in #steemcleaners7 years ago (edited)

I dislike BOTs that post their SPAM everywhere on SteemIt. That is why I am speaking out against this nefarious new BOT, which dubs itself, "@goodbot" - because it is an EXTREMELY ANNOYING BOT which has just turned up on the scene to SPAM us all to death with its' terminator-like perspective on how it thinks humans should behave on a social media website.

I spend my time creating good posts. I don't need somebody's SPAM-BOT coming along and telling me that I used a Tag that their APP does not approve of. I will return FLAGS for SPAM, and I will spend Steem, SBD's, and other means to do so.

This is why I would like to ask all of my followers, and anyone else interested, to please go to this guys' blog, click on several of his posts, and flag them down. We need to nip this problem in the bud before it becomes a CANCER on SteemIt.


(photo courtesy of: http://entertain.mercenie.com/_

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It is my bot.

Whether it's helpful or not is up to discussion.

So far, I think it's doing well.
It only comments each user once, if they decide to use #introduceyourself more than twice.

The only users that I see getting annoyed by it are users, who abuse the #introduceyourself tag.

I will not turn this into some ridiculous flag war.
Just use appropriate tags !

Your Spam-Bot sucks. Deactivate it before I hire another Java-Script writer to Spam-Bot your Spam-Bot back into the obivion of code that it came from. Why would anybody care that somebody uses an "introduceyourself" tag for the creation of a series of good posts? Why do you think you have the right to police what other people do on SteemIt, based on some self-important view of your place on a social media platform? If people are creating good content, and SteemIt does not like the way that things are being tagged, then it should be up to some kind of a site Administrator to re-categorize content in the best way they see fit.

If everybody just goes out and starts writing a bunch of voting-bots to go out and start auto-spamming everyone, based on their idea of how they think SteemIt "should be," then we're going to have a real fustercluck on our hands in no time.

Why would anybody care that somebody uses an "introduceyourself" tag for the creation of a series of good posts?

Because it clutters https://steemit.com/created/introduceyourself
People go there to find new users and welcome them.
My bot gives a friendly reminder of how most users would like to use the tag.
It doesn't flag or threaten anybody.

The bot got quite a few upvotes for its comments and only very little flags ... I see this as a good sign.

"Because it clutters" Are you serious?!?! SteemIt has some real problems in that regard, but I don't post enough content for anyone to be able to say THAT. Maybe two original posts per week. SpamBot, on the other hand, is really on a good tare through here, probably coming up on 200 spams each day. Now, tell me some more about my "clutter," ....

OH! Meep! Meep meep meep.


Well, I think I flagged it more than "only very little flags," singlehandedly. It's put out about 150 posts, last time I checked. I can't flag it all night long, so I may need a bot for that.

Meanwhile, its reputation went up from 25 to 39, which means the upvotes outweigh the flags by far.

I think you could put your SteemPower to better use by upvoting good content.

Yeah, you're probably right.

Ok, you win. But, you are still a Spam-Bot-O-Phile. :-)

(Courtesy of the SNL YouTube Channel)

Well and you are a tag-abuser who said I had a sad life ...

This wasn't about winning or losing and I don't hold any grudges.
Just try to discuss these issues on a nicer tone next time, please !

Only if you make an @nicebot account. That way I'll know if I'm being nice enough, or not.

Is that the reason you want to flag goodbot

Do you think human beings should be taking instructions on how they should behave from an APP? Should I choose the Tags on my posts according to what a BOT program tells me I should or should not be doing? Should I stop thinking for myself and just blindly "follow the rules" as laid down to me by a SPAM account?

I should think NOT.

I think goodbot just trying to stop spam

Stop SPAM by creating more SPAM ?!?! I'm not sure I follow your logic.

If you had any idea what you were saying, you would not be saying it. My posts, for introducing new people to steemit, in a series, are anything but spam.

Does goodbot create spam. Sorry i didnt know that

No, goodbot doesn't seem to be spamming, as far as I can see it is only letting people know they are using a newbie tag repeatedly.

How do we know you're the "real" @felixxX ??? 0.o

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