Steemit, 2017📅 - New Modes of ThinkingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This is my response to @stevescoins Writing Challenge.

I've been known on occasion to repeat the following formulary:

"You've heard the saying "live and learn?" - I'm afraid that I just live."

Yes, sadly enough, there are days when I feel that way. However, hanging out on Steemit for several months now has encouraged me to hope for meaningful change. I also hope that what I share here might likewise help others to change for the better.

"Social Media" has already changed the world.

Forget about the mere search engine; the arrival of Facebook on the scene has changed how we interact with almost everyone. It is now quite readily possible to maintain and grow friendships with people regardless of where in the world they may be geographically.

New Paradigms

New Paradigms - Photo courtesy of William Iven and

In 2016, Steemit had just begun...

Although I am a fan of blockchains and the decentralization that they facilitate, I did not personally discover Steemit until August.

Interestingly enough, I discovered Steemit via social media - specifically through a Facebook post in the Anarchapulco user group.

During the latter portion of this year, Steemit has begun changing me for the better. I've discovered a community of sympathetic people who have interacted with me and who have provided me with inspiration and encouragement. Consequently, I've been writing more stories and poetry than I have in years. Thank you, Steemit and my Steemian friends!

How do people change?

Although occasionally it is traumatic or otherwise memorable experiences that change people, I believe that there is a primary force for change in the world. I believe that people change, principally, through their interactions with other people.

Through the medium of the internet, and through finding and interacting with a new internet community, I foresee important change occurring.

Change, Grow, Be Happy

Change, Grow, Be Happy - Photo courtesy of Brigitte Tohm and

In 2017, fellow Steemians will change me...

One of my long cherished goals in life has been to continually, incrementally move in the direction of Truth. I believe in objective truth.

In my theological view of life, the universe, and everything, I hold a "two book" view. One of those books is "The book of Scripture." I believe that God has communicated His objective truth to mankind by "inspiring" (i.e. "breathing into") men to write that truth down.

The other book is "The Book of Creation." I find God's truth "writ large" on the scroll of the heavens, in the beauty of the earth and nature that surrounds me, and of course, on the heart of man. I truly believe that there are good things that I can learn from almost anyone, and so I have been relishing my interactions with the community here on Steemit. I fully expect that over the course of a full 12 months in 2017, the changes in me will be great! Likewise, I hope that my influence on fellow Steemians will also be a positive one in the coming year.

In 2017, Steemit could change the world.

All we need to do is keep blogging, sharing with one another, and sharing Steemit with our friends and family. As the Steemit community grows and prospers, as we continue to support, teach, and learn from one another here, we will begin seeing more of the change that we hope for in the world.

Thanks, @stevescoins, for your challenge to think and write on this topic of universal interest!

The World

The World - Photo courtesy of NASA and

Thanks to may faithful followers for reading, upvoting, and following me. I write this stuff for you, and without you to read and appreciate it, I wouldn't be here at all.

I have very eclectic interests and want to write about all of them. Did you enjoy this post?


Follow me, I'm creatr


I think SteemIt has already started to change people, but your right, the are even bigger changes on the rise in this coming year.

Yes, change is surely already in progress. I just think that a full year, 2017, will bring considerably bigger changes as more people adopt the platform and more present users get to know one another.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

I agree with you there.

I keep wanting to use steemit like I do Twitter - I've evolved into a 140 character sound bite - add a pic, and I'm good to go, so how this translates into steemit, let alone my life, is beyond me....It gives me a brain cramp to think about myself too much. Sometimes I feel I'm like a headlight on a train, just pointing outwards...if that makes any sense :)

We adapt to our tools, don't we? ;) 😄😇😄


I agree with you that our daily interactions with people here on Steemit do have an impact on who we are and who we become. We share life experiences, advice, and lessons learned.

Hi, Friend, thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Yes, I see Steemit kind of like a modern "marketplace of ideas." We hang out here and rub elbows, and it is bound to have an impact on us. I have, in fact, tried to encourage others to "dive in" and embrace the change; for example:

You're NOT Going To Like This Short Post...

Hey @ creatr what would it take to get a cool Gif like the ones you seem to create? Please let me know.

Hi, @keithwillshine, nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

I have some tools that I use to create the GIFs and videos you may have seen. Generally speaking, I can produce short video clips and animated GIFs that may incorporate logos and/or titles or short text strings. If you've seen one that you like already, I can duplicate it with your own choice of text or logo. I'd need some idea of what you're looking for?

I'd suggest that you start by taking a look at my Periodic Table of Contents - particularly under the "Steemit Promo Videos" heading - to see a wider example of what I can do? Please get back to me after you've had a chance to do that! ;)

Ok Thanks a lot. nice to meet you aswell. If I create a logo or image can you incorporate it into the Gif? Also Btw. I just posted a contest on the 25th, ending soon for a randomly picked winner to get some free SBD. You are welcome to join, all you have to do is follow me. I am pulling a name from a hat filled with all of my followers. Ill be in touch for the Gif. I appreciate your skillz and effort. I actually found you because somebody gave you credit for their gif. signature. I would do the same thing. Its really a great way to link yourself to other peoples posts through you art.

I've visited your blog and followed you.

I can incorporate a logo or image into a GIF, larger is better, and the image should be a PNG type file that has a transparent background.

That is cool, thanks!

Steemit has changed me. For the better.... I like your entry, check out mine if you have a minute. Screenshot (293).png

I did... Nice! ;)

Very interesting post dear friend @creatr, congratulations and thanks for sharing it

My friend @jlufer, thank you so much for stopping, commenting, and supporting my work! 😄😇😄


you meant the holy ancient scriptures?
get the audio books from =D
best astonishing library manual ever to understand the space age!
and al other ages included :P


go get the complete audio books from =D
(it's in publications)

"I'm not from this world"
John 8:23

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