@steemhunt Lied About Their Competitor and Gave You Outdated Statistics - Here Is How To Dig For The Real Numbers

in #steemhunt6 years ago

I've been very positive about @steemhunt and HUNT Token. You've probably caught me saying that despite all the problems that https://steemhunt.com it should at least be valued at 10 cents a token (50 million USD marketcap) and I was planing to even make a post saying that I'm willing to sell my HUNT Tokens at 0.1 STEEM per token (9 cents) as soon as the withdrawal function is ready. But then I cam across the following:

AngelList acquired Product Hunt for $20 million in 2016. Currently the website is one of the Alexa Top 5000 sites. The engagement has actually decreased over time.

The above screenshot may not mean a whole lot even if you compare with the following screenshot. I mean @steemhunt is a tiny new emerging platform. It'll grow very slowly. AFAIK only Steemit.com has a better Alexa Rank than Producthunt.com

Now here is the huge reveal. I took research to my own hands and here is what I found.

@steemhunt Lied to Us

Yep. They gave us outdated BS statistics on their competitor. I want you to go to https://www.producthunt.com and get dirty with counting and it'll expose the lie. This post can wait. Just do the counting.

They Made Their Competitor Look Good.

on most days the number of Hunts on producthunt.com is in the 20s or 30s and I counted several days with numbers as low as 12, 13, 15 (go ahead and verify by yourselves)

Despite having much less visitors @steemhunt has a great number of votes cast with top 10 posts getting close to 100 votes and at times even closing in on 200

The Power of Incentives and An Already Beaten Competitor

All this success is due to simple arranging of incentives backed by proper and functional technology. When I thought of selling HUNT Tokens for quick 10 cents, I wasn't aware of these numbers. I checked the Alexa and I thought we had a lot to grow. But now I say as a Hunter myself; We have no real competition. All we need is more people to get smart enough to ditch the lesser "Product" (pun intended and join the winners.

I don't know how accurate those Upvotes/Comments per DAU are. But i won't be surprised if the real statistics came across as waaaaay too good to be true. So do your research people. We might actually discover ourselves to be better than what we'd expect.

My Previous Posts:
Why You Should Log Into https://steemhunt.com Right Now
You Need To Ask Yourself This Question Before You Claim Your Free HUNT Tokens

Happy Hunting!


@vimukthi, how about the idea hunt in your view?, honestly i still don't understand it at all :D

no idea about idea hunt? the idea is to hunt the hunters😀 we all die soon when it launched.fun.

i only hope HUNT Token price will be at least $0.5 LOL

you are in peace...you will get more than that. 😀

So what does this now proves? 😕

it proves that you can't understand anything LOL

😂😂😂...no a time for joke though
Trying to get his point here!
And then?
What happens?

ask @vimukthi dude,,, don't ask to me

it proves. just hunt and post. don't think too much. enjoy the play. have a great day.

images (23).jpg

sometimes i dont understand what are you talking about @sabari18

me too...don't try to understand... if you accidently understood anything please tell me too..enjoy

i only understand one thing that you @sabari18, and @camzy, don't need to comment here

I just realized 😔

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