Steemit Relative Earnings Report (May 2018)

in #steemit6 years ago

A couple months ago I made a post about Absolute vs Relative Steemit Earnings and how Thinking in Probabilities is something more minnows should do when it comes down to their overall Earnings on Steemit. To continue on the topic I started a monthly series where I break down my Relative Earnings with the idea to have to have others do the same over time.

On the 7th of last month (since payouts are done 7 days after making a post), I took a snapshot of my account and a snapshot just now exactly a month later . I made no Deposits or Withdrawals Last Month and have not done a single Power Down since I joined Steemit.

7 May 2018

STEEM 142.051
STEEM POWER 5329.402
SBD 1.186

7 June 2018

STEEM 244.591
STEEM POWER 5418.637
SBD 8.484

7 May = 5472.639 STEEM + 8.157 STEEM (11.274 SBD/1.382) = 5480.796 STEEM
7 June = 5663.228 STEEM + 6.1389 STEEM (8.484 SBD / 1.382) = 5669.367 STEEM

5669.367 STEEM / 5472.639 STEEM = +3.44%
3.44% - 0.75% Inflation = +2.69% Account Growth (+188.571 STEEM)
(Inflation is counted yearly 9% / 12)

The month of May saw the exact same relative earnings compared to April (+2.69% account growth) which means they actually increased a bit sinceit now costs more SBD to convert into 1 STEEM and relative earnings will inevitably go down the more SP you own.

I only made 28 blog posts this month and at times it's quite discouraging to put a lot of time and effort into making posts while knowing it is unlikely to make any difference whatsoever when it comes down to the actual post earnings. I can't get myself to make posts just for the sake of making a daily post right now though.

Being part of the SBC has been very rewarding getting the @sbcbot upvotes while being able to participate in the SBC exclusive contests hosted by @beat-the-bookies which earned me 2.192SBD & 1.442 STEEM. The @stimp1024 daily giveaway contests also contributed 0.623 STEEM to this months earnings. I increased my delegation to the sbcbot from 100SP to 125SP during last month and intend to increase it with the same amount this month. Joining the daily crypto contests from @maarnio also made a difference helping me to grow 2.679 SBD last month. Thanks!

5.044 SBD and 3 STEEM for @steembasicincomesponsorships were given away on my last 2 EPL Betting Contests of the season along with 1 STEEM for an @steembasicincome share and sponsorship as part of my upcoming Monthly Sports Betting Curation post to @djoker as a reward for the improvements he made.

MonthSPTotal EarningsGrowthFollowers
May 20185418 SP+188.571 STEEM+2.69%1447
April 20185315 SP+180.723 STEEM+2.69%1202
March 20185240 SP

I offered others to be featured this month in last post and made a snapshot of many different accounts I follow or that are interesting to track relative earnings on. It does seem something really complicated and time consuming to track because SP is only part of the equation and deposits, cash outs or possible loans all play a part and there is the difference between steem, steem power, steem dollars and savings. So I'm just posting the basic numbers without doing an entire account history investigation.

May 7@beat-the-bookies56.152 SP48.74210
June 7@beat-the-bookies89.921 SP51.68413
Growth@beat-the-bookies+33.769 SP+2.94+203
--[+ 60.13%]--

May 7@fullcoverbetting170.926 SP52.82497
June 7@fullcoverbetting297.370 SP54.79818
--[+ 73.98%]--

May 7@abh1234510274.143 SP68.529472
June 7@abh1234511049.811 SP68.9410084
Growth@abh12345+775.668 SP+0.42+612
--[+ 7.55%]--

May 7@jlordc152.961 SP57.16527
June 7@jlordc297.993 SP59.78756
Growth@jlordc+145.032 SP+2.62+229
--[+ 94.82%]--

It is no coincidence that everyone who replied to my post last month with the request to join the challenge and have their relative earnings tracked all did exceptionally well and succeeds in Growing on Steemit. I promised some kind of prize to the "winners" not yet knowing what it would be. To further increase earnings I have sponsored all 4 with an @steembasicincome share.
Thanks for joining and congrats !

I included a lot of accounts in my snapshot to potentially track the monthly progress on which turns out to be quite impossible as an outsider. The accounts were selected based on some that I follow, find interesting or were on top in the Curation & Engagement Leagues from @abh12345.

@stimp102490.99439556.439 SP870.33069.621788
@maarnio0.1637599.877 SP119.1667.682995
@modernpastor924.12715701.301 SP1228.52964.522301
@steembasicincome64.7432605.997 SP65.37460.272721
@haejin548473339.468 SP48369.44279.4129899
@hr11.389211266.321 SP201.32459.5217138
@fulltimegeek16996371040.43 SP15.29565.866098
@algo.coder1.007248.438 SP45.15246.81166
@coolguy1230.582731.795 SP9.98261.252093
@glenalbrethsen16.5141285.293 SP24.05853.24333
@johndoer123v0.00099.452 SP3.30545341
@creyestxsa940.06534.078 SP18.50750.52397
@davemccoy0.109321.591 SP28.92259.386923
@tony19r0.7533.86 SP20.01643.47117
@crypto-econom1st1.75922.774 SP2.88647.14448
@osm0sis0.512902.04 SP27.18960.041160
@jerrybanfield4.000125675.425 SP434.66974.1737390
@brianturner0.0002203.88 SP9565.292170

I will likely continue to track my personal monthly growth and it would be nice to see others do something similar. It's quite impossible for me to track this for someone else than myself without spending an entire day digging through often confusing transfer history, so I will leave that for what is was.


I would love if I could get on your snapshot list. You do it manually, or do you use a tool for this?

And by the way, why do you keep such a big amount in liquid STEEM?

I'm no longer doing sthe snapshot aside from my own account since it's pretty much impossible to actually convert them in to true results the month after because it takes way too much time to track all the cash outs or power ups and such.

The reason I'm keeping a bit in liquid steem is because I plan to start a new kind of support programm soon which will need some STEEM and I want to keep myself from powering down.

Great analysis @costanza. It is a little scary that 2 months in a row you did made the same progress.
It is good to see that all 4 of us did improve. Very happy for @beat-the-bookies because he really deserves it. Probably he did not improve as much as he could with all the sbcbot work he was doing! Thanks for that!
I was also amazed how steep my progress was. I hope that I can add the same Steem next month! It could have been more, but being part of the community also means supporting the community! So, some SBD and steem was send to the @SBCBOT. Also 25 SBDs were put into my savings for the world cup contest. But without the contest and the support from the community, I could have written such impressive figures! I did get 2 (for me) big upvotes from @acidyo, which really did help!
I also depend on the income I do get from the SteembasicIncome program. I also know that I should post twice a day! But I will only do this, when I feel that there is some value in the post (however do expect a pool post coming by this evening :)).
Also great to see that @abd12345 is also improving. Another Steemian who really deserves it! Not only with his witness project but also with all the support he is giving to a lot of us! Thanks Asher.

@costanza Thanks for keeping track of this and for sure thanks of being part of our SBC community. It would not existed without you! One of the real founders! The same is valid from @stimp1024, @beat-the-bookies and @acelad. Really glad that I stumbled on you guys!

Keep it going!
Ps: the reply could have been shorter but, tja, Asher league is pushing us to the limit week after week. Just kidding. I did mean every word I wrote!

Thank you Peter for the kind words, the feeling is mutual.

Thank you @costanza for keeping the record (and the sbi share). I've totally forgotten about it.

Thanks Peter !

I really shoud do a lot more socialising and commenting like you do instead of putting way to much time in making posts. I still have a couple big ones in mind to make mainly to convince sports bettors outside of steemit to try it out. Once the season starts and the SBC has continued to grow I can go more into a weekly posting routine.

Still I do feel that you are a better writer then me. Try to post 10 comments a day and see what it will do with your account and growth!

Well, I'm honored to be included in your snapshot of other accounts. :) It's good to be associated with @abh12345's Curation and Engagement Leagues once again. :)

I actually do a statistical report of my own every month, where I track different activities and make note of any major happenings, like a Curie upvote or a milestone met. So, I'm all for looking at things on a monthly basis because it does help to see the progress I am actually making. And it gives me one more thing to write about. :)

Yes I quite randomly took some of the accounts above. Anyone there should automatically do quite good here on Steemit. Nice to know you do your own statistsical report. I started following, good luck !

Do you get Curie upvotes, Glenal? Please share the magic about it!
I started tracking it based in @costanza's post last month. Still need to fine tune my progress more. Probably I will start with it after the World Cup :)

I'd love to tell you how it all works, but I don't really know myself. It's happened in three out of the five full months I've been here, and two were for my running The Maya serial and the other was for the final of three posts regarding vehicular accidents I've been involved with or witnessed.

I've been looking at the monthly post Curie publishes where they explain and sometimes refine their criteria. The last one I've found is from March (click here).

Funny thing is, I've sat and watched GINAbot as a smaller Curie trail started to upvote, and then it stopped before the big guns arrived. So, there's been at least two other times that Curie started, but then didn't make it all the way through.

I've also had OCD hit a couple of times, and the Creative Crypto folks (backed by sndbox) drop a $ or two. I couldn't tell you what was so special about any of those times over any other times. I think it's rather random, depending on when the post is published and when a curator of any of those clans might be watching for it. I know I'm not on any of those people ongoing radar, and certainly not on a followers list that doesn't already include hundreds if not thousands of others.

Thanks for the insight Glenal!


Well i'm pretty happy with that to be honest. I don't think that currently it's the best time for grow, so to gain over 7% in a month - 775 SP is pretty good I think.


EDIT: Forgot to say thanks for the SBI share, cheers!

You worked hard for your 10000+ followers and deserve to crush it @abh12345 !
I still have a lot to learn from you :)

Thanks buddy.

I don't know how it got that high really, but perhaps doing dtube/utopian/steemit has helped? Also being around for the boom last June and Xmas has probably helped.

Thanks for your support and you work above :D

Thank you very much for this and for tracking our progress. And also for the SBI share! :)

During my first four months on this platform, I have to admit that everything was tough. I was only growing at +30SP a month despite writing at least 1 decent article a day. It was discouraging at times especially after seeing other people who only post a picture or meme and earn the big bucks(Not that I am saying that I am way better than them) just because...

But that didn't stop me at all from steeming, I was jealous yes but I really don't have the right to complain because I still haven't invested any money on Steem. Any $$$ I get are all free money to me, so who am I to complain...

Seeing this increase of 145SP feels so damn good. It might just be a small growth compared to the dolphins and whales. But for someone who started with nothing, I see this as a great achievement. This won't be possible without you and other people's daily upvotes though so in return I also give back to where I am indebted to :)

I'll quit!

You earn more with 28 posts in 1 month then I do with 2,800 in 1 year 😥

And I can't even fully read your last table. Because I can't see the columns on the right side with my IPhone. But that's probably a Steemit issue?

Alright I won't quit, but I will try to reduce my Steemit time significantly.

You must also think about the time he is already is on the steem blockchain?
And if even I can do, you could for sure!
Keep the faith!

He is there just a bit longer (6 months) as we are. Based on his total number of posts/comments we are both much more active. So Constanta seems to do something very good!

You could say that you have a bit more luck so far. But I don't believe in luck. You for lucky because you worked hard for it.

I actually wonder how much time we both spend on Steemit?

But 6 months before us there were time that you couls buy 10 steem for 1 SBD.
Also back then it was easier to get noticed, I guess. @costanza could confirm this.
Also I don’t know and don’t need to know if he did invest money in it.

I have to admit that I have been lucky. I do have a big sponsor I don’t know if I would be way ahead of you without him!
I did set a challenging goal for myself. I do want to reach 500 own SP before November.
So yes, luck is involved!

I do want to count the hours I did put into it. But my weekly aim is 200 comments per week!

Do you want to count the hours or do you already do that?

I can only estimate based on the data from Ashers league.

No I don’t. It help not being interested in things on tv or shooting pool with 3.
Waiting on elevators and so on!

You wrote "I do want to count the hours". That's what caused the confusion.

Oops. Yeah one of the 200 comments could have some issues. Typos or are written tipsy 😁
Give me an hour or 2 😂

Actually I'm not doing that good, I did invest in ~4.5k steem power in my early days when the price was at around 0.80$-1.00$.

Ah, I didn't know that. It puts things more in perspective.

Then it looks like you earn 10 times as much as I do. To my opinion that's very acceptable.

I personally believe that if someone earns like $500 per day that such a thing is not good for the blockchain and the wealth distribution. But that's just my opinion.

The entire point of this post is to show smaller accounts how they totally crush it when looking it in a relative way. You started with 22.774 SP and got it up to 38.169 SP which is a 67%+ increase!

+67% in 1 month. I don't even know what happened that month? My best guess is that I had a +2.5 from bid bots try out. And another 10 by transferring SBD into Steem.

+67% in 1 month. I don't even know what happened that month? My best guess is that I had a +2.5 from bid bots try out. And another 10 by transferring SBD into Steem.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 57776.16
ETH 3060.01
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.35