Steemit Needs: Please comment with your ideas to improve Steemit!! | E. 5 | May 17th, 2017

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hi again everyone! I am keeping my word to keep the series going!

I would like you to comment with your visual aids or written ideas of what you think Steemit can use to improve the Community for features and why.

It's now many weeks after the latest big changes, the Steem Powering downs latest rounds, those cashouts done and seeing some stabilizations, some bugs fixed and the latest Hard Fork.

It's OK to gather new ideas but if the same issues pop up, that is great too, because it will send the message that something is more important to the developers and Steemit Elders. My goal is again - use this blog post as a resource to help the dev's and the community members. I can combine them into one post later on if needed to help developers or members.

It is easily searchable also -- as I use the same key phrases / words etc. in the title to keep it searchable - more easily.

I was trying to pick good tags...... I decided to use the TIL tag -- hoping someone either looking FOR help on learning something -- or someone looking TO help on these things would comment! I thought about that one for a couple mins.

If you want to tag people or share it so others can comment and contribute also, that is great. I have my own ideas and see a lot of people talking about it, but as someone who is NOT - I REPEAT NOT! tech savvy like many of you, and who is newer to the Blockchain and Crypto stuff, I know my role is limited to give ideas, I am just a Minnow LOL.

But I have been an activist for years, I am used to building community and gathering info and trying to help so I guess you can blame the activist side of me for this idea which I think is a good one -- an INTENTIONAL POST on the idea, to gather stuff in one place and be easily searchable and findable for all the IT types and developers etc.

Just my way of trying to contribute. I did not even know for sure what tags to use in this post, and I actually spent 5 mins looking and researching the best ones to try and use, before I posted this LOL. I will edit the tags ASAP if you give me better ones to use!!

If we can get some good feedback going, we can use these ideas, all in one place and people can refer back to them. That's why E.1 / E.2 /E.3 was in the title, I am hopeful it is helpful as a resource.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

Thanks my man - you are a big support to me, I say again.


Latest episode up, I have put up some good stuff this week, I have not heard from you hardly man!

I hope you are OK buddy.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is actively trying to improve the content on Steemit. To that effect I created this campaign (please give me feedback):

I will upvote every constructive comment I get on Steemit with 5-10 cents in order to create a WIN-WIN-WIN.

You win by having me upvote and follow you, I win by having great comments and more followers and above all Steemit wins by getting better content.

Read about the rules and conditions here.

Please respond here or on my post with any feedback you have, thanks!

Better content discovery experience more than anything, we have too many people in too many different categories all competing for the same attention spans and real estate. Split it all up please and fix the algorithims, also make the 'default' feed more customizable and/or pull from more source such as popular comments, popular posts of people you follow, and so on.

Oh and did I mention a more customizable profile PLEASE? And perhaps a rename option? ;]

I see very very good input here man and I see excellent UV on your comments from you know who


Solid! We are all better off with one or more (lol) of you here.

TY for your input today!

Latest episode up, I have put up some good stuff this week, I have not heard from you hardly man!

I know you are busy LOL.

I just had someone come to my house to go out for a bit, so I shall return tonite!

Like it or not! LOL

I would like to see steem be able to take content directly from the users. I mean be able to upload videos and photos directly to steemit instead of link them from another website. Steemit needs to become the new goto Video platform as Add Revenue on Youtube PLUMMETS. If steemit creators can capitalize on this vacuum forming of content creators having plenty of good content but they're platform is no longer paying them out. That should be the direction of steemit imo. any other ideas or critiques?

I know that for photos atleast, you can just drag and drop from your own files to your post. You weren't always able to do this, but it's been a feature for a little while now. Try it sometime! :-)

thats cool, I'll try adding some easy posts then with some kewl pictures.
video will be the real game changer though. if this platform could compete in any way with youtube and the likes thats where it could help carve out a piece of the current and future entertainment.

Great input and reasonings by you today!

TY for your input today as well!

I would love to be able to sort through my (and other people's) blog posts with filters. At the very least filtering through tags would be nice. It's such a long scroll down now!

Much agreement there sister on both levels

TY for the input today!

I really do save these and write them this way so they can be pulled from the archives for people/dev's to use.

Came to comment on the same exact thing. Filters would be great. I would love to see a view that distinguishes between resteems and your own content.

Hah! Funny you should say that. I was actually on yesterday (which holds the same Steemit content, but in a different UI) and found out they do have two seperate views. One for your own posts and one for your resteems!

  1. Where are the groups?
  2. Reward algo still far from viable-longterm IMO. Steempower shouldn't be the 800 lb gorilla whale dominating the platform. Engagement, number of followers, amount of upvoted curation, and productive use of platform should determine whale status.
  3. As someone above mention, organization of content is not useful now... how bad will it be if we get 100x or 10,000x new users soon?

You make very good points here as usual.

The whale comment was well played, indeed. The NEXT hardfork (HF) is supposed to address (again) some of these and more issues.

TY for your input today!

Followed, I thought I had followed you long ago, you have made good comments on here I have always noticed. You seem pretty sharp.

I've actually been mulling this topic over in my mind for the last couple of days and here are my thoughts...

First and foremost, I've noticed that most of the people on SteemIt seem to be directly interested in finances, money, markets, etc. While that's probably an interest of everyone on planet earth, let's face it - Steamians are definitely more preoccupied with making money than your average joe. So, this might possibly be a limiting factor to SteemIt becoming even more popular in the future. That's because of my next thought...

The majority of people involved on platforms like Facebook and YouTube (say, the general web-surfing public) are there to simply share life and chat with their friends on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment basis. In its' current Beta form, SteemIt is not the most convenient way to do this. I'm sure that in the future there will be more developments around the user interface to help sort and categorize topics and friends, but right now it's not the greatest. I tried using SteemIt Chat yesterday to see if I could contact one of my fellow Steemians, but the platform is - once again - not widely utilized by the majority of Steemians, and not well organized, yet.

Games. Steem needs more mindless games - like FB. Only, it would be nice if you all remembered to provide tons of ways for us to block out unwanted content and endless invitations to play games that we think are stupid.

Good points across the board.

I have been doing the #SteemitCampfire on my page for 3 weekends in a row now, where people come and gather like you were saying.

I think the majority of people are Liberty minded in crypto and so there will be less mindless stuff here by and large, as a result with perhaps a larger % of more awake people who are sick of the gov't and lies and status quo nonsense in the world.

I could be wrong but that is my take anyways.

TY for taking time here today!

Uploading multiple photo's at the same time would be cool, unless I'm missing this feature already? Better way of presenting photo's too in a gallery.

You are right, and no, that is not here so you are correct.

TY for your input today!

Several people followed me today while I was out the last few hours and I am nearly at the holy grail of 1k followers now dude!

I sense a milestone post (next) coming ahahahahaha!

@aunt-deb wanted you to know also.... and hopefully you can follow my friend GP here, he is a good one. Some of what he does will interest you.

Thanks for the heads up! Hi, @geordieprepper & welcome aboard.

Some good stuff up on my page buddy.

Hope things are good for you.

The one thing I've wished for is a direct or private messaging option. Maybe with the community function in the offing, that will be part of the 'package'. Fingers crossed...

Good input --- yes, that is legendary on here, now, that whole chat type issue!

Okay.... my input are making good posting, friends, leave good comments and courage your followers. :)

Thanks for the input today my friend!!!

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