Has Steemit Spam Arrived? I Think it has...

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

One of the changes made in the recent hard-fork was the removal of the 4 posts per day limit. Now, technically there never was this limit, but rewards were diminished after 4 posts in a 24 hours period, and this appeared enough of a deterrent. However, scrolling through the "bitcoin" tag today, I found myself looking at post after post of pointless, meaningless annoyance.




I clicked on the user and found that this account was posting about 4 times per hour, and being upvoted about 40 times each, for what appears to be nothing more than Spam. The rewards may not be much, but if this is scaled then it is feasible that decent rewards could be garnered for doing nothing but spamming the blockchain with nonsense.



I think we will all agree that it is not, and this was the effect that one user had on a specific tag over the course of a day. What would happen if 100 users did the same thing, steemit would become almost unusable for browsing. I'm still not sure why the 4 post limit was removed. Other than users who like to post news, I can't see how you could ever create more than 4 quality posts in a day, for most of it takes enough time just to create one quality post with pictures and original content.



I don't know...apart from one or two users calling out this steemer today, his behaviour went largely unpunished. Can the users really be expected to be Policing this type of behaviour? I don't think so... This particular account has made 30 meaningless posts so far today....ENOUGH !!!!


The amount of SPAM posts is ever-increasing especially since it seems that no one wants to post quality until the reward pool is filled (which I don't expect for at least 30 days).
I don't understand removing the limit either. I agree that 4 quality posts is difficult in a day. Frankly, I wish we had an instagram version of Steemit so the memes would go away! But hey, that's me. I'm just a blogger who's trying to be community conscious.

I agree. All I see now is memes and low-quality content.

These memes provide hardly anything. Maybe 1 in 50 actually make me laugh. Most just get posted because of the rewards i believe.

And yeah i also believe creating more than 4 HQ posts is really hard. Not copying and pasting that is. We'll see how things work out :)

I agree ! Im also seeing it more , all over ! 👍😉

I put some flags his way, but other than that, all you can do is mute and carry on, I'm afraid.

Agreed, and I think that is the problem. That this behaviour will go unpunished and the rewards however small will be enough to encourage more of the same.

Yes... it is awfull.... resteemed ! I hope this issue should be "finished". :)

I think we will need it... ! Nice !:)

QC needs to be up to the community, but these new changes will make it more difficult to do that.

The quality controll team is still here and is named „the curators“. Don't vote and flag and comment. You can't do more. But we should do, what we can. The majority of curators are just dreaming behind their bots.
But some are awake. For example look here.

Thank you. This is a terrible direction we are taking.

I've noticed the same things using other tags and I'm a bit frustrated because we can't do anything about it (yes, I can mute them, but this is just a solution for me, not for the platform)

Exactly, muting is a band-aid fix and won't stop the problem....

the solution is to not allow bots to harvest.
require a posting key to vote.
eliminate StemPower and use Reputation in it's place.

I complayn several timse abaut the voting but seems everyone else LIKE IT so much ...........
I no other social media you canot use bots to like things ....

kinda makes you wonder doesn't it?

Maybe some clever I.T. steemian can come up with a bot to find spammers? What about flagging? If they become flagged would it not decrease their earinings from these spam posts. Still a minnow here and very non-techy so I might not be saying anything intelligent here.

In theory, flagging is the solution, but do you really want to spend all of your time on steemit loading and flagging dozens of posts? I don't. My time is limited and I would rather be curating quality content or working on my new post...Your question is valid, and don't ever let your minnow status stop you from speaking your mind :)

I saw those posts too. One can only hope that if none votes then it won't be worth their while. I guess everyone has to be a little more discerning as I saw some proper people voting on them!

The same 40 people are voting on all of them. Its probably a voting trail, but who is leading it...

Oh that one!! Damn, I have a pretty good idea. It's that 1% bot.

Yes. I think it's bad thing. Inundating the tineline with pointless spam posts will not improve the Steemit ecosystem. I also notice an increase in business opportunity posts that would have been flagged down not long ago.

I made a few comments early on in the "experiment" that it was counter-intuitive and would actually lead to lower quality content. It seems that combined with the Hardfork we now have the situation to do just that.

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