No More Steeming Hot Steemfest For Me = The Rat Poop Dilemma! ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜“

in #steemfest โ€ข 7 years ago

What am I talking about? It seems to be an expectation that I'll be at Steemfest next week (which of course, I would love to be) but sadly, I must burst that balloon of confetti sunshine happiness! It would be so fun if it were true, but I as you might have gathered... I will not be.


Instead I'll be scraping up RAT POOP! You read that right but I am getting a head of myself first let me explain...

Remember how a couple of months ago, I was playing in some white sand and salty oceans, singing my original song about going to Steemfest? Well, that was for a competition to win a trip to the big event in Lisbon and while I have hours and hours of hilarious footage and I mastered singing in weird public places to make my first video ever, I didn't end up winning that contest. I realized that making videos is hard (or else you'd have the blooper reel by now!) I spent hours trying to dub my footage so you all would know what I was saying since I decided to go with a raw, fresh version where the waves were trying to eat me while I was singing to you about flying to what I referred to as 'Steemitfest', completely new to the whole scene and a tiny minnow, in over her head.

Before the announcement came from @stellabelle, about who had won the tickets she was so graciously donating through her contest, I had some news come my way and I had to make a decision. See, I haven't gotten to this part yet in my life story that I am sharing with you all here day by day, but back at the beginning of this year, I had been exploring New Zealand in a camper van that I bought and renovated, surfing the windy roads of the mountains,
climbing volcanoes and emerging myself in ice cold water bodies! I was having an incredible time but that time was fleeting and fluid until I met some business partners and my whole world started changing.


Most of you don't know, I am a co-founder, I call myself co-creator of a non-profit organization and that had been a big part of my life over the last 4 years as I traveled, looking for the next step, the next opportunity and the next piece of the puzzle. I have learned and grown monumentally since starting out back in the States years back, but through that, and my own personal transformation, my dream has also continuously evolved into a beautiful dream that I have been watching unfold as I trust in my ability and passion to make it come true.

I am not going to make this a plug for my business here but it is a mere introduction into the reason why my plans have changed.

I joined Steemit back at the end of June and it was perfect timing because whenever I left New Zealand, there were huge plans on the table for moving forward fast and furiously! I landed in Bali and my head and heart told me to just calm down for a minute, take stride and give myself a breather. I needed to work internally before continuing to put my all into external, no matter what that would be. Knowing this, I settled in here and have been living in bliss ever since.

Steemit became a fun way for me to share and inspire while I was having my R&R. I don't think anything in my life is work, I see it all as play and if it isn't fun, I get rid of it. I have built a new perspective of how to live in line with passion, engaging in fulfillment opposed to obligation and that is what my dream speaks to, that is where my time goes. I want to share with the world the beautiful lessons life has gifted me. I got a bit carried away on here, absorbing myself into the computer screen day and night, injecting myself into my profile and I forgot to take time for myself. I became completely overtaken by my online persona!


I had a couple of eureka moments where I pulled back and looked around at the world around me, reminding myself that my mission is first and foremost out 'here' and then I can share here with you all! Steemit granted me a new opportunity to share while at the same time, generating some income which was a very appreciated gift.

So, since I love and appreciate Steemit so much and you Steemians have become my fam, why am I not going to Steemfest?

I left my van sitting at one of my partner's houses down in New Zealand. That van had my life packed into it because I had left New Zealand with the intention of coming back and making the beautiful country my home. I had no idea that Bali would offer me such an intensely amorous option to be taken into her arms when I got here. SO my whole world changed upon landing and I could not bare to leave this magical paradise that seemed to suck me in from the moment my plane's wheels hit the ground!

It turned out that my van NEEDED to be moved by the end of October and that was also the only time I could go, which meant I needed to either go down there and get back on my first plan of moving in as planned and making New Zealand my home or, go sell my van and close up some of my unfinished business.

I expected to go and sell my van. I bought my flight, planned my trip, scheduled my meetings and then only afterwards realized that it all intersected with Steemfest. I am a big believer in fate and so I saw this as happening for a reason and so as saddened as I was to be missing what I believe is going to be an amazing congregation of some of my favourite people in the world, I felt it was just my journey at this time. Maybe Steemfest didn't need me there...


I just found out that my beloved van and ALL of its components have been completely destroyed by an army of RATS that infiltrated my home while I was away. It turns out that my van, "Sam" didn't have the supervision I expected it to while I was away and now has to be gutted. Obviously I need to go and deal with this but what the heck does that mean for my trip now?

I recently bought a drone with the specific purpose of taking it along with me when I got back to New Zealand as I was planning on settling up my previous life there and going on a grand journey of all the beautiful places I hadn't yet seen but now... now my vehicle for that is kind of out of commission.

Is this a sign, taunting me?

Was I really supposed to go to Steemfest after all? I was so excited to go and of all places in the world, it's being held at one of my all time favourite cities in the world, Lisbon! I was so broken hearted when I found out I wouldn't be able to go and now I am flying into a metal container of rat poop instead! Yeee-ikes! At this point, I have sunk a lot into the plan that is flying down to the Southernest point imaginable and trying to salvage whatever is left of my life in my tin can.

Your thing (Steemfest) sounds so much more fun! ;)

Even though I currently am set on flying down to remove rat poo from my clothing and hoping to salvage my mini library, I will be there in spirit with you all! I hope you have an amazing time and am sending my love from a far! Hey, if a miracle happens, maybe I will end up completely redirecting myself over to your party and ditching my obligations but, in case miracles are too stretched out at the moment or being used on more pressing matters of the world (which I wish they are), I will see you all next year and every day until on our community board here!

I am sending you all so much love! Have a STEEMING HOT PARTY!! Remember, crazy actions make amazing stories, I can vouch for that! ;)


PS: I just realized I hit the big 1500 t'day, yay! You guys rock! Steem on (despite the glitchies lately!)

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That's a bummer that Sam wasn't supervised as you had hoped. I have had a year of life changing decisions of where to live, so I think I know how you feel. You'll be missed at steemfest. Next year for sure

Hey @gringalicious! You'll have to have all the extra fun for me, ok? :) You know, this is a hard lesson to learn but it's important. I often have had issues when I leave my possessions with others, being a nomad as I have been for so many years, I have had more than this story show up in my history book of life experiences but it's OK, I will handle it knowing everything happens for a reason. I am super bummed about missing Steemfest and missing you in person but, another time will come I am positive! Have the best time and don't forget to check out the coast! <3

Ok, the coast, I will see what I can do. It looks like Saturday and Sunday we're kind of on our own, so maybe I can check it out then.

I agree with you, everything happens for a reason. We'll meet someday.

Chickadee, I hate to mess up your ideas ... but you need to do some research and a slight change of plans and ... hopefully you have a camera you can hook up straight to a PC for download ...

Here's the problem. Rat poop carries serious, life-threatening, birth-defect inducing diseases. Here's a short list

When it comes to the papers, use your mask, photograph them and throw them out. :-( Yes I do know how painful that is.

Your clothing .. mix a container full of some hospital grade disinfectant and do a pre-wash before you start dragging them around to washing machines.

Your bedding and furniture cushions ... gracious ... I personally would take them out and burn anything that can't be completely immersed and soaked and dried.

Wipe down everything with that same disinfectant. Everything.

And then as far as the van's running condition goes ... I hope they didn't get to the electronics. If so, check with a mechanic, but it might be easier and less expensive to assume the worse and replace the wiring completely. Chasing down electrical shorts could consume the rest of your life.

While you're stripping everything out of your van, tent camp !! ;-)

It will be fascinating to see how you come through this adventure.

Have fun! Wait. Uh. Have fun, responsibly :-D

Awwww thank you so much for this message- did not realize the severity at hand not being there to see with my own eyes but from the new news I got today, very disheartening to hear that my material life will be going up in flames (literally) as they burn everything that is not salvageable :( Yikes, just another lesson in life! <3 Thank you for the kind, thoughtful message as always. You are such a wonderful woman @marillaane, so happy to have you as part of my Steemit fam <3

Oh man! Stinks that your van was attacked by rats! Either of the places you'd be living sound pretty amazing. We currently live in Spain but I hear a lot of expats retire to Bali. Saw this post in the expat chat room and had to check it out. :)

Hi @apanamamama :) I know! I kind of wanna say something 'cheesy' like 'oh rats' or something ;) It's life though, I'll sort it out :)

I love Spain! I visited there a few years ago! A lot of expats are here, that is for sure! I have been traveling for the better part of 4 years and when I got here, something clicked in me and I knew this was home for now! It's beautiful but quickly becoming quite popular which could change things! Definitely worth a visit though, the sunshine and magic here is unforgettable! <3

Sounds so nice! I definitely want to check it out. It is true that when a big group of expats moves into the area, everything changes. There's a town near us that has a lot of expats that have taken over in the last 10 years or so. People say it has changed so much. We like being about an hour away from it, but not right in the middle of it.

Yes it's true! I have lived in many expat areas all over the world and there is a lot of effect that comes from it, one of which is a huge surge in pricing that can be problematic for the culture! It's very interesting to see... its also kind of sad at times. I try to integrate as much as possible or just keep to myself and try not to upset the ecosystem :) Right now, I am a short drive away from the toursits and expats but also close enough to hang out with them if I want to haha <3

Yes, that's what I've heard. The expat town near us has very inflated (close to USA) prices. We can't even take the kids and eat there because burgers are $10 and housing is way more expensive. I think if Panamanians aren't working there, they pretty much don't live there.

Hi my dear friend! It's happens! Always when you was waiting for a great moments or preparing to travel somewhere, suddenly, something happen prevent you to travel, but don't worry you can travel next year to steemitfest, and then you will meet all the friends.

Yes exactly! I am excited for next year and will be looking forward to everyone's posts coming from this year's meet up :) <3 Thanks for the message @creativewoman!

I know what you mean about balancing "real life" with Steemit. It's drawn me in for a tremendous amount of hours as well. But it's been a wonderful way to establish a daily writing habit.

From your feed it really doesn't look like it's slowing down your real-world adventures, though!

Hey @winstonalden :) Yes, it can really be a weighted scale, I love it here don't get me wrong but I also love the paradise I moved to and want to make sure I don't keep forgetting about it ;) You're right, I moved through stages of my 'real life' and got back out there exploring and sharing those adventures though, in contrast to before I had Steemit, I was always out there opposed to just one day here and there maybe every other week so that's what I meant :P

I love that it's supported artists and creative content and ideas, it's wonderful that this platform and community is cultivating a place for that <3

For our sake, I hope you keep doing both - getting out there and then coming back here to share it with us!

I will definitely do so :) <3 Thanks for the encouragement =D

Life changes with the age but in what direction no one knows where it will take us !

That is for sure! This is just another mystery and I'll be sure to embrace it with a big smile, everything happens for a reason :)

This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed :]

Thanks @ipkiss :) much appreciated! <3 Now that I have found out how not fun the alternative is going to be, not being at Steemfest, at least I can connect with more Steemians here ;)

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