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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Annoying quotes or cliches)

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

That's so funny that you picked that quote. That's my most despised quote too, and absolutely what I would have said. Like I think I twitch a little every time I hear it. It's a thing that a lot of AA people say, only second to "it works if you work it!" Like, not only is it literally not the definition of insanity, but it's also not helpful. Sometimes you do the same thing twice and you do get different results because there are totally different variables and circumstances surrounding you. You know, if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again.

Here's my second least favorite:

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

No, that's stupid. Words can totally hurt you. This is just shitty advice to give to kids. Words can be abusive and powerful. You can defame people, and ruin their lives and careers. You can hurt your partners with words. Sometimes kids get called bad names and then they cry because it hurt and that's totally legitimate. Stop telling your kids that they're not hurt when they are, and telling them that their bad behavior isn't hurting other people when it is. Ya know?


That is idiotic. Word start wars, end marriages. Tell your kids how to handle the hurt, but don't tell them it doesn't hurt. That will just undermine your credibility.

Seeeriously. My parents used to say it to me all the time when I was bullied in elementary school. I'm pretty sure that the things that my classmates said to me back then still have an effect on me. How about saying something more accurate like, "I'm sorry that you're feeling hurt because someone hurt you; you totally have the right to feel that way. I know it's hard to believe right now, but if it's any consolation, that kid is an insecure asshole who thinks s/he can feel better about her/himself if they pick on someone else and let's just hope for their sake that they work out their emotional issues before they have a miserable life. Now let's go get some ice cream."

I especially like the part about ice cream :)

Definitely better, but a bit too long to be catchy! Except maybe the ice cream part, that is catchy!

Ha, funny that we were irritated by the same quote!

The second one, I guess, really depends on who is saying it. If it is the 'victim' then it can be more of an act of defiance (and hopefully, strength instead of bravado?), however if it is told to someone else, it might be at best helpful advice, but possibly an empty rejection of harm.

Words can and do hurt, I also remember things said that have stuck and hurt me. But luckily, don't define me!

I am so with you on that! Actually, I believe that wounds made by sticks and stones are more easily healed than those made by words!

On the other hand, I do think that there is some truth in the doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.Like believing an abusive husband that he has changed now, putting trust into the wrong kind of people - stuff like that...

Oh, I agree with the general intent of the quote, but it drives me nuts the possible original context was wrong!

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