I Need a Little Help From my Steemit Friends-- featuring a new song by my Awesome Brother called Stronger, and photos of a fantastic show!

in #music7 years ago (edited)

I was initially hoping to coincide putting this post up with my brother's debut on steemit, alas he is still dragging his feet a bit. So I thought maybe I could give him another nudge instead, with your help of course my steemit friends!

I took a video at the show featured in the pictures below, but there was way too much background noise for it to be enjoyable. So instead I'm putting up one of his new songs, recorded in his new house. It is guaranteed to touch and uplift anyone going through a tough time or especially watching someone they love struggle. It's also a great tune to have on as you scroll through the pictures ;)


The following photos are from his show at Embark Ciderworks in June. He has a total of- I believe he said twenty four shows booked in the Rochester area this summer and early fall. I unfortunately left my camera home for the last show I went to, but there will be plenty more for me to capture through September :) Good thing to, since the lighting in this place was, well, not awesome.






My cutie sister-in-law with the cutest of all nieces.

My sister-in-law's sister...undeniably cute as well!

Nora Belle has a tendency to steal every show these days ;)









Is it me, or does it look like Eric might be thinking of punching my face? Haha!!

Karl makes up for it with his 'come in for a big hug' stance ;)












This is where the nudging comes in. Please tell my brother what you thought of the song in the comments, and offer some words of encouragement to get his talented butt on here!

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Oh, I remember this booking from a previous Wine Trail Wednesday! Haha! Or is it just for a post and you happened to stumble upon your brother's name? I distinctly remember the rhubarb. In any case, I've tried nudging Ed to join Steemit ever since Whiskey Wednesdays, but to no avail. So, here's what I'll do--I'll channel his conscience and let it talk him into joining Steemit.

 * clears throat *

Is this thing on? Ed, can you hear me? Hey, man! It's your conscience. Yeah, hi! It's been a while, how have you been, brother? The tour's keeping you busy, eh? Yeah, no, I get it. So, listen, I've been thinking. What we're making is fine and all, but Nora Belle's not getting any younger, even though how much we want to keep her this way forever. Or not. I mean, all those sleepless nights, amirite? Oy vey!

I know you don't want to admit it, but we've been building quite a solid fanbase on this thing called Steemit. Yeah, that Steemit, the one Linnet's been mentioning to us a million times now. I mean, I get it, but you know.. I've been thinking. Even though we've been getting tons of gigs, it doesn't hurt to increase our exposure, right? On a global stage no less! I think... Now hear me out. I think that we should post our videos, even if it's just once a week there. It sounds crazy, I know, busy schedule with the tours and the baby and all, but what do we have to lose? Exposure, interaction and money on the side. Plus, I think (and, as you know, that's my main function) we owe it to all of the future generations to etch our videos featuring our deep deep soothing pipes on to the blockchain. Yes, it's been way too long since we last talked, in my downtime I've already read about this whole blockchain thing, and it's legit.

Sound good? Alright, let me know your thoughts, this here host connection with @jedau is weakening a bit. Before I go, one last thing I wanted to say...

Woo! Talk about an out-of-body experience! I recorded my voice as soon as the connection was cut and was disappointed to hear that I didn't have Ed's voice (and, sadly, his strumming skills) anymore. What was his conscience about to say again? I have no clue! All I know is, you better register to Steemit OR ELSE

Hmm? Oh, yeah, no, that's it. I just thought of ending it with OR ELSE to give you an ultimatum. What that ultimatum is, I don't have a clue.
I'm not that big on threats. Anyway, yeah, I hope you finally join! :D

This is definitely top five most awesome comments I've ever read on steemit, hahaha, I freaking love you!!

Oh, and yes, actually it was a post about the other part of this place which is Lagoner farms, the store and deli etc. had the make your own beer kits. Then at the end I put a picture of the chalkboard because that was the week he was supposed to be joining and I thought my next post was going to be this one, lol.

Top five? I said a little less than two paragraphs and let Ed's conscience do the talking haha easiest top five comment ever! I should channel people's consciousness more, maybe that'll net my posts more votes haha!

Both my brother and Howie loved this comment, they were laughing all the way through it, and it made my bro feel instantly comfortable. All I have to do now is consistent nudging for the next several days and we'll have him :)

But, did it bring tears to their eyes? I mean, did it bring tears to their eyes though? Haha! I can't believe it still hasn't fully convinced Ed! If his conscience couldn't convince him, I don't know what could!

This message is for your brother.

This song was so great, it easily makes a genuine connection and I must say that Steemit is awaiting you to join our wonderful community. You have so much moving talent, the kind of music that changes and impacts lives deeper beneath the surface. I know how it is to affect a life to the point where my music can prevent someone from committing suicide, and from your passionate playing, singing and deep lyrics, that power is within your music as well. Keep up the inspiration. Your sister truly is a kindhearted soul to share your wonderful music to us all, and I've heard quite a few of your songs already and I know you would do great here. The best of success to you when you finally decide to join.
God bless

PS: @Dreemit, my dear friend, thanks for sharing those photos, it complimented the song enjoyment very well.

Perfect Dom, I'll be seeing him in about twelve hours and he will be seeing all of these great comments :) I hope @jedau and @ezzy get a chance to see this before then.

Much love to you brother, xxxooo

That's great, hope it boosts his spirit. Hopefully they see it and drop some nice comments too. Much love to you as well sis

This post is now 21 hours old so I'm sure after having read all of the excellent and friendly comments from others already, what I have to say will be redundant by the time I post it as you will already be signed up with your first post published. :)

What I would say to you is that if it wasn't for your sister, I wouldn't be here now and because of her I have gone on to meet many wonderful men and women on steemit and have really enjoyed my time here. I'm sure if you do decide to join us you will also find many like minded people and will undoubtedly enjoy success in terms of rewards for your music by posting your own excellent songs like the one your sister has included in the post and also by entering the various music contests if you choose to. This might well be reason enough for you to join with the potential for your rewards to increase with the platforms success as well but I would also suggest that you might find more reward in the interactions you have with others on the site as there are some really great and progressive thinking people here and I am sure you would fit in well.

The choice is yours my friend but I would guess that when you do eventually join, you will find that everything you have been told about steemit is true and perhaps you may even admit to yourself that you wished you had joined sooner. :[)

Really great song and loved the positive message! Thank you! :)

@dreemit, thanks for another great post, great photos and for being the amazing woman that you are.!! :[)

Actually, this message was perfect, I saw it just before we were leaving my parents house so it's the last one my brother read. He was amazed and touched by the response from everyone, and your comment summed it all up so perfectly, so thank you Tony! And thank you for your kind words about me :)

I really liked this post...your niece is so cute, your brother has a very nice voice and the song was lovely to listen to while checking out all the pictures... and yes he does look like he wants to punch you for taking his picture... :D

Your brother should definitely start posting on here, especially more of his music...I'd follow him. :D

Hi there! Thank you so much for this thoughtful comment. My brother was extremely touched and encouraged by the responses on this post, exactly as I'd hoped. :)

Haha, if I didn't know the guy I would defintely be a little scared by that expresson!

Hopefully you'll get a chance to do that soon!

You're welcome. :D I meant every word. :D Tell your brother to let me know when he posts for the first time so I don't miss the chance to follow him. :D

I totally understand that expression...I'm usually the one wearing it when there is a camera around. I hate having my picture taken. :D

Have an awesome day! :D

What a great song, and I like the percussive rhythm pattern- I have to get out the tabla drums to do anything that tight, little flurries of notes.
Thanks for sharing the video, tell your bro he should be getting paid for this.

He'll be reading these comments, so you just told him! Thanks Paul, I'm going to show him your music theater too :)

Join Steemit @dreemit brother I Believe in you... we need you and your music :)

Thank you Karen!
You should definitely listen to this lovely lady bro, she's been here for a year, so she knows what she's talking about! :)

You are a very talented person dear friend, you are wasting time, in this platform you will meet many people who have the same tastes. ! Love the music !!! Do not doubt that you will do very well, this will be the starting point of a very successful race. We will wait for you!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent post dear friend @dreemit, congratulations pot your beautiful niece, thank you very much for sharing these wonderful images
I wish you a beautiful weekend

Thank you very much my lovely friend @jlufer, I will be so glad to show my brother your beautiful comment of encouragement! My niece is the absolute cutest and I get to see her tomorrow, I'm very happy :)

I wish you a glorious weekend as well

oh i love it... hes great....love love love

That is an awesome compliment coming from a talent such as yourself! I know he's going to love your music as well!

So refreshing to hear a song that isn't about fast cars and bitches, and making money money money.

Beautiful lyrics, and your brother has an excellent voice for singing. I'm no expert, but the guitar skills look pretty decent as well! I know I could not do that shit.

I know, all of his music is refreshing in that sense :)

That's a great compliment, particularly since this is not one of the songs he showcases his guitar skills in- he's flipping amazing on that thing. I'm hoping tomorrow I can record his newest song which is absolutely genius on my camera with good enough quality for a post-actually, I've never uploaded anything to youtube before, think you could walk me through that in a couple days?

Yes sure. It is actually very simple. But, I will tell you closer to the time that you intend to do it.

'I believe in a chance to turn your life around, a dream you lost can still be found'
I believe in you too Ed! :)
What an exceptional voice your brother has. I'm glad that he is able to go to many shows and perform spreading his calm, soft soothing voice.

It seemed like everyone loved his performance at Embark Ciderworks! Great photographs @dreemit, despite the lack of lighting haha

Thank you my friend, as always your comments brighten up my day! I look forward to showing him words like this when I see him tomorrow!!

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