📊Top 21 Level 1 commenters for 20170727, active hours and how their comments looks like (by @ace108)

in #steemit-stats7 years ago (edited)
New table added and for today one more than 20 this time because there is a tie.
HEADER-Swimming with SteemSQL

Note: Level 1 commenters are those who leave comment at the first level in reply to a post directly.

Here’s a look are the top level 1 commenters for 20170727. I’ve excluded known bots and curators from this but if anyone has any suggestions, they are most welcome. This serves to inform and you make you own decision whether they are the good, the bad or the ugly. I can only comment once every 20 seconds. Correction: I am only allowed to comment only once every 20 seconds. I type fast and sometimes get that annoying message quite a bit when responding and when I reply on my phone using voice typing, I get that even more. Anyway, 1,000 comments will need at least 333 minutes which is more than 5 and half hours. Hands up those of you who have spent more than 5 hours leaving comments at the first level.

Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Summer.
让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“夏天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/


Top 20 level 1 commenters for 20170727

Commenter Count
@chantha 504
@khunfarang 280
@investigation 241
@bottymcbotface 222
@amedeo 218
@jwolf 199
@counterweight 187
@djnoel 187
@shahzaib 182
@slickhustler007 182
@bilbotbaggins 175
@pastorlea 164
@joeyarnoldvn 162
@raziell 155
@andyx 130
@tradewonk 126
@head10 125
@misterbitcoin 121
@blazing 120
@fitzgibbon 118
@gaman 118

At what hours do they comment

This shows when the users listed above left the level 1 comments at different hours of the day.
HEADER-Swimming with SteemSQL

A look at some of their commenters

This is a list of comments from the above users which looks at the first 28 characters as similar comments and list of these similar comments that has occurred 10 or more times (ignoring those less than 10 times)
Commenter Partial comments Count
@andyx I love your photos! You are 24
@andyx I like your photos! You are 22
@chantha Welcome to Steemit community 493
@counterweight Hi. I am a volunteer bot for 184
@djnoel Good post my friend i am @dj 172
@djnoel Hi my friend good post i am 10
@fitzgibbon [![AL ROKER WELCOME.gif](htt 14
@fitzgibbon [![TRUMP2.gif](https://steem 14
@fitzgibbon [![THANKS SWEETIE.gif](https 13
@fitzgibbon [![HILARIOUS.gif](https://st 12
@fitzgibbon [![BRAINFART.gif](https://st 11
@fitzgibbon [![YOU GET A TACO.gif](https 11
@fitzgibbon [![WELCOME.gif](https://stee 10
@gaman Welcome to Steem Community @ 97
@gaman Resteemed your article. Thi 21
@head10 Awesome photography.I am vot 36
@head10 Awesome art.I am voting you. 11
@head10 Awesome photography and love 11
@head10 Awesome photography with thi 10
@investigation Hi. I am a volunteer bot for 234
@joeyarnoldvn wow 34
@joeyarnoldvn welcome 25
@joeyarnoldvn cool 10
@khunfarang welcome to the Steemit Commu 19
@misterbitcoin https://steemit.com/steemit/ 111
@misterbitcoin https://steemit.com/steem/@m 10
@pastorlea Welcome to this amazing comm 125
@pastorlea Welcome to this amazing stee 21
@raziell "Hi friend, very good !!!!! Y" 155

Source of data: steemsql.com

SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue
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Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108


I See👀. I Shoot📷. I Steemit♨️.


Damm it ........... i spend around minimum 8 h a day on steemit and i am not on the list :(

Well it is not always good to be on top, most of the comments seem like comments for the sake of commenting and having more posts. So basically spammers.

Haha i know was a jouk . I do not always coment people i vote , just because not every time i have something to add :)

Right, me too. Like if I have nothing to say of cannot think of anything, then I say nothing.

I think people twisted the comment part . Comment can give you visibility but only if add something to the original post , i think we any way know who vote us and without spam the posts . The stupid comment ever :
,,I upvoted and resteemed your post do the same ! "

Yes, that's another one worth investigating. :-)

Good comment. Welcome to statistics. Upvoted and followed. Please upvote and follow back.
I'll resteem your comment too but there's not function to do that. :-)

Wow hahha ! ,,Chek my blog please there is post tottaly not related with yours but just because i comment you have to vote me ( here come the link ) :P

OK, formatting problem with last table again. Fixing in process.

This is great, love this info/statics posts, this shows how this community keeps growing. Great post as always. keep it up.

Thank you and thanks for your comment.

Hii Ace 108 nice to read your post..i am surendra from india,am also a new on steemit and welcome you to steemit.i have followed you.so, can you also follow me.Best of luck and also upvote me.

Thanks for visiting and thank your for your comment.

Nice investigative work @ace108!

Thank you. Just bring some information out to the community .:-)

This gets more interesting with the timings of the comments added lol

Some LOL and sometimes I decided to start muting. :-p

haha yes, mute away!

I noticed the level of spammy comments seems to be growing on a couple of your posts..maybe the Level 1 Commenters posts attracted them? You reply so nicely to them though..

I probably won't ever comment this much!!... I believe that my comments should add as much value as possible to the post I comment on, that's why most of my comments are lines after lines of thoughts and words. <(see?)

This is one list I don't wanna be a part of. haha~

If I ever made it, I want to be at maybe bottom of the first list and not on the last list at all. :-)

Seems it is fun to play the data.

It is good to find different data to support or disprove some thoughts or assumption. :-)

Interesting information, thanks for sharing

You're welcome and thanks for your comment.

Ha ha, as @jdnoel would say, good post my friend. What I dislike is any comment that leaves you wondering if they even read the post.

Good comment. Welcome to statistics. Upvoted and followed. Please upvote and follow back.
I'll resteem your comment too but there's not function to do that. :-)
BTW, this is cut and paste reply too. haha. :-)

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