Spam Cops Are Busy... Faith In Steemianity Restored..

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Were you ever having a bad day, you go to the drive-thru on your way home, and you get seven chicken nuggets instead of six? You just think; "maybe people aint so bad"...

This evening I had a similar experience with Steemit. Surfing around the site, I came across quite a lot of plagiarism and shitty rehashed content, including a copypasta Wikipedia article, and someone claiming work by photographer Brooke Shaden as their own.

Dismayed I took to Steemit Chat to vent my frustration. To my surprise and delight though, I discovered a group of dolphins who genuinely care about maintaining and encouraging high standards of original content on Steemit. When alerted to the worst kind of shitposting, they take action. The bad posts are flagged, and balanced is restored.

When I first wrote about "Spam Cops" here, they were more of a potential manifestation on the platform than a reality, but manifest they have, and they are doing an amazing job. Flagging spam is a pretty thankless job for these dolphins, but they are ensuring the future of the platform they love so much.

It is in everyones interest that spam and plagiarism is kept to a minimum on Steemit.

If you are a minow, you might be worried about flagging someone who could retaliate. You can still make a difference though. If you see serious copyright violations such as plagiarism, flag the post, and get the word out to the right people...


Look at all the flags on my recent posts. When you try to do the right thing, you get revenge-flagged. FML

As an artist/writer struggling to find success it makes me sick seeing people trying to profit off of the hard work of others by claiming it's their own. I'm glad there are vigilant Steemians who are looking out for and flagging plagiarized content.

Thanks for your comment. I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to do Steemit the right way, and it's a lot of work at times, so I don't take too kindly to spammers and plagiarists. It's really encouraging to see vigilance against plagiarism. After some digging around tonight I found some brilliant examples here, here and HERE ...
Look at that last link - the top comment, calling out the plagiarism, was handsomely rewarded.

The system is working!

Thanks for someone like you who has concern to the platform. I just that many will help in keeping the community harmonious, free from any misconduct.

Thanks @sunnyray who unfairly flagged this article, because I fairly flagged his plagiarized article
Slow clap @sunnyray. You don't seem to get how things work around here.
Readers, please feel free to scrutinise @sunnyray's recent posts.

I hit some good ones yesterday and the day before, I was the only red flag. But while I was doing it I saw someone beat me to some of the others, so it was pleasant to see.

That's the only way we'll get rid of the endless scroll when people keep uploading junk posts. :)

(oops, replied to the wrong one. That's ok. As long as @condra sees it)

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