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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Artificial Intelligence)

On one hand I grew up with the Isaac Asimov 'Robot' stories, then later the 'Terminator' movies. Asimov's robots had clearly defined rules, Skynet was given 'free will' in regards to humans. (Oops!)

It may be that one company will develop AI, more likely it will be several, using different approaches. (From what I hear if Microsoft does one it will be based on DOS. :-/) Each company would try to dominate the market and we, as end users, would have no clear idea how any of them work.

I think about cars. My father was an ace mechanic but when cars began having computers he gave up working on them. I started out with MS-DOS, very easy to get inside the works and fiddle with them. Each new OS moved the inner workings farther and farther away from a regular user's ability to look inside them. I worked as a check-out girl at a dime store and we were expected to correctly count out change, starting with pennies up to dollars. No one does that anymore because cash registers do the math now. And keep track of the stock on hand. If the electricity goes out no sales can be made.

And then I think about satellites and sun spots and the hysteria that went on when phones stopped working for a brief time.

Yes, humans make mistakes. But so do computers. The farther away we move from human control the less I like it.


Oooooohhhhh, I absolutely loved the Robots stories by Asimov. I would read and reread them every year... and the Foundation novels! I think I missed the hysteria about the phones solar wind hit. As far as I understood, the last major one missed us (on the level of a Carrington event?).

When I'm teaching, I really see the thing that you are describing. Too many students are prepared to offload their critical thinking skills onto a black box (Calculator or Google).

Oh my, we would never have been allowed a calculator in class! Do they even teach the 'times tables' anymore? And there's serious talk about not teaching cursive writing anymore.

Dang, I sound like an old lady! :-)

It's been a while since I've read my Asimov but I remember the characters he created - both human and robot - as if they were real people. Well, not exactly real people, but I remember their stories as if they were maybe real. He created such vivid worlds for us to visit.

Something I just remembered from a different reply I made. The 3laws in robots were eventually superseded by a 0th law in the foundation series!

Wait - no, I don't remember that! Okay, the Foundation series has now moved up on my 'read next' list!

From memory, it was in the extended part of it, not the original set of Foundation? But he linked the two series together.

I'll have to look that up. I only have the original books, although the extended part sounds familiar I don't think I own it. (drat)

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