A Drawing to Express the Power Of Steem.

in #steemart8 years ago (edited)

For the last 3 days I have been working on this drawing of a girl in awe of the possibilities that Steem represent for all of us. Each time I enter the Steem world I feel amazed, excited, and inspired from the awesome content made by all you wonderful Steemians.

I have done my best to express the Steem feeling in this drawing:


How I made it

I used our kitchen table as my workspace and a lot of various tools. First I sketched it on thick drawing paper with a normal HB drawing-pencil. Brand: Faber-Castell. Size of the paper is A3. Then I started colouring with lyra colour-pencils and making the colors brighter with brilliant color markers from Staedtler. I also used some cheap acrylic paint for the white shiny spots. If you want to create art you can use any tools or materials you have available. Mix up pencils and paint or use other materials you find interesting. The only limits are your imagination. I still don't feel finished with this drawing but I never do, and when I keep “fixing” my work I always end up ruining it, so I think I will stop and let it be as it is now.

The artist at work. I don't have any professional art tools or great artistic skills, but I still enjoy being in the creative process.

Work in progress. When you start creating you must allow yourself to make a lot of mess.

What art means to me

I started drawing and painting when I was very young. Drawing was one of the greatest joys of my childhood. Me and my sister used to draw on everything we could find, we used up our drawing books faster than our parents could by new ones, so we used old envelopes and the backside of bills and mail letters. Our grandparents who lived next door actually used to save all their envelopes for us to draw on. We also drew on the inside of books and on the walls to our mother's great frustration. We used to draw stories together, we played with the characters in the drawings and made them meet each other on another paper that we drew together.

This great joy for drawing have stayed with me all my life. I never draw unless I really want to, for me drawing is only fun and a way to forget myself for a while. When I draw I sometimes enter Flow state. In this state all my thoughts disappear and I become the empty and willing tool for some higher creative power that effortlessly use my hands to play and create.

Here is another drawing I made using the same color theme.

This is actually the first time I have drawn anything in about 3 months. Even if I have long breaks from creating, I always seem to come back to it somehow. It is like an internal itch that needs scratching from time to time. What are your experiences with creativity? What is your favorite art form? Now we can finally create and share our work here on Steemit. So dust of your art tools and start creating!

#steemit #art #creativity


That is really beautiful, Camilla! Wow even the close-ups look so detailed!

May I ask how long it took for the whole drawing? You didn't mention it in the text. This is what steemit is about, to bring creativity and originality to people while at the same time let them spend their time on themselves and share that with the whole world. Very inspiring!

I have to admit the same thing happened to me the other day, I created this account and started drawing again which I haven't done in over 7 years. I was a very good Pokemon Trainer back then and spent around 20 kg on batteries for the gameboy, haha ;D and had drawn all 250 of them (2 generations). https://steemit.com/draw/@pokemon/steemit-fanart-1-bulbasaur-and-the-steemstone

This is why I joined steemit, it will revolutionize everything we know and believe now.

Thank you for this great comment! I think I spent about 13 hours in total, I know it sounds alot but I do not work so fast :) I love your Pokemon! It is so cute ^^ You should post all you pokemon drawings. I used to draw my friends world of warcraft caracters :D

Haha maybe I should! :)

That's awesome! I used to play WoW too, haha. Here is my email profile I've used for forever, couldn't find the larger image right now; you can probably tell what it is. :D

I never played myself so unfortunately I dont recognize it :D Sorry! It looks super awsome though, did you draw it?

Yeah I did. :) hehe it's a Tauren Warrior in Vengeful Gladiator gear (for the nerds ^^)

Man I should really start drawing more again haha, thanks for this awesome post again!

I love your drawing! I would like to see a bigger version of it and see all the details. Could you post it maybe? Please start drawing again! I promise you will not regret it :D

Alright, that didn't take too long to find, I uploaded it to imgur, too bad there was no time stamp on this one but I think this one was around 2010 or so. :)
Could upload the pokemon ones on my pokemon account later when I find those. :3

Open in new tab for full res.

Replying here cause the quote tree ended:

I'm actually now gonna go look for my old drawings and see if I find the bigger version of that! You may be right that I probably wouldn't regret it! Even the pokemon one yesterday felt so good when it was finished, the whole "this site was a couple hours ago" feeling is just awesome. <3

Awsome! Looking forward to see your drawings here soon. The greatest value Steem have brought me is the courage to start creating again and sharing my work with all you beautiful souls out there. I hope we can inspire eachoter to run at our fullest potential and not hold back anymore.

It is really detailed and well executed. I like the shading You should make a post here about this picture and the story behind it :)

Haha thanks for the interest! Try right-clicking and open in new tab or this link: http://i.imgur.com/rscu7jS
I don't have an account there, I just used the imgur app to upload the picture, hehe. :)
I'll let you know when I post the others, once I find them. :D

The story with it was basically that I was playing WoW and got the full season 3 gear (you needed a certain rating for weapon+shoulders in PvP (player vs player)) and I thought it looked so good that I had to draw it, so I took a screenshot of my character and got to work, haha, this was also with some break in drawing in between.

I took your advice and created a post about it and about what happened here and how the power of steem can affect people. :)


yeah I finally figured out that I could open it in a new tab :D WoW have inspired many artists I think :D

Loved this post, an artistic rendering of what I covered in my last post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@andrarchy/how-steemit-turbocharges-productivity-insomnia-post If you don't mind I'm going to include the image in the article along with a link to your post. I think it will help get you some more attention. @acidyo sent me your way.

No problem! use it as you wish :) I liked your post! Im also a steem insomniac :D

Thank you. I would like to purchase this piece.

wow really? I have never sold art before so this is new for me :D How much would you buy it for?

How does 100 SMD sound?

Sweet! How do you want to exchange info? Have you used slack? I can send it in a DM there. Would rather not share my address publicly ;)

Steemit history about to happen! First purchase of art through steemit (with steem probably) ^^

Awesome! :)

We have a deal! Send me your address and the money and I will ship it right away :D

trying to get into slack now :)

Beautiful! Great work!!!

I agree. Very outstanding. The color scheme is incredible and unique. A lot of interesting things going on in there. But the one particular thing that stands out for me is that Bird(Spirit maybe?) like character. When will it be available to be captured on Pokemon Go? I want one.

Maybe soon :D I will make a new post with many of them. I have been drawing them for a while now.

I believe you've captured the essence of the wonderment Steemit will allow us to experience. It's in her eyes and how she is looking up--so much optimism and hope. Thank you!

You're right!

thank you for your nice comment :D You have totally grasped the meaning of this picture!

Great to see this website is attracting people with such talent and i know exactly how you feel, keep up the good work.

So cool that you can feel it too :D thank you for your nice comment.

I like the feather its got an elegant simplicity to it.

Really love her expression! Fantastic work!

thank you! I noticed some anatomic imperfections in her face, but I think I managed to convey the expression I wanted anyway :D

WOW !!!

thank you :)

Awesome! <3

thank you for all your help and support my love <3

Powerful work there.

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