Are You the Next “Wolf of Steemit”?

in #steemit7 years ago

Have you been glued to Steemit for the past few days, frying your brain, looking for the magic bullet to get ahead and become a whale… or am I the only one?

Am I the only one dreaming that my followers count will suddenly sky rocket? That my posts will magically start to make hundreds and thousands of $$$... Of course not.


Many of us want to be millionaires. We want those numbers to keep going up with no end. We want to be able to sit back, write a nice post and see it get $1,000+ a few hours later, so we can take a nice vacation in Fiji and drink Mojitos all day.

For the past four days I have been working non-stop to get followers and votes. It wasn’t until last night that I realized I was sick and tired of hustling for money on this platform. I wanted to feel more fulfilled. So I changed my approach, I started to write from my heart and I felt much better with the feedback I was receiving.

I also got lucky because some of those heart-based posts did very good. It felt good to be rewarded for something I created with love. It seemed this new strategy was the way to go.


Then, I started to see that it wasn’t all glitter and rainbows. Some of my heart-based posts were getting ZERO attention, it hurt.

So after another full day of knocking my head against the screen, I decided to close all my windows and relax. I went on Netflix and chose a random movie: The Wolf of WallStreet. I had never seen it before.

The movie was quite impactful, and reminded me much of the situation I am right now.

On one hand, I am grateful that I am not an asshole like Leonardo’s leading character. On the other hand I kept thinking to myself: “Having all that money would surely feel good”.

So now I get to put things in perspective and wonder. Do I want to be a money oriented steemer? Or a love oriented steemer? Is it possible to find a balance between both? What does it take to succeed without stressing about the payout? Is it possible to be successful without a killer attitude?

What do you think?


wolf wolf.jpg


Do what you love, the money will follow. The love of expression will get you through the grind. ;-)

Thanks, that reminds me what Steve Jobs said on his famous Stanford speech, it was something like "you have to choose something that you love, so you can keep doing it when things get tough"

Another one that is too good :) I'm a fan :) Resteeming...

wow, I feel so honored! Thank you!!! :) :) :)

Nice post, @brunotreves. I think we all go through something similar when we first start on this platorm (if not all of us, then many of us). It's easy to be overly eager, wanting to get noticed right away and post at a frantic pace thinking that's the best way to build a following thus get more visibility and votes on our posts. I'm sure for most people too it can be disappointing when your posts don't get the type of traction that you'd like.

For me I think I started off posting a bit too much. I've now decided to post a little less frequently and focus a bit more on getting to know other people, reading their content and engaging with them. I think the whole building up relationships part is really important and if you do that on a consistent basis, while continuing to post at a pace that works for you, in a few months/years time, you'll likely be very glad you did.

Good luck in your continued efforts and steem on!

Also, I'm now going to be following you :)

Thanks @Jen8, I appreciate the long and thoughtful post. I think it is wonderful that you bring up the idea of having a long term vision. I tend to jump on projects head on and be totally involved in the moment, it is hard for me to think in months, much less years. I NEED IT ALL NOW! haha, I love that you can put thinks in perspective. Thanks for sharing your wisdom :)

That is true, it is not a casino here, but a reward based community, and community takes time

Actually, I'm more curious on what you think...No really...what do you think of yourself? I mean I understand exactly what you mean. But I also feel you have to put your foot down when it comes to defining who you are. I want to be successful, wealthy, and happy. Why? Because I am smart, I work hard, and I love the people around me. I also work hard for what I want. That is it. We have to be firm in our definition of ourselves. Afterall, it is all we have usually in the beginning of the road to success....that's it...just what you think you are...and the ambition inside to match.

Interesting question. My views of myself change with time and with situations, sometimes I see myself as successful, wealthy and happy and other times I think I suck. I know I could do some NLP and affirmations but I don't like the idea of tricking myself to thinking I am awesome. I want to see it and I want others to see it too. Maybe I have self confidence issues or an intense need for acceptance. I wish I had a firm definition of myself, but I dont.

Admittedly I don't read alot of steemit posts to completion, but I read this one. Even if you aren't finding the payouts now I think you're on the right track.


Consistency is key. I love your stuff....
Yes, indeed many posts making the most money are money related...But, it is about us (the ones in the same energy level) finding each other and getting other soulful writers to share in this platform. ;) Stick in here darling, you will do awesome!

Thank you sweetheart, I feel your love and it fills my heart. :) :)

By the way, I loved your handstand poem and pics. You got a new follower! :)

Really liked your thoughts. I see many concentrate on the money only with every comment which is a turn off for me and I show it by not voting up their comments under my posts.

For me and for others too, I hope steemit will replace instagram, blog pages, twitter and so on so I try to do just that without being greedy - just enjoy the ride and do what you like. Others make more but they got lucky being here first.

Think ahead!

If steemit establishes itself, the bonus of being here first will somewhen start fading and creators will be rewarded for what they do, not when they did it + you will probably be where you wanna be :).

Thank you! I like all the points you made and appreciate the support!

Great post!! very good pun :D Upvoted

Thanks, I like your username :)

Thank you. :)

It's just how it works when generating a following in business and life: Relatjonship building, connecting with and meeting people takes you far, and doing it genuinely/with love makes it all much more worth while. Though I haven't felt what you've been through yet on Steemit, I have experienced certai failures towards my endeavors, as we all do I life I'm sure.
Know, I now what I'm telling you may seem repitive but I would just ask this question as I depart: Would you rather make less doing what you absolutely love, or more doing what you absolutely hate?

Whatever you choose, or if you're in between, only you know the best decision for yourself in the end of course.

Once again, great post and I look forward to seeing more content :)

Hands down I would always choose making less doing what I love, no doubt. In fact, I could have easily gone into investment banking and make millions straight out of college but I decided not to because I wanted to work with startup companies. Funny enough, as soon as I started making good money as an independent consultant I fell in love with yoga and left all my clients to dedicate myself to learning and teaching yoga. I always follow my heart. I like what you said about taking it as a business. Growing it consistently while building relationships.

Great read, you make some very valid points. Upvoted and followed :) I'm moving to Boulder next month so it's cool to know there will be another person in the community also on steemit!

Thanks! That so great! I am actually in Ecuador right now but will be coming back to Boulder in a month as well (July 24th). I was looking at some of your posts, so cool that you are in SD, I actually went to school (SDSU) and worked therer before moving North. I will be staying in touch and look forward to seeing more of you! :)

Oh wow well I hope you are having a fantastic time in Ecuador! That's crazy, small world isn't it? SD and Boulder are my two favorite places haha

yeah, SD is a great city, you can find all sorts of vibes there. I also lived in Santa Monica and Santa Barbara before moving to Boulder. They are great cities too. I think Boulder is my favorite though, its perfect, aside for how freaking cold it is on winter, the lack of fruit and the fact that there is zero beach.

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