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RE: You Know What I've Been Noticing? MORE Interaction! MORE Thought-Filled COMMENTS! KUDOS Everyone!

in #steemit6 years ago

Thank you my friend. I work hard to bring meaning in my posts and comments and I am grateful that people are recognizing the work that goes into them. May every single member of the SOG influence others to rise above the average and excel beyond what they think they are capable of doing and achieve the unbelievable!

By each of us doing the work that we are doing, we inspire and influence others to do the same. There is no need for violence or to attack those who engage in violence. We can change the world peacefully and we are doing it within this group. We are leading by example and there is a reason why the SOG are so famous! Because it is working! People are taking notice and we are indeed changing the world. One small post at a time! You, @goldendawne, @abh12345, @taskmaster4450 and @fulltimegeek are all a part of that success!


I am really humbled by your words @wwf. Thank you.

As @goldendawne said you spend more time than others on Steemit to make it a better place for all of us.

There is no need for violence or to attack those who engage in violence.

This is something which is an highlight point of this group, we are all trying to gain the knowledge from other members of SOG, I haven't seen any difference of opinion from any members and I hope this will be continued forever.

Thanks again for counting me as part of the success of team of SOG.

Good day.

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