A Special Something For My Most Engaged Followers. I Hope Other Whales Will Do This Too...

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)



I care about those who take the time to leave a thoughtful comment on my article. I want them to know that I appreciate them.

The problem is that it's quickly becoming more and more difficult for me to get to ALL the comments. Firstly, the notification system is crap right now (it's been 2 weeks since I had any notification on my account) and secondly because there are a lot of comments that come after my 24h later review.

When you get 120 comments per post and you post almost every day...it's difficult to keep up. I could if I was full time or hired someone to do so but, that is not my situation right now. But I got something here to make it up to you!

Special Gift to My Top Commenter and Followers

I bought almost 200,000 SteemPower in Delegation From BlockTrades

You've read that right! I will double my SP so that my upvote on your thoughtful comment is worth 2X as much as it is right now. I figured that with the SBD being that high, it would be a great help for my followers to get extra $$$ from their comments.

I Got SteemAuto Creator @mahdiyari to Develop Something Cool

He is developing a feature where I will be able to autovote, via a list I compile, certain people in my comment section.

That will allow me to make sure that my most engaged users get rewarded even if they comment 48h after I wrote an article.

From there, I will use that list to auto-upvote at 5% your comments after 30 minutes. (1 max per post)

Once I get my delegated steempower, my 5% upvote will be worth ~$2.80. With SBD being at $6, that means that you'll get about $7 USD worth of STEEM for every thoughtful comment you leave.

What you have to do to be on that list

  1. You have to become a fan of @cryptoctopus on SteemAuto (that way you get on the list...see screenshot below)
  2. From that list, I will look at my comment section and discard people who write generic comments that don't mean anything.
  3. Voila! Those chosen will get almost $7 worth of Steem for their comment under my articles

How to Become @cryptoctopus fan?

Go to SteemAuto, sign-up and become a fan.


I hope you will join my fanbase. I will admit, this is not 100% altruistic. I sure think it's cool that I will finally be able to reward my most engaged followers with a generous upvote. I'm sure it will make a big different for them. It's also important to spread the STEEM around to the most amount of people as possible. But I'm also motivated by the fact that as I get my fans to get more and more SteemPower, their upvote will be worth more and more on my post over time. It's a Win/Win after all.

PS(1): Being a fan doesn't guarantee that you get an auto-vote on your comment from me. If I see that you are trying to abuse by write multiple comments, I will discard you from the list. If the quality of your comments starts going down, I will discard you from the list, etc. You get the picture.

PS(2): My delegated SteemPower is supposed to come in today. I'm taking a 20h break of voting until my voting power is replenished https://steemworld.org/@cryptoctopus. Once it's at 100% and my purchased delegation kicks in. The voting will resume!


I hope you are able to somehow filter out the greedy"very interesting" "I like your post" comments and other meaningless sh.it. I like the idea, but auto upvoteing will never be able to filter out every crap comment. Or do you have a solution for this? It sounds like you need to constantly upvote your whitelist. That might be more work than manually curating your comment section.

I will manually curate my list of comment auto-vote. If i see an abuse, I take that person off it. I will also write a post where I will give an upvote when someone finds an abuse in my comment section ;-)

Beautiful comment. It inspires me.

When I comment on your articles I will have to double check my intentions. Am I commenting because I like your work or am I commenting because I want some rewards? I still struggle with this. I want to engage on a genuine level but most of the time I don't feel genuine here on steemit. I feel I must engage rather than I want to engage. Maybe I think too much? I try and give my commenters that put some effort into their comments a big reward compared to those who just write a few words.

I did a little experiment last month. I dedicated almost all my SP to projects. Some commenters stopped commenting because I didn't give them a comment reward. The one's that stayed with me now that I finished this round of delegation will be getting higher rewards.

I also noticed a group of commenters that showed up as soon as my sp was free and they always post at the same time. I think they are bots but I don't know and I always feel bad when I ignore them....sigh

Yes! I fear the perverse incentives built into Steem can really hurt things.

The comment that you have to double-check your intentions is particularly interesting in the context of @Cryptoctopus' post. So, while we're all signing up to auto-upvote his stuff, it will be putting him (even more than he was) into the same boat that you're describing. He knows that posting any old thing is going to net him a bunch of cash, and posting quickly is easier than posting really interesting and thoughtful content. So the incentive is there to just do whatever. He has a history of posting useful things, but it's a form of pressure.

It might sound like I'm down on this initiative, and that's not the case at all. It is super-neat tech, and a fascinating experiment, but maybe not without risk. (I signed up on SteemAuto just now and became a fan!)

Steemit is social experiment, I try and keep this in mind when I’m posting and commenting. We are monetizing social engagement .... nothing new really but with a social platform like Steemit where we make the money rather than the platform like FB or others, which is something new!

I really like your insight of monetizing social engagement. It makes me think in different directions and the theme is closely related to my work on Network Management, Management & Referrals.

And that is what we could call the "steemit paradox"...
The reward system is supposed to elevate good content, but people always try to find ways to exploit the system.

Humans.... Always ruining good things

Well, we can fight the greed through ignoring the greedy and lifting up those who are create awesome content. I’m aware of the paradox, I watch it myself every day☺️

You win the comment of the day award. Yes, that's an issue and as soon as money come into play, people's greed glands get activated and it's difficult to think straight. Thanks for checking your motivation.

My personal motivation is to make sure that I can lift up as many people with me as steem increase in value and I hope to be able to bring up the people who are active and engaged on the platform daily.

There are bot and that's why I try to stay clear from comments that are too generic.

Oh that was an awesome response 😁

That's interesting, @reddust. I'll admit, when I read your post about how you could use your SP to get rewards by delegation, I took that maybe the wrong way. I figured you were done with engaging with folks and happy to be a banker! I'm happy to read your comment here. And I appreciate your point about checking our intentions in commenting. My own goal is to try to make a connection of some sort. I don't often just vote without commenting, too. Because it's the comments that keep Steemit social.

Oh wow this is so awesome what your doing @cryptoctopus to give back to the community ! Im all about community my friend ! I totally agree and also wish that more would get engaged and do the same thing your doing for the community which also helps everyone grow !! Well done , I will go and sign up for sure !! Thanks for all that you do its much appreciated !! Upped and resteemed👍👍👍💕😊

Your very welcome !👍👍👍

This seems like an awesome tool you're developing. It sounds much better than Steem Voter. I hope you don't mind but I decided to share your post in my Steemit Facebook Group. This should help my members get some free steem :) https://www.facebook.com/groups/steemitkings/permalink/1831645557126575/

You are most welcome @cryptoctopus I really admire what you are doing. And thank you very much for the generous upvote. I did not expect that. Regards,

This is genius.

What a great way to support your readers and help them grow.

And yeah I agree with you about how good it would be to have more whales doing stuff like that, supporting new users like this. User retention is an issue, and this would really help with that.

Done and Done. This is awesome on several levels. First it shows you really believe in the idea of steem by purchasing that much SP. Secondly for helping out other users who make great programs on top of the platform and lastly, rewarding those who make meaningful engagement. It's a win win win situation, we need more whales to do this

It's really awesome that you want to reward your followers and especially the people that are truly engaged with your content. In a time when self-voting has become the norm, it's really nice to be seeing large players putting effort into bringing back to the community and rewarding others.

Now this sounds like a game changing strategy to provoke some heavy duty curation and feedback.

I've been a loyal follower since (around a minute) now and I was never disappointed.

I might not leave comments on your articles but surely I see the amazing curation you do all around steemit and its hearth warming <3 Best of wishes and keep the spirit up dear friend.

Awesome man. Thanks for your support.

I signed up for becoming a fan of you, @cryptoctopus! This is a great initiative that is a win-win for both those of us who comments, as well as you who do get more upvotes as well as a more active community!

That's actually a pretty cool and nifty thing of you to do, more whales should take an example out of you :)! Kinda curious how it's gonna play out. Maybe you should put a limit per person on how many comments can be upvoted, or perhaps with continuous reduced upvotes.

Yes, it's a little tricky. All automation seems to have it's draw back. The dev is having to figure out how to limit the amount of comment by the same author. Not easy.

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