If Steemit Was Any Other Media Platform

in #steemit7 years ago

If Steemit was any other media platform we'd all be rich. Upvotes would fly like crazy and it wouldn't matter if you were a minnow or whale (I honestly hate those terms), if your content was good, entertaining and just enjoyable in general, no one would get greedy and not upvote, or get jealous, triggered or angry and flag.

As a business owner I see Steemit as a business since a form of currency is used and I am investing my time and money into it. Now translate that to the real world. Do the business owners of successful shops only buy from other successful shops? Do they always go to the same shops and wear what is sold there even if it's lesser quality? Or would they step into a smaller lesser known store to discover new treasures and "buy" something to take home with them?

I have seen so many great smaller blogs with great, educated or entertaining material that get little to no recognition. Then I see blogs with blurry pictures, nonsense or run of the mill self help posts or sharing something that's not even original are worth hundreds.

Many have hoped of Steemit being a utopia away from other platforms. But there are still trolls, spammers and cliques. Nothing really changes from the real world and translates differently onto here.

My content might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I am sure I am somebody's double shot of whiskey and I'll continue creating and posting on the daily. But I'll be voting for smaller and larger accounts based on what I enjoy, not on what they can do for me.

Do you like to discover new blogs?


@artedellavita You're more of a 21yr Redbreast. Your content is so Beautifully diverse and engaging. Your the Needle in the Haystack of Steemit blogging...
Steem On My Friend...:)

Haha aww thank you! I'll have the 21yr neat please ☺️🥃

Do the business owners of successful shops only buy from other successful shops? Do they always go to the same shops and wear what is sold there even if it's lesser quality? Or would they step into a smaller lesser known store to discover new treasures and "buy" something to take home with them?

I can't think of a more clear and concise set of questions that defines this issue so well.


I agree completely. I had singled out that paragraph as the heart of the issue. It is too bad, frankly. And the situation has gotten both better and worse since HF 19.

Many of us work hard, building communities and great content and to see the blatant stinginess of people refusing to throw a simple upvote for a post they commented on drives me nuts. I'm grateful for the exposure but at the same time, you can't take your voting power with you.

It's why I go out of my way to upvote commenters on my posts. I want people coming back to my blogs and feel valued for their time, beyond what I wrote. That's what this platform is supposed to be for.

That I have to resort to services like @booster after 3 months because my normal following can't produce me more than $0.40 to $0.50 per post is actually depressing.

Love the last line on your profile "The only way to win is not to play their game." @goldgoatsnguns

thanks! Wonderful post, if you couldn't tell. :)

Thank you! Following you btw, I appreciate you coming to take a peek ☺️

I appreciate your posts and it might be less depressing to consider the number of views and votes without looking at the rewards.

I wasn't around very long before the HF'ing but I have a feeling they screwed the pooch by implementing more than one substantial change at a time. Limiting people to 10 full power votes per day seems to have concentrated the circle jerking and screwed some new people who do create quality content.

If it's any consolation, Steemit is still in Beta so maybe they can un-screw the pooch with the next Fork?

how many gallons can you put in a ten gallon tank?
how many FULL gallons can you take out?

If you're someone like Elon Musk, you can squeeze 73.8 gallons out of it (if you factor in the government tax incentives and your cousins own the tank).

always the victim.

Give you a hamburger and you complain cause it's not steak.

I would hope they do fix this mess in the next fork.

Your comments ring true and I have often laughed at a post and thought wow how did that get all those votes? But votes are in the end the system we have decided to accept by supporting and writing for this platform. People will upvote something in large numbers as proven by some of the trending articles but even they have to use promotion just like any real business and to get a trending article I doubt they can spend less than $100 to move the needle.

What may be worse is that one day i will write something that does get a big payout and i will be wondering, Crap! How do i do that again?

I think my interests are more niche than the mainstream here and i have to look a long way down the trending keyword list to find what interests me and I doubt that will change much. But I believe we will attract more like minded people and there will be enough recognition to support even niche areas and I wont have to post cat pictures..

I would have to agree. It's disheartening to write content, comment on others work only to receive little in return.

@theblindsquirl Thank you friend, it truly baffles me. I tell you, lets get a sponsor and go to Atlantis to blog lol

Lol, if only I looked so nice jumping on a beach I'd do it 😂. But to be fair, you can't begrudge others their successes, a lot of the really successful accounts take the mind bending time to answer every uncanned response. We jumped on the boat rather late, I'm lucky to have a ton of pre made content ready to share and some nice baby dolphins who introduced me to the steem. Part of me thinks I could just @Trafaglar the system and buy in 500,000 Steem power, but I know he did that when it was cheap and my wife doesn't believe in it that much😄

Haha no it's not that at all, I honestly don't knock on other people's success on here. It's not monetary to me I just feel bad for other people who have great blogs that I've seen haven't been exposed. I bought bitcoin in its early stages and opened my business when medi spas were just becoming popular and I'd hate it if someone was hating on me for having done so. This post was just what I see going on here, my opinion, my views :)

No worries, I'm not judging, they are honest gripes. Everyone is entitled to them. When I started I thought that the fast track to stardom was mingling with the trending stars, but most of them are already indebted to who brought them up and their votes are almost always predetermined accordingly. Patience and persistence dear.

Thank you for stating it so eloquently! Everyone is unique and therefore unique views. The writing styles prove it. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same! I will keep on writing and if someone doesn't like it, that's their preogative.

Thank you! Like you I shall continue writing and sharing :) Following you and I appreciate you stopping by my blog :)

Your blog is surely my double shot of whiskey @artedellavita! I just enjoy each and every post of your's!
It is really frustating when you see nonsense posts making hundred's while great one's goes un-noticed, as you said if only it was like other social media platform... we would have so many rich people here which would have been great for the further development of Steemit itself!

You are a darling, thank you!
Yes, you can definitely see how their are cliques just as in the "real" world. But to me it's more about the content such as in your blog! If there is something beautiful, eloquently shared and for me to learn from I am on it! And that is exactly why I follow your blog :)
Thank you for always providing us with awesome content!

Oh that's so sweet of you @artedellavita! I am so glad that you enjoy my post too!
Looking forward to bring the best out soon!

You always have the best so wondering what can be better is amazing!

Hahaha! Thanks so much @artedellavita! No really I always try to improve myself each and everytime.

I admire and respect that. :)

This is excellent work.

I discovered you with your board game review and I can't just get enough of you... In other words...
I went into the smallest game shop in the street, it had dusty windows but felt warm; I was running away from the rain, and I just discovered a blogger I can't just get out of my head.
New Devoted Follower in the making!

(At least the board game is doing the hundreds!!)

Aww thank you! I appreciate you coming into my "shop" :)

Yes, I look for new great blogs all the time.

It's a great way to add to our networks and discover new content! Btw, thank you for your order, I shall have it ready for you by the end of the day :)

Another thing, why do people make such a big deal about how many followers they have? I have 800 and maybe thirty active ones and that's it, I wish they would unfollow me, I need people that actually like what I post why did they follow me I even took hours and hours going through every person that followed me and commented and voted I just don't get it

haha friend this is so true I giggled! I feel you! If every followers did one upvote what a happy world this would be right?

Yeah - finding content creators that are not doing well- that far surpass my own abilities really stresses me out. I like to find artists on steemit and there are so many that just don't get any type of following - but like anywhere else if you aren't consistent people forget about you. It is hard to engage the platform constantly in hopes of making connections. It gets depressing and I feel depressed for others who are having an even harder time than me.

I feel ya friend! When I miss a post or those posts of who I follow due to work and life, I feel a bit stressed believe it or not.

Dear friend, there are a lot of us here on steemit who look forward to your posts and adore the content you provide. Early on I had a rant about not getting traction and aunt-deb told me basically to hang in there. Don't let it get you down, it will be worth it in the long run. We miss you❣️🐓

Aww thank you friend! I'm not letting anything get me down promise, but it does frustrate me. However the real reason I've been only posting 1-2 times a day is I'm adding now a boutique to my spa and it's time consuming making decisions, taking time to change the whole look and marketing. Super crazy over here, I wish you lived closer so we could hang out for tea and chicken talk :)

I feel the same way. I treat steemit as a business.
It's new and exciting, but needs to be treated as a business for those serious about being successful.

I certainly agree!
Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it!

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