The wonderful world of Steemit. Why I like Steemit so much and why I think Steemit is very valuable.

in #steemit6 years ago

There is something on my mind I want to share with you.

Although it is very useful and important that we read about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, there is more, much more.......

Do you realize that you have contacts through Steemit all over the world? And I mean real contact.

When you read posts written by other people, you switch from Canada to the US, to the Philippines, to India, to Madagascar, to France, even to my own region in France the Morvan, to Russia, to Nigeria, to the Netherlands were I live half of the year, to Finland, to Syria, to Reunion, to the UK (and sorry @meesterboom of course also to Scotland) to name just a few.

And it is not like reading the news in the paper. No, you really read what people living far away endure, you see pictures, not of big events (except for instance the pictures that @lordoftruth publishes about the war in Syria) but of (mostly) normal people leading (mostly) normal lives in countries far away, countries you will perhaps never visit.

You can read what they are experiencing, what they think, see pictures you will never see in the newspapers or on the news on tv. You can read news from that country that will never be on the news in your own country, like the hurricane in Madagascar (@progressivechef). And I had already read on Steemit about the drought in South Africa before it was on the news in the Netherlands.

You also see pictures from those countries of nature and of city life, you will never see in travel guides.

You see recipes from countries you have never seen recipes before.

Or listen to music you never heard before (like the Brazilian songs from @bkdbkd).

How fantastic is that?

But there is still more.

When you write a post, there are people writing comments. And those comments are also written by people from all over the world. In their comments, you can also learn about the way they think and they tell you how the situation is in their country compared to your own.

That is what I like so much about Steemit. I hope to be able to continue these contacts for a long long time. I cherish these contacts and I hope it is also the other way around.

Maybe I will be able to visit Steemfest 3 and actually meet some people with whom I have shared so much in the last one and a half year. Who knows? But for now, I am content with what I have and I thank my son @exyle for having brought me in contact with Steemit.


Have a nice day and I wish you all Happy Steeming!


You did not specifically mention Oklahoma. Color me sad. Today should be very Springlike here: a beautiful day.

Don't be sad @doctorjohn (lol). You can't know it, but Oklahoma has a special place in my heart. Years ago we traveled through the US. We rented a car and drove from New York to LA and back. When passing Oklahoma we had troubles with our car. There was an old man who helped us with the car and when the car was repaired, we asked him how much money we owed him. He said: 'Nothing, but just remember good old Oki' (I don't know how you spell that last word). So now I never forget Oklahoma anymore, especially beause it is your state!!!

Love your post!!!! I am from Mexico and I can not agree more. A lot of benefits to be in this steemit community.

Yes indeed. I once (more than 35 years ago) visited Mexico by car from the US. I loved Yucatan because of the Maya ruins and Mexico City and the Aztecs pyramids, to name some places I have visited.

@clio I am so glad you brought this simple fact to the table. We are making Friends all over the World and better yet we are improving lives of people we may never meet personally because for the FIRST time they can have a meaningful Income...........

Yes, what you wrote about a meaningful income is also true. I even hope it will change lives.

@stokjocky yes well said its a fact to be honest i am almost new here but i found these people really loving what they are doing here for motivation i read daily @doctorjohn posts just love it and i like @mammasitta posts and @clio just love this community its not about upvote so that i will earn its about friendship they will know me by my name one day hope for best

well since i have join steemit i have left the rest of socal media sites couse i think this is the best

me too, I quit other social media

@blockbrothers @utopian-io and to all other developers, we need mobile apps about steemit

yes totally agree with you we need apps but we should promote steemit to the right people .. not to the spame people who dont know anything and we dont want it to gat spam like other sites

@blockbrothers already developed the app Steemify for IOS phones and are working on an Android version. But maybe you know that already.

I already know that, many thanks to them, I am replying on Steemify actually.

We need dtube and dmania now

For me, this is to first social medium, and I have no need for any other.

First off, by reading your valuable article I came to know that you are from France. And yeah, we travel country to country by reading articles, seeing pictures of different cultures on Steemit is really a great world which is introduced by Steemit. I'm extremely loving this platform as much as you can.

I'm also sharing my countries recipes and my city clicks with steemians and in return I got good feedback from all steemians. :) This is really a great platform to explore the WORLD by staying at home. :)

Have a good day to you too! :) Enjoy #steemit world!!

Actually, I am from the Netherlands, but we live half of the year in France. It is nice to be able to live in two countries and enjoy them both. I started to follow you, I am curious about your recipes and city clicks.

Oh okay thank you so much and I've shared today few city clicks. Hope you will see more in the future. :)

interesting and true, we know that every country has its own customs and uniqueness, from the flow of music, the way of dressing, different language, food, drink, culture and so on. disteemit we can communicate with different country people, I am very happy, introduce me @ syareefa10 from ACEH, INDONESIA. :)

Nice to meet you @syareefa10!

Oh yes, I fully agree with you that the Steemit is the best place for communication and self-expression of yourself and your talents! There are a lot of people from all countries and continents, but all of us are connected by this wonderful world of Steemit! Thank you Clio for a very positive post!

Thank you for the compliment. I am going to follow you too!

The same thing I recently told my mom about Steemit. You put all my thoughts and feelings in this article. I'm also excited about communicating with people from all over the world. It's so cool. Thanks for sharing.

And, did your mother also join Steemit? You can tell her from me it is a wonderful world!

wow very extraordinary beauty, we should be grateful already what is given.
@clio Please log into my blog and my friends We really need help if we can and if there is time

@clio you clear all the points to many people. yes we are earning but we see place around the world which is the best thing #awesome post

You are right. Steemit gives the best of two, we see places and we earn.

@clio the best thing we make friends. what do you think about it ?

To make friends on Steemit you have to follow people, give good comments and write good posts. If you do that, you will make friends. Good luck to you @zshah.

@clio i think earning is easy here but making friends is the most difficult part here so first you need friends of your niche . thanks for a lovely comment

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