Steemit and the Fine Art of Selling AIR!

in #steemit6 years ago

In some odd and twisted way, the saving grace of the Hardfork-20 hubbub was that it offered me — and perhaps quite a few others — the chance to get up and walk away and do something completely different.

And then come back and pose the inevitable "WTF, mate?" questions.

Or not.

I had some. Or I had some new perspectives.

Time for some fall leaves...

I Guess I Shoulda Known...

A couple of posts I read recently inspired these ramblings... somewhat.

First was @anomadsoul's post "Thoughts from a doctor's waiting room" from a couple of days ago (Hope you're feeling better, Eric!) in which he alludes to the heartbreak of watching people jump ship from Steemit at the slightest signs things aren't working (like HF.20 not going smoothly) and complaining about it, all over unproven alternative venues... that are little more than Steemit clones.

A very short while later, came across @meno's vlog which was basically a response to "a certain post" currently sitting near the top of the trending feed, with a-certain-someone selling the "secrets" to succeeding on Steemit.

At the end of those two, I was pretty much shaking my head; realizing that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

And not just on Steemit. Everywhere.

Busy sandpipers in the beach...

The "Competition" Thing...

Personally, I find that checking out the competition and actually interacting on other sites is a really useful exercise. I'm less interested in partaking in the "bitch sessions."

In listening to what "refugees" from Steemit are saying elsewhere, we get a clearer and unfiltered look at the hot spots of what is going wrong here.

On Weku, for example (basically a total Steemit clone) the subtext you get from reading between the lines is that there's a group of people who feel let down that Steemit seems more like an "app development" venue than a "content creation" venue. They are bloggers and writers who are sick to death of bots and apps and SMTs... and the people who are apologists for them.

I know this music. Twenty years of doing this tells me that you can rely on pretty much all projects setting up to reward contributors for content to shoot themselves in the foot and go TU for a variety of reasons.

The most common reason for failure is underestimating the sheer depth of human greed, along with the vast numbers of people desperate to make even one-tenth of a cent from "working online."

More fall leaves... and a few snowflakes...

The Snake Oil Sellers...

Although I'm certain they don't think of themselves in such terms, latter-day Snake Oil Salesmen are a fact of the business landscape, no matter where you go.

As a metaphor, they come to a village where villagers peacefully pick apples for free, as and when they need them. But these opportunists somehow put a fence around the apple trees and suddenly charge admission to pick the previously free apples.

But that's only half the story.

Whereas such an action does allow them to make some money from the hapless villagers, the real opportunity lies in selling seminars to the villagers on "How to Profit From Putting Fences Around Free Apple Trees!" knowing full well that there aren't enough apples — by a long shot — to support all the seminar buyers... while persisting in pointing to their own success as "proof" that their system works.

As @meno pointed out in his vlog, "don't do it!"

"Lying with the facts" is a time honored — but very sketchy — business practice that has been around for many decades.

Simply put: The "secret" to making lots of money on Steemit is to persuade enough people to pay you $40 to learn the secret to making lots of money on Steemit. There actually is no secret, just the possible promise that there might be a secret.

A lot of people are basically selling you AIR, and charging good money for it. Even though air is all aronud us, and free...

Petals of a pink rose...

Well, Why Don't You Take These Crooks DOWN???

It's not my job to take anyone "down."

My job is merely to shine the light where there perhaps is darkness or fogginess as to what is going on. I simply show — in a public way — how things actually work.

If the illusionist's bag of tricks can pass the light of day, so be it — good luck to them! Most likely, though, they can't. Most likely, you're being sold smoke and mirrors with nothing to substantiate them.

And the fact that there are people making $800 for their Steemit posts has no bearing on what I will be paid for these words... nor on my expectations of what I should get paid for them. If I end up with $20 in rewards for this, it would be a small miracle!

"Yeah, but I want to make lots of money posting stuff on Steemit!!"

Cool. And I want a brand-new Mercedes for $1,000.

In other words, take a reality pill and call me in the morning when you've had a chance to think through the actual math of the whole thing.

Towards far horizons...

What's REAL... and What Isn't?

There are no "secrets" to Steemit, and I agree with @meno on that count.

I've busted my butt for almost two years, posting nearly 800 top level posts and 12,000+ comments... and I'm still pretty much "nobody," on the greater scale of things.

My Steemit friends are more likely fellow content creators than "influential people." I don't have a random million dollars lying around to buy influence with, in the form of SteemPower.

What's real here is that we have an opportunity here to get rewarded for our contributions. What's not real is the idea that somehow Steemit "owes us" any particular compensation or income.

In the meantime, I am just going to keep posting and enjoy the interaction. Not planning to "go anywhere," even though I have "toe holds" in several of the new projects. Because I am curious...

Now go out there and do your best, and have a bit of integrity!

Because that IS "real."

Thanks for reading!

Comments are welcome and invited, as always!


(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 181005 23:23 PDT

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Absolutely perfect @denmarkguy! The apple analogy was bang on and very very clever :) I'm afraid we live in a world where many quit as soon as things are perfect, or as soon as there's a little work to be done; and you mentioned greed too ... you'll always find a greedy person near anything where money can be made, or where you can trick people into believing it!

Reminds me of bottled water. Remember when it first reared its ugly head? I laughed and thought, why on earth would people buy water when they can just turn on their taps (yes, I realize necessity for some), yet look at the bottles of water sold everyday across the globe.

Thank you so much for a perfect summation of the fine art of selling air ! :)

Hi @lynncoyle1, thanks for the kind words. Bottled water is another great example, and it's also a great example because people have been so thoroughly convinced that their $3 bottles of "designer" water is superior... even though it is hauled out of the ground a couple of miles from where the city water plugs into the same aquifer. I'm not knocking bottled water as a functional necessity in parts of the world where most water is unfiltered and disease ridden, though.

Another favorite is building; houses. You take a pile of wood, nails, wiring, stone and pipes and whatever it takes to build a house, and it costs a certain amount of money. And then you add a "fair profit" for a builder. And yet? When plunk them down in Salina, Kansas... the finished house is $120K, while if you plunk them down in Seattle, WA the finished house is $800K. The SAME house, made with the SAME materials. And it's NOT just "land value" that's to blame... there's about $500K of "pure air" in that Seattle house.

At some point, that system HAS to "break."

So true about the houses @denmarkguy! Coming from Vancouver, Canada, house prices are simply outrageous, akin to Manhattan. It's just ridiculous, so yes, "that system HAS to break!

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and their founder @jaynie

interested in joining the Steemit Bloggers Community?

Appreciate the support, as always!

I'm here 18 months now and I still can't get over getting paid for my writing. A small miracle indeed! Plus, if you look for it, there is a great sense of community here, people giving each other a hand up. Granted there are those who play the system but there are those types everywhere.

It is definitely nice to be rewarded for writing!

I'm not exactly new to getting paid for writing, but I'm used it it being far more time consuming because it involved installing Google Adsense on blog pages and generating Amazon product links and such things. Here it just happens automatically. Similarly, on other "rewards for content" sites, there was endless time to spend being out there plugging your articles on social media or you wouldn't make but a few pennies.

People "gaming the system" are merely a sad part of our reality... they are everywhere, trying to gain through shortcuts and hacks.

Who will come out with the SteemitAir Seminar?

As always, the show does, will, and must go on. More so than Air Salesmen and snake charmers, I’m always amazed by how the conversations of old just get picked up by newcomers and replayed ad infintum.

Oh, I dunno... if we truly want a circus, hosted by Berniesanders and Nogan00? Did I just say that?? I DID!

Kidding aside, the same old issues will keep recirculating for years and years. If I can go back a single point that has fired more trouble than any other, it was the group of people who decided it would be a great promotional tool to use Jeff Berwick's infamous "$30,000 post" as an ongoing recruiting tool for Steemit. Great! What kind of "money-for-nothing-seekers" did you think THAT would attract?

But yeah, the show must — and will — go on.

Somehow I missed that round of promotions.

I’d be pretty hard pressed to go back and narrow things down to one point. There have been quite a few ups and downs in the two years that I’ve been hanging around here, but the biggest change I’ve noticed happened around February of this year. I don’t really know what happened, but things have just felt really different to me since then.

Most here wouldn't do what we do if not for the potential that someday Steem might be worth $10 or $20. That will happen if we ever get enough eyeballs and interaction to garner the attention of some of the big advertisers and marketers.

Right now, I think our biggest hopes for higher priced Steem (longer term) rides on the shoulders of the SteemMonsters initiative. They have a cool idea, well executed, they had a successful KickStarter and are taking something Steem-based beyond the walls of Steemit. Right now? Pretty much the only way you can buy Steem (even if indirectly) with a fiat debit card. And when you do/ You by extension have a Steemit account...

I remember not too long ago there was an exciting new opportunity on the internet, selling dehydrated water! There will always be charlatans and snake oil salesman.

What's real here is that we have an opportunity here to get rewarded for our contributions. What's not real is the idea that somehow Steemit "owes us" any particular compensation or income.

No such as free money. Just the opportunity to work for an honest buck.

All I can say is "Amen".

OK, I will add something else.

Turmoil time is good time for cleansing 😀👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, turmoil is often a good time for cleansing. I have always liked the saying often attributed to Warren Buffett: "When the tide goes out, you discover who has been swimming naked."

It's been a while since I resteemed anything... Great content @denmarkguy, that's all I have to say!

Thanks @playfulfoodie! Appreciate the support... it just seems to me like we sometimes need to pause and take a moment for perspective.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Very good, my friend.

Thank you.

Although I am still doing my best to be an active publisher, I find myself increasingly "going quiet" about the ongoing developments at Steemit.

The art is very beautiful my friend and very very high indeed
Well done you are a wonderful artist

Well, thank you for stopping by and commenting; I'm glad you like my photos, even if that wasn't the purpose of my post.

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