You Probably Won't Open This...

in #steemit7 years ago

And that's okay! I didn't write this for you. I wrote it for me.

It's not that I don't appreciate the upvotes & comments, I do! I so appreciate them.

Let me explain...

I found Steemit after hearing an interview with @ned on @kadavy's Love Your Work Podcast. I signed up because I was curious about crypto and the rewards system. Like we all did. Author rewards and rewards at all here on Steemit are a wonderful and game changing incentive (obviously) but that's not why I've come to love Steemit.

I came across this comment from @ackza today..

Screenshot surfing.jpg

First let me say, @ackza I absolutely love your enthusiasm! You're so pumped about crypto and Steemit and your want to do something amazing for your family! I love that you're sharing so much positive energy on Steemit.

However... I think that your energy and enthusiasm, while well intentioned, are somewhat misguided. At least in the comment you left.

This is just me speculating based on the comment you left, but you're really focused on "making it" on Steemit/Crypto. While that's really exciting I think it's eerily similar to the "wantrepreneur" style of thinking.

Focusing on the "digital nomad" lifestyle and the "easy and carefree" living that will, of course, follow once you've "made it" on Steemit. Focusing on the end reward and not so much on the work it takes to get there.

But that's not how it works.

@ackza I'm not saying this is you at all! I appreciate you commenting and interacting with me! That comment just got me thinking and sort of refocused my own goals here.

Successful entrepreneurs aren't successful because they wanted to be rich and famous. They're successful because they saw a need or a problem and provided a really valuable service/idea that people found useful. I can assure you, they aren't all living "easy & carefree" lives either. They work their asses off!

Same goes for Whales. @papa-pepper is a superstar because he shares kick ass content. And I'm sure he works really hard at making his content. I doubt he's counting his crypto and only planning to work hard on Steemit until he "makes it". Highly unlikely.

And that's because Steemit isn't about making money.

Making money IS something that happens here - yes.

BUT Steemit is really about sharing valuable content

If we keep this get rich quick mindset and focus solely on the money, you likely won't be making valuable content for others. And that's what this platform is really about.

I love Steemit because I can write without worrying.

I don't worry about what people will say when I'm on Steemit. This place is so positive and welcoming I feel like I can really say what I need to say and no one will bash me for it. And even if they did, I feel like this platform has made me a ton more confident about sharing and promoting my work. If a post of mine makes $0.00 that's perfectly fine with me, as long as it's work that I can be proud of.

That's why I titled this post "You probably won't open this". Because it's true. A huge number of people whose eyes saw this post probably didn't open it.

And that's really okay.

I'm writing for me. Scratching my own itch and sharing information that I'm passionate about, that's what Steemit is about for me.

Originally, this comment from @kus-knee really got me thinking about how focused I was on how much a post was making.


I was checking my wallet very often and monitoring upvotes like a hawk.


Did this make my work any better? No. My time is better spent focusing on my work. Improving my writing for my writing's sake, not so I can gain a bigger audience on Steemit. Getting to be a better photographer for my photography's sake, not for impressing a Whale or getting a big payout.

When the focus is on the work, the work improves. I think that's inevitable. And I believe that is the real value of Steemit. It gives us all an outlet to share our work to a positive community. A community that, I feel, really does want to see you improve.

So @ackza thanks for getting me thinking about this topic & I look forward to seein' ya around the blockchain!

Feedback always welcome! Let me know what you're focused on sharing here.

Thanks for stoppin' by!



I did open it and read it, and I couldn't agree more - money should not be the goal but a result of what we do. That said, seeing my photography and writing improve and making connections with other interesting people are even more rewarding than earning money.

Exactly. I mean don't get me wrong, I love the rewards lol that's why I share here rather than where the "mainstream" is, but I think I've gotten SO much more from the interactions than from the actual crypto.

I did open this and I did read it from start to finish. I think you have the right mindset and idea about Steemit. While yes, it would be nice to get more monetary rewards, to focus solely on that gives little value to the platform. The sense of community here is what drives me. Every comment on my posts makes me want to keep producing better content, not just to earn more, but to improve myself. I have never been so pumped to be writing and while I wouldn't claim to be very good at it I know that with each post I am improving and that to me is of greater value.

THATS IT! Exactly dude. This is exactly what I'm saying, it's about self improvement and providing value. Awesome :)

Hey Chrissy!!! Thank you for writing this. I'm just as guilty as anybody, totally externally motivated...but you know what? It doesn't make me happy!

I don't worry about what people will say when I'm on Steemit. This place is so positive and welcoming I feel like I can really say what I need to say and no one will bash me for it. And even if they did, I feel like this platform has made me a ton more confident about sharing and promoting my work.

This IS the truly rad thing about Steemit!!! I completely agree. Everyone has been super supportive..I feel the same way....and I aspire to be totally unconcerned with the reward, I know that being in the flow is the most rewarding thing ever, and truly I love writing, and historically, I haven't done it nearly as often as I would like.

I really appreciate how you're honing in on the heart of the matter. It's still a young, wild place, with all kinds of things going on. I think you've hit on something that a lot of us will be in the process of learning within ourselves in the near future....I know that this is something I want to work on.

I'm working on it all the time too. It's hard not to be distracted by these awesome rewards, but in the long run it's going to be the most valuable content that cuts through the noise. Heart and soul first, the rest will follow.

I've always said that the connections I've made and the things I've learned far outweigh the value of the STEEM rewards but don't get me wrong they're awesome too.

Haha yeah, that's why I originally was interested in steemit. Rewards for content? count me in. But after I got here it just became so much more than that. And i've only been here a month! lol

I'm about that digital nomad life. :)

Haha I think it's an awesome way to live, I just think people sometimes get a little too focused on spending the day on the beach and forget about all the hard work it takes to maintain that. But good on ya for doing it!

It's certainly not a permanent vacation, but it's the ability to work for yourself from anywhere and just enjoy life. The way life is meant to be IMO.

I hear that. I sometimes like being an employee/part of a team, but there's a big part of me that wants to work on my own schedule. What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?

steemit and a little crypto trading. steemit alone has been enough to keep me afloat financially and payoff several thousand dollars worth of debt. I started doing it full time about three months ago now I guess. I just stopped thinking of reasons why not to do it and said I'd rather fail being happy than live a life I don't want. Looks like I should have believed in myself sooner! <3 Best wishes and good luck on your own journey!

Wow, that's amazing! All crypto all the time, huh? Haha well best of luck to you man. I hope to see ya around!

PS thanks for the resteem!

:) A little boost to help on your journey!

Welcome to Steemit :)
I follow u, follow me back if u want lot of fun and amazing picture every day.

Ah thanks! & I'll definitely check out your blog!

Fantastic advice for new members and even for those who have been here a while and may have lost focus on what the platform is supposed to be about!

Thanks for sharing @chrissymcchavez!

Hope your day is going well!

Thanks for the feedback! Hope you're having an awesome day too!

Writing without worry! I like that and share the sentiment. In 3 months here I stumbled only on handful of fights. Compare that with a regular week on facebook! Great post!

Seriously, so much more civil here. Thanks for the feedback, buzz!

i really liked reading your post. i agree that it is not just about the hunger but the ability to find a problem/need and provide a solution/service. that is how most successful business starts. stay hungry my friend!!

Right? It's about the work! Thanks man you too!

When you focus on your work it will get better and better and you will offer more value. So True!

Thanks for the note! It's all about the value you're providing!

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