STEEMCHURCH:The Great Authority to Occupy

in #steemchurch6 years ago

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"And he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them occu. till I come. "Luke 19:13 (KJV)

The key statement that raises puzzles in this verse which must be given adequate consideration is the last sentence “Occupy till I come. ”This is a statement that is pregnant with several meanings depending on how it is stated.

There are four possible dimensions to view this statement for clearer understanding and deeper reflection.
In the first instance, this statement could be viewed as one that is borne out of love, trust and confidence. In other words, the speaker demands as an act of love that the hearer or the recipient should enjoy the facility he is providing. lt is also an act of trust and confidence that the speaker has in the receiver that he should occupy what is being given to him.

In the second instance, this is a statement that could be regarded as an instruction from a superior to a subordinate. It is not devoid of love or trust, but only shows elements of ’advice. in this type of instruction the hearer has the option to respond positively or negatively.

The third dimension of looking at this statement ”Occupy till I come.” is through a commanding tone. It is an order from
master to a servant, which must be complied with. It is not only a command but a mandate which must be met. The servant has no option. To do otherwise is to receive punishment.

The fourth angle through which this statement can be considered is to see it as a plea from a kind, generous and benevolent friend to another friend. He knows the benefits that could be derived when positive response is given to such an opportunity. He is equally aware of the punishment that could be meted if and when response is negative. The tone is in a pleading form because He wishes the best for His friend.
A broad view of the statement “Occupy till I come” encompasses all the four different dimensions enumerated above. They could be regarded as four faces of the man behind the Statement. He spoke it as an instruction that gives room for choice. He spoke it as a command that allows responses with consequences. it was a plea that calls for personal and positive effort on the part of the hearer. Most importantly, the under tone is that of love, trust and confidence from the speaker to the hearer.
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When all these expressions are put together, one who is the receiver of this message has no reason not to appreciate the trust, love, confidence and opportunities being offered to him. But one thing is still very important before arising to obey this call to occupy and that is the authority behind the statement.

Occupy till I come when expressed as a trust, instruction, command or a plea could be as ordinary as any mere statement until one knows who is the speaker.


Good to hear from you iwinosa, Thanks for sharing with Us!



Moses was called in a mysterious manner to lead the lsraelites out of slavery in Egypt. The experience of the burning but unconsumed bush had just taken place followed by an instruction to occupy the position of leadership. Moses was quick to ask a relevant question as to the identity of the personality behind the message. He asked;
Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, the God of your fathers has sent me to you and they ask me, “What is his name ?” Then what shall I tell them ? Exodus 3:13

Yes, no name is higher than the name of Jesus.

Dear @iwinosa, your posts continue to inspire to do more and be a better person. Keep up the good work.

Moses was brought in a puzzling way to lead the lsraelites out of servitude in Egypt. The experience of the consuming yet unconsumed hedge had quite recently occurred taken after by a guideline to involve the situation of administration. Moses rushed to make a pertinent inquiry with regards to the character of the identity behind the message. He inquired;

Assume I go to the Israelites and say to them, the God of your fathers has sent me to you and they ask me, "What is his name ?" Then what might I let them know ? Mass migration 3:13Dear @iwinosa, your presents proceed on rouse to accomplish increasingly and be a superior individual. Keep doing awesome.

God has likewise given us the same mandate to occupy till he comes, in all our endeavors we should make sure that we do not fail God

wow great post

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