Dismembered Mainframe: Bounties for Four Technical Projects.

in #steemit7 years ago

I am in way over my head and willing to pay for a bail out. I have four projects I would like to get sorted out in the next few weeks. All projects will help the steemit community so please tag any relevant people in the comments that could assist me and make a little SBD. Typically I would be stubborn and attempt figure it out myself but my time is limited and my ego has grown old and died.

Project #1 $5 SBD - Can I get a witness?!

I would like to put the finishing polishes on my witness before making my announcement post. I have not configured the price feed and have some general questions and a few about the actual operational amount of ram needed. It took me a while to setup and the continued efforts would go a lot easier with someone guiding me.

Project #2 $5 SBD - Not all bots are created equal.

I have setup a bot using steem-fossbot voter but for some reason beyond me my extremely simple algo is broken. All I want to do is upvote the posts the white listed individuals post but for some reason my threshold is negative and everying is getting upvoted. 233 upvotes in the last 24 hours and my voting power is rekt. Below is my current setup, not sure what I am missing on this one.

Project #3 $5 SBD - Blog in a blog.

I have been trying to add my blog into my website CodyDietz.com. I found a nice website integrator created by @moisesmcardona but am at a loss as to how to set it up. Any alternatives or help in this department is appreciated, I want to avoid setting up a joomla or wordpress site to host this if possible.

Project #4 $25 SBD - Stickers, stickers, and more stickers.

This is my final and grandest task of them all, it will be my gift to the community and a much needed promotional service. The goal is a service you can send SBD to and receive stickers. I have found this post from @dunja and it seems he took the money and ran. Some good points are brought up in the comments though. I found a good API sticker service and as it stands a site can be setup with their service to print and ship stickers, to the best of my knowledge we may not even be given addresses and contact info. Stickers are a great promotional tool for this platform because of our target demographic is creatives, we can put the stickers where they dwell. I would be fine with just a simple site using their api to print and ship steemit stickers but an SBD interface would be even better.

Feel free to reach out in the comments or in chat, I am on both Steemit.chat and Steemspeak. Without your help I would be in some.......well......you get the point. 😝



Hi codydeeds, re #2, I'm the dev for steem-fossbot voter, didn't know anyone was using it yet, I haven't made a release post because it's still pre-beta!

There was a bug that I fixed where it was allowing negative thresholds but that should be fixed now. You can either delete and redeploy the server, or go to the Deploy tab in Heroku, link to the GitHub account and re-deploy from the master branch.

Sorry you got cast all those votes! 😓

Also, on your first project, go to the steemit.chat witness channel, they're very helpful there.

Oh wow, glad to have your contact info! Thanks for reaching out. Not a big deal on the votes. Curation rewards are minimal for me but I want to be able to support the right content. Your bot is wonderful and appreciated. Will give it an update and see how it goes. Thanks!

Thank you! 😆 Glad you found it, how did you by the way?

I'm nearly there with first release and hoping to have everything tied up for a beta release early next week. If you see the post it'd be awesome to get a resteem 😉 After release I'll also probably sit on steemit.chat each day in case there's any interest.

Oh and if you see any bugs feel free to log them on the GitHub issue tracker. 😋

Have a suggestion I will send you on steemit.chat for the frontend. Not sure how to use the issue tracker but will check it out. Link me your post when it is ready and I will resteem and promote!

Will do 😉

I did a search on github for steemit and sorted by recently updated. That is how I found it.

Actually, in order to set up GitHub deployments, you'd need to fork the project and connect Heroku to your GitHub account. That might be a nice idea anyway if you code. Then you can update from the main project when there's a new release and re-deploy.

So unfortunately to do any upgrades you have to either do that or delete and redeploy the code to Heroku. Not a very convenient way to get bug fixes 😞 I'll have a think in case there's an easier way.

I have already deleted and installed the bot a dozen times trying to figure the negative weight issue out. I will try to connect the two, in new territory here. Not an issue to start over though.

For the record (other viewers) that issue is now fixed. Looking forward to releasing it properly next week! 😆 😆 😆

Project #3 $5 SBD - Blog in a blog
You know that you need a mySQL instance (Root, Website or similar) ?
The PHP Script could be binded into any Blogsoftware that would support php or nested into a normal website. Possible as custom container on frontpage. Contact me with a little bit more infos, like where you want to get it implemented etc.

I set up a MySQL database but when importing the myspl file I got an error.

Which error you get, the mySQL file looks okay, syntax check didn't show any errors.
Imported to my own mySQL Host without any problems.

good luck my friend with getting all these tasks complete. Your photo is fantastic, made me laugh, big upvote.

Yes!!! Thank you, I wanted a picture that conveyed my feelings at this time. I have always been a just "google it" kind of guy but I am in a realm where documentation is S#!T. Once I get some blanks filled in should be good to go. Stickers is on my agenda for real though, this should be on the radar. It is super analog but gets the job done.

the stickers is big yes. I LOVE THE IDEA. In this new world where everyone is locked beyond there screens we forget the power of the tangible.

This whole crypto revolution process is a transfer to analog to digital. People say bitcoin isnt real and I ask if they use and debit or credit cards. The click in their head is visible in their expression. Once the site is setup, adding new designs is easy and we have a whole group of creatives ready to pump out some alluring images. Just a matter of getting the mechanism created.

I am excited for all this energy. best of luck with your part in all of it. much love

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