Stellabelle's Steemfest2 Entry: My prject Idea To develop and bring more users.

in #steemfeststella7 years ago (edited)

hello my dear steemians:

This my entry to win trip to steamfest 2 in portugal you can find more  about steamfest here: )This conest is supported by @stellabelle and you can find more info about this contest here: (

 this is my video entry about the contest :



video was too short, i could not mention a lot of things that i could do to make steemit platform better such provide new ideas like adding new features to to simplify its use.steemfest will help me also to suggest my project to the community and get their opinion about it.

my project will be a online market platform that accepts only steem and steem dollors as means of payment.this will help steemians to spend their steem to buy items specially in the country that does not accept cryptocurrencies and will give more valuable rate to cryptocurrencies in the market.

special thank to : @stellabelle @steemfestdreams, @aggroed, @steemfest and @roelandp for supporting this conestPlease visit my blog and forget to :  



Wish you good luck man!

Thats alot @jwolf for your support
join the contest its try your luck :)

@bassemm got you a $0.87 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@bassemm got you a $0.87 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

Want a boost? Click here to read more!

wish u best of luck

haha m3alem

ali happy follow me

good entry brother wish you a lot of luck :)

best ov luk dear

thanks alot sarra :)

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