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RE: Steemit: The Curation Leagues - SBD and Delegation Prizes!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Wow how awesome is this to see so many of my friends here... I love the concept and glad to see everyone get involved!!!

I particularly like the second game "Asher's League of Excellence" ... lol ;)

Seriously Asher this is fantastic and I'm so honored to have won the 2nd league again this week. I know what kind of talented engagers we have in the league (@coolguy123 @goldendawne and of course you @abh12345), so its something that I will keep focusing on because we all push each other. :)

Its also nice to see how fast the new entrants are picking up the importance of commenting. I don't need to even list them, they all know I'm proud to see their efforts!

I'm also grateful that you let @newbieresteemday enter as well... That will motivate and encourage the ABC's of Curation to continue to improve and realize how important "discovery" is to the platform. And btw, congratulations to @amariespeaks @beeyou and @charisma777, the ABC's of Curation have done an outstanding job of discovering newbies and supporting them! (ps... and thanks to you too @coolguy123, without your sacrifice this wouldn't be possible)

I also want to congratulate @themanwithnoname and @lynncoyle1 for your generous delegations! I know them both well and I'm sure you will be proud of what they will do with it! They are both amazing human beings and a major asset to steemit!

I also want to thank you for the prize you awarded me. It is very much appreciated and I will put it to good use soon (stay tuned, I think you will like how I spend it)... ;)

Asher thank you so much for your contributions of time, energy, and money...But I also want to thank you even more for your dedication to making steemit a place that encourages great content and amazing interactions!!! You are underappreciated by the people at the top for what you do, but not by us at the bottom. We know how much you've helped us and we can't say thank you enough!

Have a terrific day and week... And I can see you will be pushing me, so I better get to work now! ;)


@davemccoy, I’m starting to dread the word ‘stay-tuned’ from you. We talk daily but yet you surprise me all the time with new activities or news. Congrats for making it on to the top again. I’m not surprised on that one 😉.

@abh12345, we really do appreciate your support to #newbieresteemday and our members. You’ve made many delegations to our members and support everyone in so many different ways, i.e, SP delegations, stopping by our blogs (thank you) and continuously motivating our community members.

You and @coolguy123 have been exceptional role models to us.

Stolen from your recent post If you can't stomach Whale-balls every day, there are other options

May I suggest that a more palatable method to success and happiness here on the Steem Blockchain can be achieved by looking down the ladder, and not up.

Ways to lend a hand - There is more than just an upvote.

Mentor someone or a community

Not only did you tell it outright, you walked the walk! Thank you for insiring us all!

Yes I agree with everyone here, you are right about your comments about Asher and @coolguy123!!! And I don't know how you find the time to find gems like you found on Asher's post, but my hat is tipped to you @allseeingbee!

And have a few more things I'm working on, so "stay tuned" ;) lol

Thank you @beeyou for the appreciation, you are doing a good job with inspiring newbies and commenting to encourage us.

yeah, each of those copied contents from @abh12345 are truly being followed by himself and that's a commendable job.

Thanks @coolguy123. :)

I agree. Some people talk a great game, but are not truly sincere. I know Asher mean everything he says.

Well said @beeyou! I couldn't agree with you more :)

Congratulations to you as well Dave! You certainly deserve it. I'm so honoured be on the receiving end of Asher's generosity and so thankful to have met and become a part of such an awesome clan :)

Thank you Lynn! And yes it is an honor and you deserve it! You will use it wisely and I know you will bring lots of energy to everything you do! I'm happy to be part of any clan you are a part of! :D

Thanks buddy, your words right back atcha :)

Your mastery over words is again visible in this comment @davemccoy and thanks for mentioning me.

Congratulations for topping the league 2 again and I know this is is just the beginning of many such congratulations messages to you.

It's not easy to work on a community building act(with newbieresteemday) and then comment so much on others posts with so much of information, but you, @goldendawne and now @abh12345 are making it a regular activity and definitely being role models to others.

Have a nice day :)

Thanks for that compliment @coolguy123 and I know you know how hard it is because you do so yourself. I have been so far behind with launching the friendsofgondor site and newbiegames that I miss our wonderful exchanges... (lol, its only been 2 days but it seems like 2 months) ;)

I think we as a group (all of us here in @abh12345's league) will be the future force in the steemit platform because we have learned what is really important here. Asher has done all of us a great service by running this, but we as a group of individuals should be patted on the back too because we are willing to use the tools that he is providing us!!!

thank you for the mention @davemccoy :-D ! every one is really picking up the pace and it's so nice to see a bunch of names I know make the league of excellence! Congrats on taking the lead again!

:) ... thank you very much @amariespeaks ... and yes I love seeing the names I know on this list... It the list to be on!!!

lol @davemccoy it definitely is ! never was one of those "cool" kids but you know what it feels pretty damn good to have made it on The List :-D

lol... I don't know what your school was like, but you are one of the coolest people ever so you would've been the homecoming queen in my school! ;)

Hey @amariespeaks...You, @beeyou and @charisma777 deserve it for all you do to find talent deserving of a little focus and support. Nice job ;)

Well I didn't think it was possible, but I think you've just topped your previous comments with this one Dave.

Thank you, that is a really kind thing to say. How can I not vote you to the top of my blog after that!?

I'm so happy I set this thing rolling, the comments I receive each week make it completely worth my time and money, and I wish I could vote you all to the moon.

Thanks for being here!

Asher, I have been meaning to reply to this for the last 2 days. But I wanted to have the time to reply to you with my full attention

You have been such a positive influence into every aspect of what I have been involved with, I want you to know that you've been a great teacher and role model! On top of that, I want you to know that your tools (metrics) have shown me more about what I need to know than anything else here. They have shown me that this platform is so early that I can barely tell we have started. In baseball here in America it would be like the first pitch to the first batter in the first inning. We have much work to do and the group that you have attracted here are going to be the players in the future.

Engagement is the key to building any social network. The stats you presented "with the bots" show how little engagement there really is here by the humans. Otherwise we wouldn't recognzie 1/2 of all the top 50 humans on the list. Think about that for a minute.

You now have "THE" league to be in if you want to know the future connectors and influencers. Yes the names will change and the ranks will shift around due to various factors, but the bottom line is that the people that engage most will have the most real relationships over time and that is a factor that will be amazing!

I just wanted you to know, in case my teacher hadn't already considered it!!! ;)

Have a great day!!!

Thanks Dave!

Apologies for my slow response, I took a break yesterdays and for most of the day today too - I'm back on top of my replies, saving this one until last.

I'm proud/honoured/embarrassed to receive these words and appreciate the time you take each time to write them. And I think this is a key aspect to my positive influence - I try to make the time for almost every reply i receive, as well as make my way out to other blogs (although this is getting tougher!) and give support there.

I think most people are aware that Steemit is upside down with regards to engagement and quality content - most of this is taking place in the lower ranks. And so this is where I choose to engage, and try to encourage the keen to stay on track. I really do think that engagement is the grease to the Blockchain, and without all these comments flying around things would look a bit bleak for the platform.

Thank you again for your support in turn, and for almost doubling the entries into THE league :)

Omgosh Asher, never worry about responding quickly to me. Honestly I know how busy you are and I also realize how hard it is to keep up. I myself are days behind in my comments, but things just keep popping up to do. So I do my best, and I'm sure you do too! So you have my full respect and never think that you have to respond back!

One point on the fact that most are aware of the "upside-down-ness" of the engagement, it is relatively new to me. Your league is very responsible for turning on the lightbulb in that regard. You have always come across as a humble guy, but you really need the higher ups to see what your stats show. Maybe this is something that they know and don't care, but my guess is they have heard but didn't really listen. If you ever need my help in "tooting" your horn in this regard to get their, please let me know because I'm not shy when I'm passionate about making a point that I think is helpful.

You're welcome for my support and that goes both ways. I'm very thankful for the support you've shown me and also everyone else. You're engaging in the lower ranks will have a major benefit on many! ;)

Have a great day and always nice to hear from you Asher! :)

Ok that's good then, I'm happy to receive a reply on a topic, old or new.

It sure does take a lot of time and energy, as you know, to reach and support as many people as possible - what's the limit here, I don't know.

This is why I love delegating out to people who I know will further the message, in the same way that FTG did for so many.

...but you really need the higher ups to see what your stats show. Maybe this is something that they know and don't care,

Yeah... I think you could be right. Honestly, most don't need to engage to lift their follower base or Post earnings, it's dirty work to them and not required.

The user count has grown so much - can you imagine knowing almost everyone on the platform 18 months ago? :) You would be able to write a reply to everyone over the course of the week.

But yes, I'd like the numbers to been seen - and I think they are looked at by a few potential delegators, although I don't think much will happen during the current states of affairs, shall we say.

If thinks change though, I would expect to see some nice support for those greasing that dirty big Chain :)

Have a great day too!

haha... I like that ... the dirty big Chain!!!! :)

I understand your points and appreciate your insight!!!

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