A meeting for the artists that are going to be at Steemfest2 in Lisbon - Who will be there?

in #steemfest7 years ago

My wife @silviabeneforti and I will be at the Steemfest2 in November, in Lisbon. We are both artists. Which other of the Steem artists will be there? (I know @opheliafu and @voronoi are going to come too).

I would like to meet the artists that will be in Lisbon. Is it possible to organize a meeting in the Steemfest program? 

I know it's too late to change the program to have room in the conference hall, but I ask to @roelandp if there is a chance to add a meeting for artists.

If it is not possible to have it in the scheduled events, I think we artists could meet in Lisbon anyway. We have just to choice a place and a date during the 5 days of the Steemfest.

As I wrote already, I think the Steem community could be really useful for artists. It is useful already, helping artists to earn money from their work. But I think it could be even more useful.

Content creators are bound to have a bigger role to play in the next years. Art is a kind of original content. Artists, in my opinion, should learn to see themselves as creators of original, honest and sincere contents. This means changing the identity and the role of the Artist as we know it. And this is one the things I'd like to talk about with other artists.

What do you think?

Of course many of the artists on Steem won't be able to be in Lisbon, but they can take part anyway to this meeting, sending their thoughts and posting and commenting on what we will say there.

That meeting in Lisbon, as I see it, can be another occasion to start a collective work.

Let me know. And stay tuned.


I'll be there!!!!

Oh my gosh @paolobeneforti! We are so on the same page! I had just begun creating a post looking for other artists going to SF2 as well when I came across this post!!! And, I just commented on one of your posts about @roelandp's offering of an art space and an invitation to you to join in SteemitChat in the room steemit-team to discuss such things!! Excited to see what you have up your sleeve!


@skapaneas has shown great interest in having a greater presence for the arts at SF2 but I have been unable to rouse him. I feel the sooner we get on things the better, so we can truly make a good showing of the amazing-ness of this artists' community. Let's chat!

that's fantastic @everlove! It seems that there will be a place for art and artists at Steemfest, for showing and talking! I will try to have a good list of proposals and topics to share there, but we definitely have to talk about it before :)

Hey guys - sorry for the delay responding here, just saw this! I'm definitely attending and looking forward to meeting you all. I can't commit to a formal project unfortunately but it would be great to meet in the space @everlove has reserved / discuss Art and Steemit :) @hansikhouse and I will make sure to be there!

great. see you there then! :)

Oh YEAH!!!!! Going to kick up the artistic presence at SF2!!! Simply having some super creators will change everything!!! Glad you're both going--we will all be blessed!

I am totally down for a brainstorm sesh. We have a space for everyday, though a couple of days will have other events going so not likely well attended at those times. Let's chat!

Hi Paolo,
great! I am working around the clock to have a location for #ArtAtSteemFest so that could naturally form a way to meetup.

I hope to strike a deal so we can have a pop-up art gallery for Steem Art. Last year was great and hope to continue that path to give enough attention to Art in all it's forms being shared on the blockchain.

I think having the venue set, it will be a logical place to hangout, especially in the weekend after the 2 conference days, so saturday 4 november and sunday 5 november. Stay tuned!

Great news! I'm not sure what @dana-varahi and I can bring. I'm already doing prep for the hackathon (yeah, developer-artist, that is me!) but art is a big passion for me also so will love to see what we can do with this...

that's great news, Roeland! it is what I was thinking about. I'll keep talking to the Steem artists in these 40 days before Steemfest, so we could have topics and proposals to debate in the location of #ArtAtSteemFest. @everlove is also working about it, and I hope to have also @voronoi joining (I saw he is already scheduled to talk in the conference days).
I will follow the news from you in the coming days.

@paolobeneforti wonderful idea! I'm going to be at steemfest (thanks to the #japanese community) it'd be great to meet and hear the thoughts of other artists :)

thx @fukako! See you there - with many other artists, I hope :)

Hello !
I am not an artist but I am trying to empower the artists around me (in Belgium) to join Steem. So... If something is there will be a meeting (and if I finaly find a way to get to Steemfest), I would be in !

great, Roxane! Stay tuned for updates :)

I would LOVE to be there but don't think I can find a way financially so any virtual connection would be so awesome!

and, @paolobeneforti this is a really really good idea

I hope there will be a way to share the meeting in real time, so to let the absent artists follow and partecipare.

that would be amazing!

aaaa i wish I could come)))

Great initiative, @paolobeneforti! I will also be at Steemfest2 and I'd happily connect with all the other artists. Really looking forward to!

great! we are preparing some nice stuff for the Art meeting. We have not scheduled a day but we'll do it soon :)

Just awesome.

@dana-varahi and I will be there. I think there are gaps in the program that would allow a potential artists meeting if nothing official can be scheduled in. We would just have to have some way of contacting each other, or time and place where we are supposed to meet.

the organization says there will be a time and place for #ArtatSteemfest, with some kind of exhibition: in that occasion we could manage a meeting. :)

Yes, I saw and upvoted the comment by @roelandp after I posted my comment. Realised my suggestion was redundant as soon as I did! Other than to confirm that @dana-varahi and I will be there...

I'll love to be there, but is absolutely impossible for the moment living in Venezuela! Great idea Paolo!

thx. hope it will be possible

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