Best of Steemit Friday: Deal With The Devil, Chess Tournament, and All About Dreaming

in #steemit7 years ago

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Every day, I bring you eight posts you should think hard about upvoting and supporting. These are quality posts, well written and good examples of the best the community has to offer. Please consider checking them out, and if you agree, love them up.

The fiction today is cold and sharp, the music is warm and positive, and if you ever wanted to know what's going on with your dreams--all of them--here's the skinny. Great collection of the best posts on Steemit today, and a special shout out to @bmwaso, who has organized the first Steemit chess tournament.

Today's Best

Writing (Fiction): He Whispers Like Flowers by @snowmachine. Dark. Cold. Brilliant. READ THIS, and despair.

Writing (Nonfiction): Woodcarving I Made 24 Years Ago, And Some Thoughts On Teenagehood by @coloringiship. Lovely piece, wandering and thoughtful. I often remember the things I did back then, and wonder what I would think if i could see myself now.

Writing (Craft): Where Do Ideas Come From? by @chiefmappster. Interesting take on the idea question, probably the most common one writers get: where do you get your ideas? This is as good an answer as any.

Steemit community: Steemit Chess Tournament Reminder by @bmwaso. I’m always interested in promoting innovative ways for Steemians to commune with one another. I’ll be out of town, or I’d be in. Absolutely. I’d get crushed, I’m sure, but that’s not the point.

Introduceyourself: I’m a South African Artist, Etc. by @enkulu. Lovely to have another South African on board. Looks like a good one to follow.

My Feed: I Need A Little Help From My Steemit Friends by @dreemit. Play the video, so you have accompaniment for the photo album that follows. It’s a great song, good pictures, and the little girl is, well...just check it out.

Photography: Color Challenge Friday: Blue by @jeezzle. If there’s a better message to the world than this one, I don’t know it.

Special Prize: 15 Less-Known Things About Dreams by @luiza. They certainly are less-known--I knew one of these 15 things. A really great, cute, informative post.

As always, suggestions for posts to honor are gratefully accepted.

Rules of the Best Of:

I don't like grammar and spelling errors. I make them, but I hate them. Unless the post is supremely brilliant, even a couple of these--especially in the title--will mean it doesn't make this list. NOTE: if you're writing in your second language, significant slack will be given here. When I write in my second language, I'm lucky if I can be understood at all.

Minnows--I am a minnow, and I'm all in on support for the newbies. Doesn't mean I won't curate a whale post, but it's unlikely. If your rating is over 70, you don't need my help (for whatever it's worth).

I don't do porn, however artful.

Original content only.

I take requests. Gratefully. But not for your own work. Push someone else into the spotlight.

Come to My Website

This blog series loves the Minnow Support Project and all its lovely denizens.


Looking forward to checking these out! Following and upvoted. If you're interested in reading about travel, I am writing about my recent experiences in Italy and France @sunravelme

I'll be following those for sure! Thanks for stopping by. matter how widely I read on here, I never seem to find what you find - must be my feed

That is weird. You'd think we'd overlap more.

Thanks for sharing these!

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