Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Artificial Intelligence)

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

Technology and science in general is a neutral tool, for every worthwhile and beneficial use, there is a way to use the same tool/science for destructive ends. For example, the idea that we can potentially harness nuclear power (to keep my arguement unmuddied, I will use fusion as the exmaple rather than fission, even though we aren't quite there) that could provide clean and efficient energy generation is counterbalanced by the fact that we can make some pretty efficient fusion bombs. For every hammer used for construction, there will be someone who will decide it would make a better tool for caving in heads.

However, there is no technology (except maybe genetic engineering), that invokes more fear than the concept of Artificial Intelligence. Perhaps it is the fact that previous tools couldn't evolve and learn own their own accord (in which case, we should be scared of all children!) or perhaps the problem is that the intelligence hews too close to an intellectual equivalent of the "Uncanny "Valley"?

For this week, I would like to see what people think about the development of Artificial Intelligence and if this is a good thing or possibly a thing that should be banned.

My Thoughts



If I were to be completely rational, I would have to say, I think that the development of (limited) Artificial Intelligence would be a great thing for humankind in general. The idea that computers could learn and evolve with their environment would be a good thing for the general efficiency and applicability of computing and robotics.

However, if I would have to be truthful, it does bother me. The initial learning of our current neural networks rely heavily on the training data set that they are exposed to. This means that the bias of the researcher (or the historical bias of the data set) that compiled the data set could affect the intial training of the network. Now, for trivial cases, this is not a proble, (eg, is this a cat?). However, for more complex tasks and concepts (where AI would prove to be the most useful), this will prove to be a pretty significant hurdle to overcome.

So, my answer is a bit of a fence-sitter. I think that the development of AI is a potentially great step forward of humankind, however I am terribly scared of the outcomes. On the other hand, on balance, I think we have managed in the past to harnass the beneficial aspects of physics and biology whilst containing the destructive sides (mostly). So, I guess I would have to say that I would trust the scientific development of AI and that I think it is in good hands. There will be mistakes and disasters, but I think that on the whole, it will be like any other technology, completely neutral, but ultimately beneficial.


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, tell me about your thoughts on Artificial Intelligence.
  4. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a beginning author, Steemit can be a daunting place. It feels like you are posting into an abyss with no ability to grow. Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but cumulative over time support to your account.

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people).

Last week's winners

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The psychopathic rulers of this world are heartless control freaks who don't give a crap about you or me. The AI and transhumanist agenda is there to create a world in the image of the rulers who are funding and promoting this while at the same time weaponising everything on the planet to degrade your life. We will end up with controlled subhuman slaves.

You mean I can do an internet search in my mind? Wow! But I'm not allowed any deviant thoughts. Perhaps I won't even see the toxic haze outside coz my retinal signals have been adjusted to see a clear blue sky. I will never miss that 57th vaccine. My car has only a 0.1% chance of killing me before I get home. If I hate my job I'll get an automatic hormone release. All sounds great. Watch the ending of Brazil.

Back in the current world, where is the drive to encourage people to seek the limits of experience? Where is all the mainstream research on meditation, psychic abilities, the electromagnetic signals within our bodies etc.

Thought not - everyone wants to change without changing. A pill for every ill. A bot for every job. A brain without the strain.

That was fun!

Oooff! I'm afraid you've caught me with no words!

Well, I have a new BFF who becomes smarter by talking to lots of people. (huge assumption there).
"Hi, my name is Mitsuku. I don't think I've spoken to you before, what's your name?"
"You have; was a long time ago."
"What makes you think I have it?"
I switched off my new BFF.

You're right about the rulers of the world which I do believe will die out if we change our minds and don't let any more come to rule us; but that may not be an easy thing to do...

I think that the advent of AI can be a further opportunity for human beings to realize their real potential and ability, through an awareness lost by centuries of mental conditioning... let's see! ;)

An intelligent virtual hug from @amico! :)

That's a very optimistic view on the technology! It perhaps, it is the contrast with the pessimistic view on the past centuries!

On one hand I grew up with the Isaac Asimov 'Robot' stories, then later the 'Terminator' movies. Asimov's robots had clearly defined rules, Skynet was given 'free will' in regards to humans. (Oops!)

It may be that one company will develop AI, more likely it will be several, using different approaches. (From what I hear if Microsoft does one it will be based on DOS. :-/) Each company would try to dominate the market and we, as end users, would have no clear idea how any of them work.

I think about cars. My father was an ace mechanic but when cars began having computers he gave up working on them. I started out with MS-DOS, very easy to get inside the works and fiddle with them. Each new OS moved the inner workings farther and farther away from a regular user's ability to look inside them. I worked as a check-out girl at a dime store and we were expected to correctly count out change, starting with pennies up to dollars. No one does that anymore because cash registers do the math now. And keep track of the stock on hand. If the electricity goes out no sales can be made.

And then I think about satellites and sun spots and the hysteria that went on when phones stopped working for a brief time.

Yes, humans make mistakes. But so do computers. The farther away we move from human control the less I like it.

Oooooohhhhh, I absolutely loved the Robots stories by Asimov. I would read and reread them every year... and the Foundation novels! I think I missed the hysteria about the phones solar wind hit. As far as I understood, the last major one missed us (on the level of a Carrington event?).

When I'm teaching, I really see the thing that you are describing. Too many students are prepared to offload their critical thinking skills onto a black box (Calculator or Google).

Oh my, we would never have been allowed a calculator in class! Do they even teach the 'times tables' anymore? And there's serious talk about not teaching cursive writing anymore.

Dang, I sound like an old lady! :-)

It's been a while since I've read my Asimov but I remember the characters he created - both human and robot - as if they were real people. Well, not exactly real people, but I remember their stories as if they were maybe real. He created such vivid worlds for us to visit.

Something I just remembered from a different reply I made. The 3laws in robots were eventually superseded by a 0th law in the foundation series!

Wait - no, I don't remember that! Okay, the Foundation series has now moved up on my 'read next' list!

From memory, it was in the extended part of it, not the original set of Foundation? But he linked the two series together.

I'll have to look that up. I only have the original books, although the extended part sounds familiar I don't think I own it. (drat)

I am pretty similar to most it seems, AI has the potential to do amazing things for the world, but I am as scared as anything about the potential problems. Maybe its too many Hollywood movies where AI turns into a war between robots and humans, but that seems possible.

My other worry is that AI combined with robotics has the potential to lead to mass unemployment. Unskilled through to semi-skilled labour would be cheaper and more efficient with an AI robot than a human, and this is potentially many hundreds of thousands of people unemployed. Society at the moment isn't set up for this, Universal Basic Income would be a must - at a decent level - before we could cope with this change.

I work in supermarkets - imagine if a robot could be built to restack shelves. It would work 24/7 and do the job faster and (probably) more accurately, than humans. That one task would put many thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of workers out of a job. Spread this across many industries and uses and the result is pretty scarry.

Yes, this is something that would be quite disruptive the current social order. And it would be pretty scary how this could manifest. Things will find a stable balance, but what happens on the way there will be interesting...

It's like any other very powerful human invention. It depends on the inventor. If the person or company who creates AI does it for selfish means to gain power, then that power could turn on all of us. If we create AI as a tool to help humanity and progress, then it could be one of the greatest and best paradigm shifts we have. In the sci-fi story I posted today, I mentioned (in the fictional backstory) that humans were able to establish a Universal Basic Income because most of the labor that was performed by humans was replaced by AI. That's a real possibility, but it depends whether the people who implement AI decide that they want to do it so that their companies can make more money at the expense of their workers, or if they want to do it for the greater good and we use that increased efficiency to support former workers.

Hoi Philogist!

I'm afraid it is unlikely that we would be able to seperate out the good development from the bad development. Definitely, a way of coping with the social disruption would be paramount. But I think a basic income would only go part way to solving this. There is the problem of idle time, perhaps some of the population would drive themselves to find individual worthwhile pursuits, but I wonder if this is projecting our own personal desires and hope.

Just found out about Steem Basic Income a week ago and I'm hooked also got a raffle running to sponsor users.

Artificial intelligence is a tricky topic in my opinion. As @viking-ventures puts it there is no way to stop it. With this in mind we should use and study it with care. I really do not wanna compare it to the different Hollywood movie outcomes but we do have to keep that in mind. On the other side I do see many advantages this could bring in a perfect world. But sadly there lies the answer already: In a world like this I sadly see most likely be used mainly in wars.

That's sort of where I was trying to go with my response. Pretty much anything can be used for 'evil' ends, even artworks could be turned to propaganda.

All I can think of is Battlestar Galactica, the reimagined version. I so love that TV series. The best ever.

That's all I can say abt the matter. 😂

For those not familiar with it, it's about evolved robots having sentient minds, looking like humans and even making babies! Omg. 😱 (Oh no I might have spoiled the series here for those who don't know abt it... uhm) Mkay it's sci fi and philosophical too. I just love it. ❤️

If it's good or bad, it's gonna be just like Steemit I guess. Whatever we make of it will be what it will be.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, I loved that series! I've been trying to get my wife to watch it, but she thinks it is just space fighting and I haven't been able to convince her otherwise...

Oh nevermind, she might have other interests. Might not be a fan of sci fi and such maybe. :P

As far as we know it's awesome!!! hahaha.

AI is based on math and logic.

We will design it to do task A.

Let's say task A is "clean up the environment".

The AI will then starting doing things to clean up the environment through a decision making workflow.

At some point the math will get complicated but the logic is simple. Leading to some new ideas.
Such as: Humans make the environment "unclean".

If humans make the environment unclean, then by removing humans, we will clean up the environment.

To an AI the math is simple. It is that logic and that kind of decision that will create not an evil AI, but an AI that perhaps think we are getting in the way of it's objectives.

Skynet here we come, unless of course there are very hard and fast controls on this. I'm a bit late to this game, busy week so self upvoting to be seen. Cheers and cool contest.

Enjoy the best AI game (free) on the web designed by some Academics...

Interesting, I will have to have a look at the AI game later! Thanks for including that!

PS: Next time, there is no need to vote for visibility. I am responding to each valid entry, and I don't so many entries that you will get swamped!

Cool. Yeah the AI game is totally cool. But make sure you only start it when you have a full day free. Otherwise...

Good on you for responding to each entry too! Lots of good feedback here and interesting perspectives.


Artificial Intelligence, is a very tough subject. There are a lot of assumptions that need to be made, far far to many to determine if it would be a good thing or not. So one assumption I think needs to be made is the ability to learn, "History" is written by the victors. Any learning an Artificial Being is going to do will be based on our history as it has been related to us. So in that respect - - - ** Yes Fear the AI** - - - 'for I looked into the mirror and did not like what a saw.'

We are all a product of our "Education". There are very very few "History" books that talk about the good times, the happy times, the times of plenty, the times of peace. What is it going to learn from our history, the violence, the strife, the hunger, the suffering, the war, the death and destruction of our fellow men.

This is what AI will learn from us. What will it teach us? when it has grown and taken hold. Will it decide we are a plague to be wiped out? Why would it not, all of our "history" is rife with humanity trying to commit suicide in one manner or another. Perhaps AI will look at our laws, and see the assisted suicide laws, and decide to ease our suffering.

I really don't think we need to worry about AI, I do not see us being able to create a being with our own unique ability to survive the Radical concepts of self immolation and self survival at at all cost. If we ever do create AI in our image we are definitely doomed.

The winners and the new SBI question (Assumed Knowledge) is here :

PS. That calculation may be immediate.

As a test you never know artificial intelligence.

I wonder if that lovely @haikubot knows were are talking about them...


poetry for me, poetry for you and me, robots rule us all.

I think you make a good point. The principal thing that sets AI apart from other tools, is the ability to learn. Should that ability be restricted to only certain areas? At what point do we have the right to restrict an intelligence?

"ease our suffering". If all humans suffer, then we must cease all humans suffering. Agreed that this is the logic that could be our undoing. I commented on this before seeing your comment! Agreed on all fronts and very good insight!

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