If you perceive that as a "tirade," I apologize, because that was not my intent.

There is no point in making a rational argument with someone whose mind is stubbornly closed. They will use all the logical fallacies they can muster to avoid seeing the other side of the argument.

You're a bigot with aging ideals and I'll not have you pushing your bullshit ideals on my network.

Just because you grew up in a different time under the eyes of god or whatever does not give you the fucking right to berate and be-little others based on their profession or sexual preferences.

Flagged for spreading narrow mined hatred.

Banning something you don't like, or think is harmful is not the solution. This would open the door to banning everything.
I think a better solution is a section for things NSFW, not just a tag.

Perhaps even future capabilities for higher SP users to be able to re-categorize some posts into a NSFW section. A subsection under flag?

Well this opens it up to witchcraft, racial hatred and violent blogs...I think some categories need to be banned by intelligent whales! And by the way porn is violence...and can lead to child porn and rape as academics have shown who have interviewed pedophiles in jail who claim that they tried sex with children first on porn sites and then in real life, even though initially they were repelled by the idea.

There is no need for bans unless there is evidence of fraud or aggression. Censorship is a dangerous thing. Even flagging items you dislike is a dangerous tactic. I have seen people lose Facebook access because people who disagreed with their posts used the reporting system maliciously over political arguments rather than actual violations of any terms of service, for example. That is a childish temper tantrum rather than a rational response.

FACEBOOK BANS PORN!!!! Are they childish???
You are misconstruing facts!!!

I love sex in connection with intimacy as an expression of the deepest love between 2 people, not an ugly banging and grinding affair.

Ugliness is subjective but you have made it quite clear that you are unable to comprehend that. Pornography is just someone taking an image in whatever form of people having sex or some other sexuality. If pornography is wrong then by that logic the act itself must be wrong otherwise what are you objecting to?

Pornography is just an excuse for violence and the humiliation of women.

Based on what? The claims of some woman whom you have never met but found in an online search on the Guardian website? I find your views deeply sexist towards men. Essentially you are telling "all men" who watch or view pornography what their motivations are. The same generalisation in regards to women would likely offend you. Further you take no account of the women who work within the industry of their own free will. You just dismiss those people and harass them because they don't share your distorted view.

Most men according to research I posted later here say that men who participate in pornography hate women.

Again overgeneralisation, based on something which is as far from research as you can get - a newspaper interview with an anti-porn bigot. Mind telling me how this woman determined that all "men who participate in pornography hate women"?

Generally you have shown your lack of knowledge, ignorance and intolerance. I am glad you have shown your true colours though. We don't need people like you spreading their intolerance around Steemit.

I respect scholars I am afraid...and it is obvious to me you need the last word, so I will let you have it. I would just like to add that you are quite arrogant to think you can speak for Steemit. All of us can, not just you.

Stick to Facebook then if you prefer their policies and censorship. Many of us are here because this is not Facebook.

Surprised that you endorse this filth...@cryptofiend. Thought better of you!

I thought better of you too. If you think pornography is filth then you must think sex is filth too. You must also dismiss a large amount of art which would be filth under your definition. It is hypocrisy and it belongs in the Victorian era. Nobody is forcing you to like pornography - if you are against it don't watch it.

I love sex in connection with intimacy as an expression of the deepest love between 2 people, not an ugly banging and grinding affair. Pornography is just an excuse for violence and the humiliation of women. Most men according to research I posted later here say that men who participate in pornography hate women.

You are misreading what I wrote.

Porn being violence is an opinion. Such as, boxing is violence.
Racial hatred would get flagged by users, the author rep would plummet, and the post become invisible on Steemit.
I understand where you are coming from, but I disagree with your "solution".

Are you suggesting porn is a sport?

I was not. Don't assume I am condoning porn, just Steemit.

I want to know that Steemit is NOT condoning porn!

Witchcraft is not real, like all religions.

If you like censorship so much, I suggest you go back to Facebook ma'me.

Sure Fyrst, asking people to be banned = freedom of speech
dont be ridiculous!!!!

no @walden - I have sent a message to @ned asking if there is a quick fix to make an 18+ section of steemit.com for all your porn and pornstars and gambling etc etc etc...

I agree with everyone who say they don´t want that kind of content on the main pages. We need clear sections.

The post she is referring to contained no actual porn. Rather it was from a porn actress.

I agree that there should be a means for people to opt out of adult content but I think we should be clear that this post was motivated by a simple (non explicit) introduction post which seemed to attract the kind of puritanical hate mongering that would go down well with IS.

Whilst I have no problem with people expressing that they are against porn or anything else I for one will not support them harassing our new users simply because they have a perfectly legal occupation which they don't approve of.

That is simply bigotry based on occupation and is not something that should be encouraged.

Frankly I was taken aback and wondering if I was in some episode of the Twilight Zone where I had been transported back to Victorian times!

We all want free speech but part of that involves others challenging you if you put forward extreme views.

It seems this person wants to put out her views and simply have everyone agree with her without questioning.

Porn is a career choice for many in that industry and steemit is a great way to share that type of work.

Although I do agree with you that there should be an 18+ section for users wanting to share such material.

Also pornography is a huge business, so it wouldn't take long before engulfing steemit like a wild fire.

Good idea @fyrstikken

Thank you elen :) Thank you

Don't forget the Mute option. :) You can keep it off of your feed.

I forgot about that! Still it would be nice eventually to have a section that stays off the main feeds. (see my comment)

If you hate porn you shouldn't be on the internet. The internet may have never got off the ground if it wasn't for the porn industry adopting the technology and meeting the demand of people thought it.

You mean STUPID low life people...@fubar-bdhr.

Maybe you should quit judging people that do it and get to know them.

Great rebuttal by the way just calling people stupid must get you far in life. Maybe that's your problem you get nowhere because you jump to conclusions about people and what that do and can't carry on an intelligent discussion.

I will use my hard earned steem power to counteract any downvote you may based on personal prejudice.

Maybe you should, what do you think?

what do you think????

Thanks for the tip! I hadn't noticed Alexa Nova yet.

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