
oh sorry I thought you wanted freedom

Yes Freedom from having to share my sh-t with you. Hahahahaha.

hahhahahah nice joke

here is a video on the different types of property, because you obviously have no understanding communism. Nice try though lmao

Communism cannot truly ever exist as an economic system. Human behavior will never allow it any more than it will allow pure anarcho capitalism either. What we have today is beginning to balance out; all we have to do is re-open up the US House of Representatives to a Ratio of 1:30,000 which was the framers initial agreed intent.

lmao it has existed hundreds of times throughout history. Rojava has over 3 million people and exists right now lmao. 80% of the workers voted to keep the USSR communist, the only failing was that a revisionist got in power. They were too soft on them, and let them live.

but you are right, "anarcho" capitalism can not exist. That's because private property can only exist through state violence

Think private property can only exist through state violence? Try to take mine.

you can't even define private property can you?

"What we have today is beginning to balance out"

5 people own more wealth than literally half the people in the world, are you delusional

True, Since we created the safety net; progressive elites have ruined America but now we have to live with it as well as the screwed up voodoo economicss which has also helped the elite consolidate even greater wealth; but through my blog I've outlined the changes that need to be made to get back to a vibrant and now all inclusive 1950's era economy; without the voodoo and erasing all the gains the communists have made due to the mass reductions in middle class income. It's a fact description. Not ficticious class term invented to separate anyone.

the middle class just gets a little extra leftovers from the superprofits made from workers in other countries

Yes that's voodoo trickle down sh-t. It doesn't work. Eisenhower Economics works but the elite hate it. Makes em think to hard as to find the loop holes.

"oodoo economicss which has also helped the elite consolidate even greater wealth"

you mean capitalism

Yes, low taxed capitalism.

In the United States we threw off the chains of a Tyrannical Monarch of favor of self rule.
This is the goal of many Anarchists - Independence and Self Rule but in a Country of 300 Million it is now impossible without affecting someone else as you endeavor to provide for yourself and your family, independently.

We have a unique opportunity that I've heard many people want to squander.

Our government is still here to maintain personal freedoms to speak, to travel, to assemble, and to own property, encouraging people to create new businesses and grow the old ones.

Jurisdiction and Original Titles to the Patents for our lands in America has been created by Conquest of the Colonies originally Conquered by Great Britain, by Conquering the Western Territories from Mexico and the Indian Territories directly from them, by conveyance from France for Louisiana and Spain for Florida and Conquering the other island nations around the globe. We even tried and failed with Canada.

"In the United States we threw off the chains of a Tyrannical Monarch of favor of self rule."

actually the ruling class still rules us. It was a bunch of rich business owners that didn't want taxes lmao

True but since the Civil War a lot has changed politically for the constant improvement of our Nation.

at the expense of literally every other one

its not self rule until the workers control the means of production. We can only control a extremely small sub-set of social issues, and nothing more.

We can't even convince the ruling class to stop killing millions of people to privatise oil in other countries or do anything about climate change, you are delusional

How many did Mao kill?

Yes, I understood all of that. Communism is Ownership off all means of production; which I whole heartedly disagree with by rote. However I do understand and agree with Anti-Trust and Anti Monopoly laws. I am a Statist After all; but only based on the US constitution and its laws which should be spread across the globe with certain tweaks. Namely to the house of reps. But others too. See my other blog posts and you'll get where I'm at and coming from.

communism is collective ownership of the means of production*

m8 a few tweaks won't make capitalism a good system

First of all, do you even understand what imperalism is?
No imperalist country can be free

do you even understand the contradictions within the capitalist system?

No system which operates on wage labor can be free

Ima pragmatist not a capitalist or a communist. But it looks like those links lead to a reeducation / propaganda camp - attempting to cause class wars to do exactly as I've described. And the US has the potential to be the Land of Anti-Imperialist as well as the Land of the Anti-Communist. And yes the biggest tweak is to enlarge cogress to about 10,500 representatives for the reasons I've outlined in MY posted writings.

30 million people die a year from poverty when we have enough resources to easily save them.

Don't pretend they don't exist retard and don't pretend that is somehow efficient.
"But it looks like those links lead to a reeducation / propaganda camp"

wow I didn't know historical fact is propaganda,

And I believe it's not only legitimate but necessary for private parties to own property that is used for making profit; history shows that private Interests in a business cause it to succeed rather than fail from lack of efficiency.

"it to succeed rather than fail from lack of efficiency."

ussr was more efficient than literally any capitalist country.

it turns out forcing workers to labor to survive while a class takes the majority of what they produce without doing any labor while spending the majority of their resources manipulating money instead of actually doing something beneficial to society, is not very efficient.

Soviet Union was far from efficient and..... it failed. The Russian Empire It was taken over by charasmatic elitists using class warfare to kill millions of "white Russians". That's not referring to skin color but a political grouping.

you mean the white vs red fight? The one where the white army literally tried to take back over the country? You don't understand how revolution works do you lmao retard.

"Soviet Union was far from efficient and"

higher production per capita

" it failed."

revisionism. They let a retard get to power and made the country.....capitalist, despite an 80% vote against capitalism

That was real slave labor in Russia. Smh. Is that what you're lobbying for? An elitist run country using actual slave labor and retarded political leaders?

Communism today is a tool used by the elite to cause conflict along Class lines so they can come in and scoop up the resources both public and private from the ashes when it fails:

lmao class conflict is created by having multiple classes lmao

There will always be classes. It's human nature set one's self apart even if it's a false notion he has about himself.

Society has created institutions and tax policies, dedicated to helping all of humanity move out of poverty but this is a daunting task. As long as Labor Intensive Jobs even exist it will be impossible to eliminate money all together, and the Global Lords are loathe to give up that level of control; but it won't happen anyway. No one wants a moneyless world. We'd have no way to measure our Talents.

here is a nice book going over in detail every time history has proven literally all of your points wrong

". No one wants a moneyless world. We'd have no way to measure our Talents."

the only talent it measures is how much you are able to oppress someone.

That's another place your dead wrong. A rediculous thing to even say. Steemit itself earns money for every upvote and who was oppressed as a result?

"Society has created institutions and tax policies, dedicated to helping all of humanity move out of poverty but this is a daunting task."

actually capitalism needs poverty to function. Mao and Lenin raised their countries out of poverty basically overnight, it turns out using violence to stop the poor and starving from working and getting food solves that problem lmao

Mao pulled his buddies out of poverty and the financiers of the revolution but Most of china is slave labor to the western elite making and shipping cool stuf in return for unbacked fiat currency. Lenin was of the same mindset; a egomaniac warlord in the same vein as any other 'would be' dictator.

"There will always be classes. It's human nature set one's self apart even if it's a false notion he has about himself."

that doesn't mean it has to take place in a class structure where one rules over the other.

There are more than two classes. Is that what you're saying?

there are those who own the means of production and those who must labor on them to survive.

I do both. I have to get back to working for and running my business now; that employs a few other people as well. Good day sir.

here is a video explaining economic classes, you seem to have a problem understanding

I understand everything you've presented. Studied it even. And yet I disagree.. whole heartedly. I'm surprised you can't see the eliteist competitors propaganda in all this. They're using you to stir the pot; to create the ashes; to rule over the greatest non-Empire republic ever invented.

"non-Empire republic ever invented."

are you fucking retarded

we have over 800 military bases outside the country, the most any other country has is like 16 lmao tard

Community Property - Still not an empire. We have no emperor.

"Communism today is a tool used by the elite"

actually its for the workers and by the workers

Communist Revolution is how actual slaves are made by the people funding the revolution. I.e. Chinese Red Revolution and just look at all the robot like slaves they have working in Every major city.

china is capitalist

The workers have no resources to revolt. Those have to come from elitist competitors who expect to rule from the ashes.

"The workers have no resources to revolt. "

Really? They have all they need already

Globalists who want to see the destruction of our way of life and the freedoms espoused in our Bill of Rights, are funding people to expose our nation's historical bigotry.
Regardless of the Party in control, they are hitting us in a political soft spot creating class warfare, but if anyone can look up to Marx, Castro, Che, Mao, Chavez, et. al., and the destruction they've inflicted on their people, there is a problem because that ideology will turn our Nation into poverty central, as the elite hoard the wealth in fear that the masses will take it all. And make no mistake, they will eat our proverbial lunches if left unchecked as they are beginning to now, as we bomb their countries into oblivion for middle eastern religious reasons but politically expedient for us.

The refugees are like barbarians at the gate, but they are barbarians that we created; or I should say, the elite created while making money on war and putting us in debt for it. Trump was right, we should have taken the oil fields and sold the oil to pay for their liberation from the dictator our government put in power in the first place.

We are one Nation. The Flag and Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem are all symbols of our nationalism. This tension will boil over and destroy our nation. This tension is a weak spot that Foreign Globalists are using to undermine our Nation.
Nationalism was given a bad rap by Nazi racists but nonetheless we have a real nation and it needs to include all races of citizens being protected by the Bill of Rights and our pledges of fealty to the fiction but promoting individual economic accountability not communist genocide of the creators of wealth.

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