5 ways to get a basic income on Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I've been managing a few communities recently and a common topic that minnows have on their minds is how to make the most out of Steem. I've made great efforts to lead them the right way, but I think that it's time to make a post about it so that I can share it with them whenever they ask generic questions.

1. Busy

The first one is the easiest one. All you have to do is use busy.org instead of Steemit, and in your post's tags, include the tag busy. There you go, if the sum of your followers' SP is more than a certain minimum amount, which I believe is 500 SP but I could be wrong, then the Busy bot will upvote your post in a few days.


Busy has 2 tiers.

  • The lower tier get busy.org upvotes. I think that it's between 500 SP and 1,000,000 SP in the sum of your followers' SP.

  • The second tier is busy.pay upvotes.

As you can see, busy.org upvotes are $0.2 and busy.pay upvotes are $1.15.

To get followers with higher SP

You have a few alternatives.

  1. Comment a lot (what I do)
  2. Follow @socky and he'll follow you back. You'll have enough for busy.org at least since he has a few thousand SP.

Note that you can only get one busy upvote every 12 hours and that you may get upvoted many days later because there are a lot of people to upvote.

2. Faucets

Image source

You won't get much here, maybe like 0.016 SBD/day, but all you have to do is leave an upvote and a comment every day on @sydesjokes' faucet: http://csyd.es/Faucet

It's not much work and it's extra income by doing nothing.

For every upvote/resteem/comment that you leave on Sydesjokes' posts, you will get an "interaction" point. When a certain amount of interactions have been reached, Sydesjokes will send SBD directly to your wallet as a reward, so you can stalk him a bit as well if you want some extra cents.

3. Leaving comments

Many authors reward the users who comment on their posts with upvotes. I do this, I leave a 0.02 upvote (and next week, 0.06 upvote) on every relevant comment that I see in my comment section. There are other authors who can leave you up to $5 if you leave them really great comments.

A way to earn some upvotes is to add those authors to your @ginabot and wait until they post again. Then, go read their post, leave a comment and you'll be increasing your SBD stacks in no time!

4. Bots for minnows

There are some bots dedicated to making minnows' lives easier. I didn't know about them when I was starting, and now that I know about them, I can at least recommend them to those who are looking for a bit of extra income.

  • The @minnowsupport bot will upvote you with around 0.09, and Pharesim often votes an extra 0.2. You can get this vote every 48 hours currently. It was 24 hours before, then 36, now 48. All you have to do is go to their Discord channel, read their rules, register and then you just leave the bot a message telling it to upvote you!


  • If you delegate @msp-creative 500 SP for registration (maybe you also have to go into their Discord server and see how things work; I haven't tried this one myself), it upvotes every post you make with around $1.2. That's a lot for a simple delegation of only 500 SP. However, not many starters have that. I myself don't have that amount, so I can't try yet.

I'm sure there are other bots, so if you know any, please share them in the comment section!

5. Consistency


This is the most important thing, and many newbies disregard this. Don't post every 4 days and then complain that everything is too slow. Your earnings will improve exponentially if you post everyday and if you constantly interact with the community.

If you make friends, they will constantly upvote your posts.

I have showed you some tools, but if you aren't consistent, you won't benefit from them at all. These tools give you tiny amounts, but you have to make sure to be attentive and use them as much as you can. Many of these may not be of use later, when many people are aware of them. So try them out! Get some money!

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Leave a vote and a comment below!

All the images in this post, unless otherwise stated, are either mine or taken from free sources such as Pixabay and Wikimedia Commons


Great advice :)

:) Thank you! I hope that it's super useful for those who are starting out. And even for those who aren't, there are some that can be useful. You, for example, could use the @msp-creative bot for a base $1.2 upvote, since it only needs a 500 SP deli. I'll try it when I get there, I'm currently at 230 SP.

I'd also recommend rationing the percentage of your upvotes in order to save some VP. That way, you'll be able to get higher upvotes when you're at 90% VP (they would be around $1, check your steemd.com/@louisthomas)

This is simple but powerful advice in terms of leaving comments and being consistent! Rome wasn't built overnight! I've never heard of the busy upvote bot, I'll try this! Great information, I'm following you now!

Yay! And yeah! I was so surprised when I learned about the Busy upvote bot! And when I started getting busy.pay the other day, ooh, the joy! :D

Damn, @cryptosharon! This is a spectacular post!! My amateur steemit self learned a ton from your graciously shared knowledge. Thank you so much - if nothing else I'm getting my butt over to busy.org immediately!! Great post!!

Yahoo! :) I'm satisfied then if you learned something. And yeah! Head there and make the world proud. I definitely switched to Busy now. It's much better in almost every way than Steemit.

This is excellent advice! I keep forgetting to reconfigure Gina so that I can actively follow my favorite bloggers. I do however have them written down so I can follow their posts :D There are many bots and services that can be used to help gain more votes to a post.

My favorite one is still commenting my favorite authors!~

Wooo, I should write them down too. Today and yesterday, Gina has a 5-6 hour delay and I haven't been able to get in early to any comment section (I'm answering you 6 hours later because of this lol, it's when I found out you'd replied).

I wish I could divide myself. There is just so much to do. I want to write stories, articles, manage my projects, talk to people, read posts, comment on posts and play with everything! But it's so hard and I can only do a few things each day.

I've also been upvoting way too hard these last few days and my VP went right through 60%. I've been letting it sleep to be able to reward people more and better when it reaches 90% :)

"I wish I could divide myself."

Me too! Writing names down does help in case you do miss a Gina alert or get too many and can't keep track.

Time management is important, rather cutting back on distractions. After a couple days rest my VP is only hitting 60% now, but at the very least my lowest votes give one cent—still better than nothing. I know that there are many hours of the day where I could be doing more, and hopefully I get a better handle on it soon.

I'll let you know if I figure something out :3

Oooo look at you and your steemit hacks!!! You smarty! Thanks for sharing this! I'll have to try this out! You're the best

<3 There's a lot of experimental stuff that I'm keeping for myself until I test them out. :3

Is busy.pay is upvote for content created in busy.org???

Yes, you can only get that upvote on posts published from Busy.

Well, I think the best way to earn something extra for new users, is to make eloquent comments in the posts of other users with more SP. I have received votes of 75, 60 and 34 dollars for commenting, it happened to me only a few times, but it is still an alternative.

Another alternative is to join the SmartCash community here at Steemit.

Wowowow!! Max I've gotten is $18, and it was a one-time occasion. The maximum I get nowadays is $4 for certain Steemians who are a bit generous, and those are very rare. But yeah, the easiest and fastest way is just commenting. It doesn't require much investment.

However, if you're consistent like me, after 4 months you can start earning a bit on your posts. I'm getting around $2.4 in organic votes per post on top of the bid bots I use, so it's very affordable to keep posting once or twice a day to get those.

The key is being consistent and using multiple strategies at the same time. I leave comments, post, use bots, use busy, etc., and every grain of sand builds your SP up, the way it has done for you and me.

Well, this does the same thing I was going to post about.
Good job though.
I learned one that I could use, but I don't have facebook. oh well.
Thanks for the post

Which one? I didn't know you needed Facebook for any of these options.

And you can still make it if you have more that I have not said. You can also resteem mine, or make a post commenting on the pros and cons of each of them. There are still many unexplored areas. :)

I might be a different group, it's the sydesjokes one.
I just reread it and It says something about joining a steemit group but you to get your steemitID and that has to be done with FB, but it's not for the Daily Post for the Faucets. Or at least I don't think it is. It would be nice if it's not.
It's towards the end of his Faucet post for the 28th.
Thank you for the info and options to explore more options.

Oh, alright! I use the faucet without that Facebook thingy. I'l look into it see what this is all about.

I guess you will have a whole new post out of this journey. smiles
Thank you
I'll be looking forward to reading your post on this whole new part of that area since I don't do FB, I'll have to see where your journey takes you.
Peace love and much steem to you.

I don't have a Facebook either :P

So many memes on your account. I thought you wrote articles, lol. Oh well!

I used to, but I'm kinda busy, so right now I just meme.
I was also planning on doing guitar lessons but things come up and I just don't have the time right now. But I can always meme.
The thing is to post consistently. Even if it's just memes.
And comment and reply right?
Those don't take as much time as researching articles and editing videos or spending 1hour rereading your posts for errors.
I just started a coding course so It's kinda taking up my time along with taking care of my family. So many things to do, so little time to do it.
Kinda take the steem right out of you. GOOOOO MEME.

Educational and tutorial type or posts are always good for new uses and even for the veterans, you learn something new every time.
You did a great job :)

Thank you, Olegw :) I'm really glad that y'all liked my post so much. It's really motivating to have so much positivity on here.

Nice info - thanks.
I think i will try bussy. Do you have maybe some ideas how to get more followers?

Comment a lot! It's the best way. People get curious and click on your name and you end up with a bunch of followers. I'm reaching 900 followers now by doing this.

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