How To Be a Dick-Ned

in #steemfest6 years ago (edited)

Okay, now I'm just going to do this all at once just to get through it before I can just go to sleep. Before deciding to write this I had decided to make a video but the camera wouldn't work, before that I was walking in the street talking to myself like a child throwing a tantrum, just to calm myself a little. Now in my walk I passed through a group of kids who were throwing fire crackers around which I didn't notice because I was, again, throwing a walking tantrum. One of the crackers had me jump out and kids laughed at me just seconds before a car passed by and for some reason the guy riding shotgun screamed "fatty" at me for some reason. So needless to say, no, that didn't calm me down.

What am I talking about ?

Twenty days ago @steemitblog announced a contest to win tickets steemfest, I originally thought that the winners will be picked randomly, you know, like an idiot. But to be fair I only thought so because I read their post which stated "The five winners will be chosen in a random drawing and will be notified by Steemit, Inc.". How stupid of me, right? Anyway, I couldn't get to read the winner announcements post because I figured since I'm not tagged then I missed out. Now there I have made a mistake between the time the post was announced and the time the winners were announce, my mistake was actually putting so much hope into this. But please understand this part. In the past month I was barely able to sleep at all, every now and then a sound of a bomb or a shooting or just people screaming at night would keep me from sleeping, I stay in an apartment with lots of people, the apartment itself is old, and the country just sucks. I have no job despite applying everywhere I could think off. My biggest source of entertainment is reading @comedyopenmic posts and doing an hour radio show with @buttcoins.

It's a pretty pathetic mundane life I know, but I look at the bright site almost always. I write stupid posts about self-driven cars, plants, chickens, song lyrical parodies, hell I even wrote a dick song for @carlgnash. Which considering the circumstances, I think it should have gone to @ned more, sorry Carl. Why does all of what I mentioned matter is something I'll explain later, but for now I hope you understand that I know that high expectation of a raffle or a random draw is a wrong policy to have. Which is why for a week I didn't complain or even felt bad for more than 3 minutes about missing out. Even though the idea of not getting to meet people like @buttcoins and @llfarms would have been great along with all the others, and actually getting to leave this country for few days is just what I needed. It was fine, I moved on. Well, till @doomsdaychassis Brought up this post by @teamsteem to my attention. Turns out that the whole point of the random draw is for them to just go with and I'm quoting @andrarchy on this

We just thought it would be more fair to allow Steemians to pick the winners democratically. Didn't realize anyone would take issue with deferring to the will of the community.

Now this comment comes with a heavy heart as I had one interaction with Andrarchy and it ended with him recovering my account for me after I had lost my main key, recovered it, changed it, and lost both the new and old keys in the process so his effort is truly appreciate it. But the comment about democracy really irks me as an Iraqi I know a bullshit "democracy" political excuse when I see one. And for that I'd ask; shouldn't the "fair democratic" process include people who know THEY'RE FUCKING VOTING?!?!

Now you might say "They said they could change the terms and conditions". To which I'd say, yes, the TERMS AND CONDITIONS/ This is not what happened, what happened is they told us to wear our soccer uniform and get 11 players ready, then gave us bats to play baseball at a basketball field. They changed the game not the rules, a random draw and a vote aren't the same fucking thing! If I ask everyone "who wants food" and that I'll be getting the food from McDonald's. Changing terms and conditions would be me getting you a big mac when you wanted Angus Deluxe. And Democratically picked meal would have to include people knowing THEY'RE FUCKING VOTING.

The reason this is getting to me so much, is because it just does. Having a fair process just matters more to some, when I live months of my life just taking shit after shit after shit It just matters that I get a fair footing in a fucking "randomly picked winner" contest. I ACTIVELY told my friends @doomsdaychassis, @belemo, @holybranches, @dj123, @moh, @profanereviews, and many MANY more NOT to nominate me because I trusted that it's a randomly drawn winner, I had many people from @comedyopenmic looking to rally behind me along with others we have open connections that could have done the same such @traf / @trafalgar, even @Berniesanders, I could have even gotten @nedshair itself nominate me. But you had me actively working against myself. I can count 45 nominations AT LEAST that I'd have had just guaranteed.

Honestly during my walk I talking/yelling to myself just to translate my feelings into English and somehow process them, I found myself crying a little . Call it weakness, call it what you may, I'm not a person that takes crying lightly, and it takes A LOT, and you can ask anyone about this, to get me out of that cheerful and comical mood that I'm usually in and make everyone is having. But @steemitblog @andrarchy and @ned, you honestly broke me.

I really hope this gets to you somehow, maybe @roelandp could show it or anyone really. Also know that this is not just how I feel, but everyone who missed out because of this cowardliness bullshit, including people who weren't even planning on going or entering. And including some the winners themselves they all see the conniving, weak, pathetic, unfair way you treated EVERYONE, thank you, and congrats-the-FUCK-YOU-lations


I just stumbled onto teamsteam's post

While I appreciate them holding the contest and have no doubt andrarchy had the best of intentions, I can certainly see how this entire episode can be seen as unfair.

I indeed felt ned's logic was really stretching it: If I hold a contest where I announce that a winner will be chosen at random and 1000 people enter and I pick my best friend Brian as the winner, saying that it was technically random to everyone who entered because they all had no idea I was going to pick my friend Brian seems like a very liberal use of random here.

But it was his tone that I found very disappointing. It was very dismissive, disrespectful and for me, totally undid the generosity of the contest itself. I had a glance at his other comments and discovered that a surprisingly high proportion of them were similarly condescending and mean spirited.

This is honestly a little worrying as an investor. We've had a broken economic system that makes supporting good content prohibitively expensive for many stakeholders including myself for over a year now so I can't help you as much as I'd like.

Admittedly, bernie is a more generous person than me and I applaud his offer to send you to Steemfest.

I hope you don't feel too bad about this, slowly but surely we're working to fix the economics. I don't know or speak to Ned at all really, so I don't know what to make of his attitude, but I'm sorry you had to be subjected to that.

You said everything I wanted to say and more in a much more eloquent way than I ever could have.

well said...

you know, if you wanted to change things you certainly have the SP for it. And I know where you can get a group of people to help make things loud....

just sayin

I think I said this before. I woke up today and it felt like a hangover of sort. I had decided to just let it be but reading the comments ned made got me riled up again. Like while I wasn't convinced by what Andrarchy said but him owning up was eventually enough for me. But just it's disrespectful. Referring to people as "complainers" and the "prove me wrong mathematically" like we're some idiots who don't know how math works. Being selective with what he replies to. Like if you think you're above us then don't reply at all but talking so condescendingly really got to me.

Honestly dude thank you, having your upvotes and jokes here and there was good enough, and I kinda understand how you feel. Just kinda because I'm here only because I don't have another place to go. My friend moved on to whaleshares and I'm kinda half way there. I honestly think even I get a job in real life I'll be forgetting about this site. Just for now, every little bit is important for me.

I'm not going to fixate over it, and honestly I don't usually spend so much time dwelling over something like this. But like every time I think about a detail or another and start being a bitch again, lol. But yeah, moving on starts here.

I have to agree.. if the goal was to get someone’s name mentioned as many times as possible then that could have been done easily (as seemed to be planned by others in the post), I thought it was a random draw as well.

I hate this for you.. I know you didn’t expect to win and had accepted not winning.. but to know it was done in a different way than was originally stated.. that’s tough. I’ve found that’s the way it goes here.. popular vote doesn’t even always mean who go the most votes or comments.. it could just mean who is publicly more popular.

I also know you did not ask me to nominate you and you didn’t ask anyone else to either.. no one made a public call on a discord to go mention your name that I saw and I chose you because I think you are hilarious and were deserving. I think the fact that so many did mention you, without being asked should mean something to you ❤️

I think each person doing a contest has the right to do it the way they want, but yeah it would have been nice to know they were deciding a different way.

I’m sorry you are going through so much.. my heart hurts for you man.. sending good vibes your way.

I know logically it shouldn't be this hurtful. It just doesn't feel like, especially after some of Ned's and Andrarchy's responds on Teamsteem's post. Referring to people who have a problem as "complainers" and referring to me as being "hurt over something" As if there wasn't a whole post explaining it.

I'm not saying i'd have won or, and this is the important, that I deserve it more. I'm just hurt because an equal footing was really important. I spent like 5 minutes last night at the judges rood on discord staring at the conversation where I told everyone not to nominate me anymore and that part really kills me.

I even had strangers who I never interacted with and have read my posts nominate me, which meant a lot. I've had conversations with people who feel about the same (probably few steps back as I went full loco) but it's the feeling of being cheated like that and people in charge not taking responsibility is what made me break.

Honestly, I should just man up and move on, it just doesn't feel like it.

Thanks for the comment. Good vibes received :)

Well, I am really sorry that this happened. It makes my choice to leave Steemit all the more sensible now. I feel like I need to choke someone but I don't know who.

Anyhow, buddy. I don't have much and I know it is probably too late now but let me know and I will gather as much as I can to help you out. I know that a shit ton of others would be in for that too.

You can choke me............. er um I mean Ned. Choke Ned.

may I recommend a chicken

Each of us have their own thing going on so I wouldn't even ask. I'm just glad people I know are going while feeling a tad bit for not getting to meet them. Thanks, Prof <3

I know you wouldn't ask but the offer is there.

When you get near Ned.

Don't take the clippers on the plane though. Remember the last time.

Just don't pick me please!

This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

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You know, this is not really a good time bot...

I swear to god checky!

I am truly pissed that they did this to you man. I am sorry I was the one that brought it up. Maybe I should have shut my mouth for once in my life and saved you some grief. Sorry dude.

I'd have seen it anyway as I have the guy followed. And it was something I was looking into anyway. Not your fault.

It really sucks how they did man, I don't have the words, its just messed up. so sorry about the whole mess.

It's just weird, moving on I guess.

Yeah, you'll be alright man.

Democracy is always going to be about mob rule and isn’t a fair system it’s just an inclusive system! Democracy is more about marketing than anything else it’s one big popularity contest people just vote for who they know or who they want favour with.

Voting is never a selfless decision it’s a selfish one, you vote because you want something!

This was a really well written argument and more power to you man!

Good luck and wish you all the best man hopefully you make it to steemfest

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's just the fact that they mentioned democracy as such a noble mean when it wasn't acted upon in similar matter.

I don't see going there to likely happen and honestly I just don't think it would even feel that good now. I've seen some of the winners and their comments about the injustice in all of this and saw that it even ruined their joy. I wouldn't even suggest we do it again as it wouldn't be fair to the winners and I apologize if some of them saw this and made them feel bad. It was just venting in the end and I was going to feel better by the time I get up, but then I woke up and saw that Ned referred to me as a "complainer" and that I was "hurt over something.." as if there isn't a post detailing it.

@amirtheawesome1. Hey what’s up man? I waited a day before I responded because we could feel your emotion in this post. I hate it when people don’t do what they say. It’s even worse when it comes from the brain behind my favorite platform. Eh, but congratulations on getting your ticket from Bernie Sanders, dude that’s awesome!

Now that all that’s out of the way, when I read this yesterday, I was laughing pretty good about the “fatty!” Laugh out loud, I wasn’t expecting a serious thread after that. Well written, Amir, maybe I’ll get to see at the next one.

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