in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Let Me Help You
STEEMIT Like a Boss!

Is your hard work getting lost in a sea of posts? Is your voice not being heard enough on the platform so far? Is your reputation stuck on a number? Are you not getting the votes, comments, and engagement you see Everyone Else getting? Do some of the Payouts on the Trending, Hot, or Promoted tabs baffle you? Are you confused as to what is actually happening here? Are you frustrated and considering giving up?

Let me tell you one thing... YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Don't Worry, I Am Here To Help!

I am about to impart some Master Class Tips to Help You STEEMIT Like a Boss!


A major aspect of Steemit is ETIQUETTE.

If you click that Blue Word Etiquette up there you will be magically transported to the unofficial Steemit Etiquette Guide. This guide can not cover everything you need to know to conduct yourself in a socially appropriate way for this platform... but it's a great start! There are many tips that will help you grow just in that post alone...But Wait There's More!

Trust me when I say that almost Everyone here has shared in many of the same frustrations! Not many people jump on to Steemit and start swimming immediately.

The learning curve is pretty drastic here and the user experience could be a bit more friendly to say the least. Learning how to participate effectively on Steemit is no easy task, especially alone! In the beginning it felt like.... SINK OR SWIM!

Minnows, Dolphins, & Whales! Oh My!

With all of the sea creature analogies floating around on Steemit... I thought it would be appropriate to explain some of that a bit. On Steemit we start out as plankton. I am not sure the exact number per level... but that is what our Reputation scores are next to our names! The next level we reach on the platform is Minnow, which happens to be a small fish! Most users on Steemit fall under those two groups.

In Real Life, some Whales Eat Plankton and Small Fish. On Steemit the next two levels are Dolphins and Whales which are the power players here on the platform. If you aren't abiding by most of those Etiquette Guidelines there is a chance you could upset the ecosystem or a Dolphin or Whale. If one of those power players downvotes you it could harm your Reputation so significantly that I have seen some folks in need of a new account after trying to swim with the big fish and making too many waves.

Keep On Steemin On

Fortunately, for us, this isn't like the real world and the Whales and Dolphins aren't looking to eat all the little accounts! If you are following the etiquette guidelines you don't have much to worry about. On the up side, if you catch their attention for a good reason you may have your content consumed and just one upvote could help you grow significantly.

How Can I Help?

When I first started, I spent a long time just looking around. I was a bit shy and didn't want to look ignorant asking questions all over the place on threads. Most of the posts I searched were old. I didn't get the voting and money thing. didn't understand how to make my posts look cool like everyone else's!
I was pretty lost.

I want to help save you some time and get you up to speed by giving you some priceless tips, a few resources, and a cheat sheet below. I won't go into great detail for the sake of time but I will give you the tools to begin to figure all of this out much more efficiently than on your own!

Take Your Time Finding Your Way & Have Fun!

Some Master Class Essentials

  • Frequently Asked Questions
      You may have many questions that have Already been answered.
      You may not know where to go to find the answers!
        In the top right of your screen next to your name you will see a Menu with three lines!
        Many keys to the kingdom are right up there, waiting for you!
        Answers for Frequently Asked Questions!

  • You Can See Behind The Curtain
      You may want to see all of your account's interactions or the activity of another. lets you see everything going on behind the curtain of the Block Chain. (add any account name here)

  • More User Friendly Steemit Interface @ Busy.Org
      You may want a more User Friendly Steemit Interface. Busy.Org delivers!
      Busy.Org has many great Steemit features all in one place, like a Voting Slider!
        Steemit via Link

  • Voting Power
      Your voting power is depleted each time you vote... so vote wisely!
      You can check your voting power and learn more with the links and tools below!
         Steem & Voting Power- How NOT to Waste it... Yes, You Can Waste it!/ (add your account name here)
        Steemit via Link

  • Voting IS Curating!
      You may want to vote on the right things at the right time!
      Curating is one of the top ways earn without creating your own content!

  • When you UpVote Rewards are split so 75% of payout goes to the author of the post and 25% goes to the curator.

  • Of the 25% that goes to the curator, that portion will be split between the author and the curator if the curator votes within the first 30 minutes. The split of the 25% between the author and curator during the first 30 minutes is calculated based on the time the vote is cast.

  • If a post is upvoted the moment of posting, 100% of the curation reward goes to the author.

  • At 3 minutes, 90% goes to the author and 10% to the curator.

  • At 15 minutes it's a 50/50 split and if upvoted 30 min after posting, 100% of the curation reward goes to the curator.

  • The infromation above will help you time yourself to maximize your curation returns as well as upvote more efficiently for what your purposes are! Make your vote count. I am not sure how upvoting posts past the seven day payout is calculated so I don't do it. I will usually find a newer post of the author to support with my vote if I find old content helpful!

    Content Related Master Class Essentials

    • Using Images on Steemit Plus 12 Amazing Free Image Sites
      To help you learn the Etiquette for using images in your posts, here is a link to some great information about this topic and places to get Free Images You Can USE!
        Using Images on Steemit Plus 12 Amazing Free Image Sites

    • Free Image Hosting Website
      You may need a free place to store and host your images to save room on your devices. Here is the one I use! It will even provide you the links you need to drop into your posts!
        ImgBB - Free Image Hosting Website

    • Check Pending Content Payouts
      You can check pending post and comment payouts of any account here on
         SteemViz Tool

    • See Who Is Voting For Your Content
      You can check the votes of any account here on UpVoters. Use this to see who is supporting your content the most with their votes!
         UpVoters Tool

    Master Class Essential Cheat Sheet

    One of the most difficult things that consumed my time was trying to learn MARKDOWN & HTML CODE I am no master in that area but both of those links will give you a place to start to educate yourself if you are interested!

    I will reveal to you my Cheat Sheet for the HTML I use. The code can be seen for anyone's posts if you change the "it" in the url address on a Steemit post and switch it to "d." This will redirect you to the STEEMD website where you can see the post's code layout. This was a trick that took me forever to learn and that I even applied making this post!


    <h1></h1> <h2></h2> <h3></h3> <h4></h4>










    To make a Hot Link put your Web URL
    between the " " and the Text to click on goes between the ><
    <a href=""></a>

    Image Link goes between the " "
    <img src="">

    Center an Image
    <center><img src=""></center>

    Here is how to get the image to the left and right.

    <div class="pull-left">ADD IMAGE HERE</div>
    <div class="pull-right">ADD IMAGE HERE</div>

    If you go to the link below you can see the code for this post!
    This is one of the ways I mentioned above, to see how something is done on anyone's post via code.

    Copy and paste the text below into a blank post and see what it looks like.
    Now you just have to fill in the blanks with your content!
    ------------------ copy below -------------


    <center><img src="">
    <b>STEEM ON MY FRIENDS</b></center>

    <img src="">

    Copy and Paste each HTML tag codes to Make Your Own Cheat Sheet Document to reference anytime you are making a post!

    If you prefer Markdown THIS LINK will take you to a cheat sheet for that style. I mix and match myself but figured this would help boost your skills and options. You will find that your best friend is going to be copy and paste!

    For those that didn't know you can use
    control x to CUT
    control c to COPY &
    control v to PASTE!

    This is a GodSend of GodSpeed if you use cheat sheets like me for the code! This should really help you get on your feet and cut that learning curve down to size! You literally just have to add your content by filling in the blanks! I really hope this post helps encourage you not to give up! I hope this post inspires you to Keep On Steemin On! If I can figure out this much... YOU CAN TOO!

    I am Very Proud of You for Making It This Far


    I am really excited to share my wisdom from experience so far here on STEEMIT! I really hoped this post helps you now and in the future. Take your time and make sure to explore ALL the links I provided...They are invaluable! I appreciate your time stopping by and hope to see you again soon!


    Would you like to become a Dolphin or Whale?
    Want to gain some insight into growing yourself here on Steemit?
    Get More Master Class Tips & Check Out @markrmorrisjr's #DolphinSchool
    by clicking THIS LINK HERE

    DolphinSchool Curators Guild



Thanks for this @castleberry...good info for this plankton. 😃

Thanks for taking time to check out this post! It took over two days to get it to work. I had an error message for the code. It pretty much killed my Boot Camp momentum but I hope this helps everyone out. I wished I had come across this post when I was looking for answers.
Steem On My Friend... LIKE A BOSS! =)

BOOM. What a post! ... Congrats on finally figuring out that annoying error msg.

I've bookmarked this to go through it with more care - I saw many a thing as I was reading through that I wasn't aware of. And also, amazing job on the formatting!

Thank You Very Much!
This was a pain in the buttocks! I made it with the intention of people being able to come back and reference it in the future. It has so many resources linked in there. If I had found this post when I first started... it would have literally saved me days!
I am looking forward to finishing Spider Man now! hahaha
Keep up the great work on your posts too!

Great helpful post - very useful information! On the upvoting subject - I've been trying to upvote as much as I can because it helps everyone out and I'm hoping that it pays off in the long run - you know building that community of followers! I have also noticed that the bigger fish get most upset if you comment and don't upvote - I've seen a lot of people get flagged :(

I am thankful to find to be able to have a slider for voting! I like to vote a lot but I hate waiting for it to recharge! With a slider I can spread the voting love around more... like in this comment thread!
I worked really hard on this post and had some major issues with the code for it... but eventually and some creative solutions won the day!
I think in my next post that is about helping out... will cover ethics for a master class topic. I feel bad if I don't upvote some things and that shouldn't be the case. I think explaining self upvoting and the ethics discussion may help make some people feel better about it all. Thanks for stopping by!
Keep On Steemin On My Friend!

Yea the slider is the best and also having some steem power has helped with that. I self upvote coz I was told to on my first day here but I don't know why lol. I can see that you worked hard on the post I bet it took a lot of time. I still haven't figured out how to wrap the text around the pictures.

If you go to this link... you can see the code for this post!
This is one of the ways I mentioned to see how something is done on anyone's post via code.

Here is how to get the image to the left and right.

<div class="pull-left">ADD IMAGE HERE</div>
<div class="pull-right">ADD IMAGE HERE</div>
(I just added this to the post and cheat sheet!)

You can copy and paste from the comment here and add it to your cheat sheet. That's why I left the one above was for folks to make their own document with all the cheats copy and pasted for future use to help streamline the production process!

One last thing... Self Voting posts is not a problem when we all start out! We should be our own biggest fan. Once you become a whale... then it's not so cool. Voting on a self made comment is generally not cool either. SO, don't worry! But if you post frequently... keep an eye on your own voting power when you post. It may pay to save your vote when it's stronger!

I think is a very useful information made funny, all put together. Thank you so much castleberry ;)

Thanks Draker! Always happy to see you stop by. I hope this post helps you figure out how to Steemit Like a Boss! There are a lot of tools and tips in there that should make things easier for everyone that didn't already know!
Keep On Steemin On My Friend!

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