Steem Basic Income - Weekly Voting Distribution (4 May 2018)

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Still Going Strong

We are up to six pools, so your upvotes could come from @steembasicincome, @sbi2, @sbi3, @sbi4, @sbi5, or @sbi6. We currently have 1863 members that have posted within the last 28 days, and almost 500 members that have not. Unfortunately the members that are not posting are not receiving upvotes. There are currently 9608 'shares' in the program, and it grows every day.

Pool 1 accounts voted

Managing voting power around inactive members is an ongoing challenge. The portion of inactive members in pool 1 has reduced to 20%. Some of these actively comment, but not post, so they will start receiving upvotes when we finish our automation project.

Lately we have been more successful in redistributing the excess voting power that should go to the inactive members to active members, so that it is not wasted. With so many inactive members, we have only been able to upvote 412 of the members in pool 1! @josephsavage doesn't post frequently enough to get value from his management shares, so most of them are temporarily assigned to @katysavage until the automation project is finished.

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Our self-vote held steady at 2.9%, which means most of our voting power has been going to our members. Since our voting power has been holding steady below 90%, with little risk of hitting 100% and being wasted, we have actually turned off the self-vote on several accounts. The accounts still upvoting @steembasicincome accounts will have those votes turned off in the next rebalance.

Pool 2 accounts voted

Pool 2 upvotes come from @sbi2!

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We have made great progress in shifting inactives out of pool 2, and less than 22% of the members in pool 2 are still inactive. With pool 2 still auto-voting the updates, and updates coming out more consistently, the self-voting percentage rose to 7.1% this week. I expect it to reduce again over the next week, once we turn that auto-vote off and devote the full voting power to our members.

Pool 3 accounts voted

Pool 3 upvotes come from @sbi3!

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Many of the inactives from pool 2 have been shifted into pool 3, leaving it with a nearly 40% inactivity rate. We are still working to shift more inactives into pool 4, to start balancing pool 3 down toward 30% like pools 1 and 2. The self-vote percentage in pool 3 is up to 7.1%, but it will decrease again over the next week.

Pool 4 accounts voted

Pool 4 upvotes come from @sbi4!)

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Last week, I wrote that "As we will be moving inactives down into pool 4 (and it will take longer to fully rebalance pool 4 back to 33%, I would expect the inactive rate in pool 4 to climb toward 40% this week before falling again. Time will tell!" This is proving out, as the inactive rate in pool 4 hit 40% this week. I expect it to fall again, but since pool 3 also hasn't dropped much from 40%, it may take a few weeks.

Pool 5 accounts voted

Pool 5 upvotes come from @sbi5!

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We really start to see @dynamicrypto and @dynamicgreentk in action as we get down to pool 5. Each member is capped at 100 shares per pool, so these guys try to reach that cap every time a new pool is launched. Pool 5 is growing quickly, with the number voted rising from 263 members in the last update to 405 in this one. As it continues to grow, the slice received by any individual member will reduce. The caps of 500 members per pool and 100 shares in each pool per member help create equality in the SBI upvote distribution over time!

Pool 6 accounts voted

Pool 6 upvotes come from @sbi6!

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With pool 5 now filled, new members are being filled into pool 6. The number of votees in the pool more than doubled this week from 35 to 77. There are a couple bigger members, but since it mostly has members with few shares and high posting frequency, the distribution chart is more even.

Once full automation is in place, we will no longer be dependent on @steemvoter services. We can skip posts that would have an upvote that is too low to commit to the blockchain, and save the voting power for their next post. Really active members won't have upvotes on every post anymore, but they will still have the same weekly returns, without having to sequester them in their own pool.

That will also mean that we won't have to open new pools until the bottom pool starts actually getting full! That's going to be a positive development as well. We will continue to provide more information about the program changes as we get close to full automation. When we were small, before we figured out the multiple pools system, we started 'pausing' members that posted too frequently and would receive less than 0.5% per post.

As pool 6 fills out, we will start doing this again. We noticed after launching pool 6 that the tiny upvotes received by members that have only 1 share but post dozens (or hundreds) of times each week often failed to exceed the dust threshold. Since we don't want to waste that voting power and we will catch up any under-performers once our full automation is ready, we are going to start pausing these more active members.

If you post frequently and your votes stop, this is probably why. If you don't want to wait until our new system is ready to start getting upvotes again, please ask me about what you can do to improve your voting weight.


I appreciate the confidence placed in me by most of our members, as manually rebalancing voting weights is extremely time intensive. We are still working on our project to fully automate all the processes, but enough improvements have been made to support a more consistent update pattern.


If you want to get involved, or to increase the share of basic income that you receive, enrollment is pretty straightforward:

Just send 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome. Include the name of a Steemian to sponsor in the transaction memo (preceded by @). You and the person you sponsor will each receive 1 share in the program. You can sponsor any active Steemian, it does not have to be a current member.

If you're unclear, please check out our full transaction memo guidelines and then let us know if you have any questions.

The official currency for enrollment is STEEM. We accept SBD at our discretion (usually when they're very close, or when SBD is stronger) but you do not receive extra value or any partial refund for paying in SBD instead of STEEM. If we choose to accept an SBD enrollment, we accept the entire amount. If we choose to reject it, we refund the entire amount and request you to send STEEM instead.

Steem Creators Conference

We had a great experience in April at the #steemcreators conference! Check out the tag for footage and photographs from all the presenters and attendees, and see how many photos you can spot @josephsavage in!

Here is @josephsavage's presentation on Steem Basic Income, which we published at the end of April. Thumbnail


Steem Basic Income is designed by @josephsavage, and developed in collaboration with @earthnation. We are grateful for their early support, both in brainstorming ideas for improvement and in providing funding for our massively complex automation requirements. Learn more about Earth Nation on their web page at


Please read our recently published FAQ. Most questions are addressed in our FAQ or in the additional resources that it suggests. If you still have questions, ask in the comments section or join us in our discord channel.


Can I sponsor myself? lol

You have to sponsor somebody else, but when you do, it also grants you a share. Many of our members are willing to 'trade' sponsoring (e.g. you sponsor them and they sponsor you). If nobody responds here, you could try asking in our Discord.

Hi @mysearchisover

I'll sponsor you if you sponsor me; we'll each get 2 shares that way. :-)

May I throw in my search for a trade sponsoring? 😁
Have 3 Steem for that case right here. 😏

Hi @takowi. I'll sponsor you if you sponsor me. :-)
Perfect. 😎 Transaction done, sent three Steem to steembasicincome.

Thanks, @takowi. I sent 3 for you too.
Plus, you taught me to look at Steemd and all the transactions there, something I didn't know about, so thanks. :-)

Thank you very much, pleasure doing business with you.
And you are welcome.^^

... he said, two months later. :-) If you would like to sponsor each other for 1 SBI share, I'm down.

Not sure why you posted the link to minnowbooster... am I missing something?

Yes. I am willing to pay you to "sponsor" me with a Steem Power lease. lol

Great! Go ahead and sponsor me for one sbi, I'll see it in your memos, and I'll sponsor you right back.

I don't want the SBI I want the Steem Power. I actually compete with SBI to get the Steem Power loans.

It's amazing to see your service is consistantly working flawless 👏👏👏

One question, can I sponsor someone twice? It will affect the powervote exactly double?

You can sponsor someone as many times as you want. It will not exactly double, though. We redistribute the voting power of inactive accounts on a per member basis, not a per share basis. Also, our current voting engine only gives whole number upvotes, so how your share increase affects your rounding can vary.

Thanks for explanation
i take it as a chance to help good creators + your service + my own account

this is what makes your job amazing

Thanks for your support!

ADSactly Supports this ingenious idea that @steembasicincome has come up with to help show everybody how amazing Universal Basic Income can be vs the traditional economic systems that are based on Consumption when they should be focused on Producing Value for everybody!

If you are interested in joining the Hangout Today to share this Project with the ADSactly Discord Community.

You are Welcome to join the community by clicking the link below.

If anybody reading this from ADSactly can take a few minutes to Support this Project with an #Upvote, #Resteem or Both that would be fantastic!

Thanks for your support!

I'm a big believer in UBI, and love how you put it here, @adsactly: systems based on consumption vs focusing on Producing Value for everybody. :-)

Hi @steembasicincome . Just sent 1 steem with the memo @mrblu . Looking forward for a new development and more success for this project.

Our current enrollment processing delay is 2-3 days. You will receive a confirmation transaction when it has been processed.

Resteemed for this 😊 so that other steemians can read regarding this project.

Thanks for your support!

an amazingly brilliant mega project, I am sure we will all go forward and succeed together. because with our togetherness grow and develop

Thanks! We do our best.

Love that description -- an amazingly brilliant mega project. :-D

Hi, I'll like to know if SBD is currently accepted. I'll like to sponsor someone. I also noticed I was pushed up to pool 3. In doing this, will I be pushed up to pool 2, perhaps? I noticed the value of vote I get now, is more than when upvoting was done by sbi4. Cheers

We are not currently accepting SBD, but you can trade in the Market.

You could perhaps be pushed up again. We are cycling through the pools to check voting weight. Pool 3 has excess SP right now (it's higher than it should be), so you could see a slight drop if you get moved up again soon, but we are working to catch pool 2 up to where it should be.

I sent 5 STEEM and i have 7 SBI.but i got $0.01 upvote . I felt very sad about this @steembasicincome this is not fair😐

maybe you just have to wait a little more, it is a manual process to @steembasicincome

We have looked at the reasons why your pool is underperforming and we are taking actions to remedy it. Because you do have 7 SBI, you were moved up a pool today as well, so you should see some improvement in your upvotes on your next post.

Its so nice to hear that but no improvement eventhough i moved to sbi5
U can see pic . It is equal to zero after payout. I dont get anything

The current weekly average per share is 0.04 UI value. With 9 shares, I expect 0.36 per week. You post 18x per week, so your expected value is 0.02. The voting power in the pool is a little lower than target right now, which explains the shortfall. You should see it start rounding to 0.02 in the UI as soon as the voting power begins to recover from our latest rebalance.

If you are counting on SBI to help you exceed the dust threshold without any other upvotes, then you need at least 1 share for each time you post in a week. You need to aim for more shares or decrease your posting frequency to 9x per week.

I didnt understand your calculation. you are saying weekly average per share is 0.04. @josephsavage said 0.08 per share per week.he said 25 posts per week and you are telling me to decrease my posting frequency to 9 .i can show proof
What i understand is upvote from sbi depends on how early you enrolled into sbi
Not on sbi shares he/she has.
U can see above this is with only 2 sbi shares .my friend got $0.03.
It doesnt depend on only depends on in which group(sbi2,sbi3,sbi4 etc) we are in.
Thank you

Weekly upvote weight is calculated based on the number of shares you have (and what percentage that represents of the pool you are in.) This is fully documented here:

Every post and comment by @steembasicincome is written by @josephsavage, unless it says otherwise. When I said said 0.08 in Discord, I meant USD, and the 25 posts per week was a comment based on your actual posting frequency, as shown in the data at the time. It was not a recommendation to post that frequently, but an observation that with your actual posting frequency, your upvote was in the value range expected.

The screenshot you are showing is UI value, and so is the 0.04 per week that I told you today. There is a large discrepancy between UI values shown and actual values shown, because SBD value fluctuates. (Basically, if you posted at 100%, the UI value would be accurate, but with half the value shown paid in SBD at 50/50, your actual value is higher).

I can't provide any interpretation of the image because you didn't say who your friend is or what his posting frequency is. Number of shares and weekly posting frequency are the only individual inputs that go into the calculation, not how long you have been in the program - and showing a screenshot without enough information to posting frequency is useless.

Being involved earlier increases your likelihood of being in an earlier pool, but that has only a minimal impact on upvote value received.

I dont want to hurt you man @josephsavage i love @steembasicincome . I can understand u and your innovation that u want to help us .
I can appreciate it . Just i felt sad when i saw $0.01 upvote from sbi which is valueless eventhoigh i have 9 sbi shares. But no problem i got $0.02 upvote from sbi5. Hope the value will increase and your project will succeed🤗 .what is the ideal frequency to post?
Thank you
Yours @summisimeon

The ideal frequency to post depends a lot on what you are trying to accomplish and how you are using your shares. It should be the rate at which you can create quality content, but without letting other aspects of your life fall apart.

If you are still building audience and your posts are not meeting the dust threshold, you should not post more times in a week than how many shares you have (so that the SBI vote will help you meet the dust threshold).
Take the extra time to engage with your audience, visit their posts, provide quality comments, enter contests that don't require posting, and work on improving the quality of your posts so that you can grow your audience more quickly.
As your audience builds, you can settle into a posting rhythm that works for you and have SBI in the background as a 'set it and forget it' mechanism that boosts your returns but is not the main component of your rewards.

im gonna save you the what i sent in public but i was wondering, numbers and practical wise, how many shares i'd need to get a guaranteed 0.03 estimate ... maybe something you dont wanna throw around in public but im still wondering, i got some discord thing somewhere, allow me to see if i can get some url there

yah it says

im not much of a discord guy but its on 24/7 on my little server so private messaging is best done there but

im just asking b/c that treshold is quite a nice point to have, i'll get there due to my pledges but if its not far away getting there now would be a great help, since helping is helping since that means dissing out shares to others i hope you dont run off on my questionable morals ... i think advancing myself by advancing others is by far the best business tactic i have come across
im not here to pass judgment, i know it's all babysteps, and if i were a fat fish i would support with a bit more and faster but im a kitten

which is good, cos fish cant walk on land

but i can swim

so well anyway ... there i go again yapping tsch

ewh pfmm, i check that discord thing at most once a day so its best treated as an sms recipient for private messages btw ... i advertise nothing that costs anyone anything btw but if your vote aint worth the payout yet, you can get a bit of copper

It looks like your question is motivated by the dust threshold?

Generally speaking, if you take your weekly posting frequency and aim to have 1 share for each post (e.g. 1 post per week, 1 share is enough, but 100 posts per week would need 100 shares) you will always exceed the dust threshold.

the dust treshold :p

okay, so i need as many shares as i have posts per week for your vote to be worth anything at all ?

if i upvote a post myself to 0.02 i will get payout, but if i have curators ... 25% gets deducted

it's okay im just trying to figure it out, it doesnt come with a manual here

basically all votes below a certain treshold are wasted on posts that arent at payout level yet

if i'm correct

ah so ... im sorry im , this reply is like over the course of 45 minutes

my distrobot needs 7 shares in order to have guaranteed payout even without me voting on it ?

i'll fix that right away, i'm starting to like that little project
i'll let you know if it works :) thanks

... done ...

Once the post reaches payout level, all the votes will be counted. So if you are exceeding dust threshold without SBI, then you don't need to worry about it. If you are depending on SBI to exceed the dust threshold, that's when you want to make sure you have as many shares as how many posts you publish each week.

now that is what i call clear and concise info

I was initially hesitant about this project, but now convinced of the progress and development of this project, move forward, succeed for all of us

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