Our Saturday at @SteemCampUK: a lovely gathering of steemit family and future friends

in #steemcamp6 years ago (edited)

Real. World. Connections.
Putting a face to a name.
Something for Everyone.

Eggs and coffee,
swapping out the cassette toilet,
pots and chores, cleaning and all before writing this post

It’s now monday and I’m rested after spending a lovely day on saturday with some members of the uk part of the steemit community. We both took time out yesterday (sunday) to just relax, play too much fortnite together (lol) and just basically mull over our day, we packed out the evening too with pizza and beer in a new place that had 68 meg down internet! :) (more on that in a post later on today)

Both myself and @dayleeo grabbed an early morning booked cab (no public transport that works at this time) and headed into town for some last minute supplies and wandered up to the train station with our packed laptop bags with food and supplies.

We bought the laptop to do a podcast but as you will find out later it was not really that kinda day, it was very much get to know everyone rather than sit down apart from people for thirty minutes to an hour to take time out for a podcast although I would have liked to have done some little casts.

My lovely biza was in good spirits and she was excited to be out of the van and heading to another place that she had not been before, the travelling is easy from our station, only three stops and less then thirty minutes to get to brum, it was super easy for us.

I don’t go to birmingham that often but I really liked how easy it was to get to the impact hub, I had no idea they had such a developed eco system there for co-workers, the attention to detail was super nice, it’s been really crafted very well, I’d I loved to hear more about it.

In usual fashion dayle was already blogging on the train, getting a head start with her keyboard (that’s she’s not charged since she’s been here) and which finally (sod’s law) died of battery during the day — seriously if your looking to up your game on posting daily then get yaself a wireless keyboard for your phone! :)

Arriving at the very after a very short walk from the train station we found the place easily and buzzed the door and got inside, we were shown to the room that already had @lloyddavis, @beautifulbullies and @dobsdies chatting, I quickly set about with the order of the day — empty my darn bag of the food and stuffs! :)

The format was really straight forward and with @lloyddavis donning his open space hat we were corralled into a talking circle space. I’ve always admired Lloyd for his ability to be a conduit for other people to feel at ease and comfortable to open up and talk, it’s like that adapter you sometimes need for headphones — small plug to big plug ;)

One thing I noticed that I never noticed before was when Lloyd was walking around the inner circle talking throughful, steady steps, ruminating in his brain, making the space comfortable and inviting. I was already getting energy transfer from the sessions that we would hopefully put together with other people and it flowed nicely.

Although I had promised myself that I would not do my ‘I’m Phil and I’ve got so many things to talk about’ I did put my concepts I wanted feedback on up and then moved it to the end of the day — I never talked about it in the end AND that’s ok ;) — I’ve been trying my best to get even more humble and trust me I feel like I’ve made some progress.

bid bots, shit posts, new user starts

Man we got through a bunch of topics, I’m guessing the main ones were the following really (which were really culled from sessions) — I know I had my own opinions and angst? at some of these, I’ve always been about organic and long tail traffic but I understand the need to want to scale fast and get awareness.

  • getting started @davedev
  • curation projects and rewards
  • mining vs nodes
  • paid votes - good/bad/indifferent
  • short term exchange strats (get on video chat)
  • options and feedback on my project concepts
  • platform agnostic and income agnostic starter kit
  • promo-steam local steem events

The biggest take away however was the amount of work I need to do for the brand new user and the questions they have, I’m hoping that I can work with @davedev to maybe ask him a bunch of questions over our blogs and comments at what he thinks he needs to know for getting going on steemit.

the facia on the face of a city

Just as a quick side here I need to throw in about towns and cities in the uk, the legacy and history of a place seems to live behind facias and walls these days, brum is quite the race when you step out of the train station with the all seeing eye above as you try and get your bearings — I was totally thrown even thou I’ve been to brum in the past, it was like landing at a space port!

I’m not sure if that in my older years I’m really trying to ultimately spend as little time in big cities as possible, I felt overwhelmed with the amount of people, the momentum, the speed, the consuming, commerce — countryside life is where I’m mentally at peace. I’m glad I made the trip thou and now I know how to get directly to the impact hub I could see myself going there for a day working or something easily.

impact hub was a great start

For the very first #steemcampuk was a great choice, it's a shame they could not do us a better deal for having what are future events there but i guess that's just the cost of things these days, i know lloyd said it was about £500 which sounds like a lot to me but maybe it's not -- if @steemcampuk can sustain itself thou from donations, steem power delegation or a whale/orca taking interest in the projects that lloyd puts on that would be great.

I felt like we had so much to ‘air’ out to each other about each other and what things either we need to educate ourselves more on or come together as a collective on, I’m hoping in the coming months that doing more live video chats with each other as a group can be the glue from the web to the events, I’d love to work with @lloyddavis on that if he’s interested as virtual webinars with a steemit spin on certainly on the cards from my OBS wielding skills! :)

raft of future podcast & vlog topics

You’ve literally given me a million things to cover!

Especially for courses, I’m certainly gonna deep dive on the master nodes and nodes in general because that’s an area I want to get into as I want to be apart of the projects but also I think my analytical brain needs to focus up on those residuals where at the same time putting together redundancy and packing it into maybe a new kind of data host.

not hosting but management of your own node in the network, kinda exciting to think about really, like a digital data asset managed service — it’s like going back to my days as a head of running my GSP, clanlife! :)

what I was gonna talk about

So you might remember that I put up a session about three concept applications — I wanted to talk to you about them and sound out some ideas that I’ve been mulling over but I realise now that I’ve gotta do more prep work and actually have a design mockup for you to see on all three.

I know I will use these three apps, one is to jump into legacy and blockchains, what that looks like, no more photo albums in the home but albums on the web, in the cloud.

The basic income is something I think the steem blockchain is PRIMED and ready for, maybe EOS would be better for scale but maybe a small global trail for say 10,000 steemits in ‘communities’ will work out better, I’m not sure but I’d like to go down the manna base style of approach.

Lastly, the FUTURE component was about video comments, I want to bring back SEESMIC but for the steem blockchain, I think it can be done and I think we can make some bad ass plugins for video comments — we might have to go with safe youtube at the moment but I’d like to eventually hook that into @dlive or something.

in closing shouts to those that went

Hey @article61 it was really nice to meet you, you seem to have been on a similar journey to me and I can tell you have a lot of built up frustration but insight to share with the world, I hope we meet again.

@redrica well ain’t you just a lovely human being. You were super sweet, compassionate and thoughtful, thank you so much for buying me and @dayleeo a drink, we WILL return the favour, maybe wine? :) — look forward to talking more and you opening up about that project!

What can I say about @lloyddavis that has not already been said in triplicate elsewhere on the internet for decades, like discovering an amazing cheese or champagne that can only come from one region on planet earth — Lloyd is a rare gem in a sea of plastic bags. I’ve very thankful to know you and feel that Capricorn brotherly bond.

@rimicane you were a determined and focused person who I’d love to have on any team I build, I’d love to know more about your projects and curation things moving forward so please keep me in the loop, you live in brum right? So your not far away for coffee laptop clubs! :) — (ps, I saw this — https://www.travelbybit.com and thought of you, might be an angle)

Thank you to @steevc for your lovely comments in your own blog posts, I think it’s important to face to face to people to truly shape our thinking about how we feel about people, I know that every time we meet that get’s easier for us both — that’s how I feel anyway, even thou we come from different life scripts I feel we are finding our commonalities.

Being motivated @slobberchops was the order of the day for you. I know you are very keen to find a way to keep motivated. I’d say this, write for you, then let the market decide, don’t watch the views, don’t watch the retweets or even the money, just write for six months and then look at the stats maybe once a money — don’t give the writing too much power, just go with it, feel your way into becoming that writer/blogger that just writes each day, learn to enjoy the words flowing out, you’ll find it makes you expand!

Hey man it’s always good to see you @cryptofunk and it was a shame that @opheliafu could not make it (you were missed dear) but it was great to briefly chat, I felt the day was a bit of a whirlwind and I would have liked to have broken ‘crypto’ apart more, I’m sure you have many discussion topics — let’s get @daniel82 together and get the boys together for beers and a curry or something, I’ve never been to a good place in brum.

To the power mum @beautifulbullies and no doubt wonderful photos that you took it was lovely to physically match an account to a face, you were exactly like your profile and writing style! :)

@dobsdies never spoken to you before and I’m following you now, the stories of your mining and the power usage are especially interesting to me so I’d love to hear your thoughts at your next steps regarding nodes, maybe we can pull together some kinda pool of our own — certainly interested in investing in something that can a number of master style nodes.

@ultravioletmag I must apologise if I came across harsh at times regarding our chats, I think I must have been on a coffee crash. You were right about us all having our own journeys to go on. I wish you the best with yours and look forward to expanding chats in the future!

@bingbabe sorry we did not talk much, I know you are a new blogger just starting out, if you need any help check out @teamvideo for over 3hrs+ of video content about different areas of the platform from a content creator perspective, maybe they will help somewhere?

Ok, I think I’m all typed out! :)

P.s - still trying to work out how I only sent 10/20 steem to @steemcampuk and it was not enough, I think I did the maths not realising the $ to £ conversion — been doing that a lot recently and it’s kinda concerning from time to time but hey, I’m still alive! :)

p.p.s — props to @redrica and @ultravioletmag for breaking through the m25 forcefield and making it down to birmingham as well — I’ll be sure to head and support the london events in the future!

p.p.p.p.s - we would love it if you would follow our @teamaudio podcast — positively negative, a podcast me and @dayleeo do and will continue to do from over the pond with each other as we switch to the Dear Blog posts daily again. .. (sad face)

p.p.p.p.p.p.s - for all those people that did not make it you WERE MISSED and i'm sorry that things did not work out, i hope to meet you all in a future meeting m'kay?

So when’s the next #steemcampuk then? :)

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pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado ripped up the town (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros → crowdfunded digital signage concept called pi street → now living life through digital blockchains.


I am glad I have come to the event (despite being a bit ill). It was a great gathering and it was interesting to chat about real problems of Steemit and learn a thing or two!

Thank you for your kind words and the website! I have mentioned it already to the team! And I am open to the coffee meetings and would love to learn more about the topic you have proposed at the event. And we should start with it at the next SteemCampUK!

I have also shared the dtube idea with the @travelfeed and we will try it out. And I am not stopping just there, I will advertise us on youtube as well. I have already set the email account and the idea of the youtube channel is already happening! So thank you for the suggestion!

By the way, we are expanding and will be trying out the German platform as an international travelfeed link.

Written and documented like a true advocate- loved reading your coverage of the event even though I was there-- damn good post you!

Glad to see someone is buzzing again and had a great time. As expected, fantastic write up!
Just on your point about blockchain being purpose built for basic income, Im glad youve seen Manna. Ive been following their progress for a while. Im also a big advocate of microloans, and now microfinance as its become and again, blockchain is just perfect for this type of empowerment.
Anyway, glad to sense that buzz again, best wishes to the three of you :-)

cheers brother, yeah sometimes you just need fresh air (or at least reasonably clean) to change your mindset, i had a week of hard mental commitment, something i want to expand on more and open up for more people to feel 'OK' to talk about that -- thanks for the comment man! :)

Sounds like it was an event well-worth attending! I didn't even know about it until I saw all the posts afterwards. Will have to keep an eye on the #steemcampuk :D

always the way right? you and @rimicane need to follow each other if you don't already i feel! :) try and make the next one? thanks for the comment.

Will have to make sure I'm following the local steemit news more often!
Already follow @rimicane , interesting account.

Great round-up, thank you, goat-brother!

I will write something about the money, it's quite complicated and I know there are decisions I'd made that I haven't explained well. Now that more people get what the basic idea is, I hope we can have a more open and collaborative process for organising. Bottom line: don't worry about the money, it's all good.

I'm glad you both had a good day, it definitely wouldn't have been the same without you!

thanks man, i sent you another 14 steem today to the @steemcampuk account. i think i messed up thinking that i sent initially 10 which i assumed was like $2 steem but then forgot the payment was £10 not $$$ -- so i think i sent initially 10 steem and now 14 steem so i think combined that's enough for both of us! i'll try and get some more together if needed just break it down and we can all chip in.

Sorry, yes, i meant to say i'd seen that too. No need for any more from you :)

roger roger! thank you for setting up the day, can't wait for the next one! :)

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Great write-up @teamhumble. It's a pity I couldn't make it but the logistics from west Wales were just too difficult.

I was wondering if you might DLive from the event so I could have reciprocated.

With the relative small number of active steemians in the UK, and the fairly sparse geographical distribution, I do think virtual steemcamps might be a way to go.

I would be very interested in exploring this in more depth.

yeah i'm actively working towards 'in between virtual spaces' and the physical ones. i do believe the physical meetups are just as important but sure you can have more together on shows that way.

You are very sweet yourself, thank you for the kind words! It was such a pleasure meeting you and @dayleeo :)

Looking forward to when all our paths cross again, hopefully at Steemfest, if not sooner! And you should definitely also try to come down to a London event at some point, we'll keep in touch!

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